Chapter 9

Thump thump thump was the sound my aching head was making the next morning.

"Oh, fuck..." were the first words out of my mouth. I felt someone stirring in their sleep next to me.

"Hello, sleepy head..." Nick said. "Feel any better?"

I gasped. " did I end up here?" I asked slowly, very confused about the situation.

"First, I want a kiss," he demanded.

A kiss? "A kiss? What the hell for?" He must be drunk.

"Because I love you and I am very thankful that you are alive. If you would have driven home, and you were about to, you could be dead. And also, if I hadn't come you could be dead in an ally right now after just being raped. That's why," Nick stated and smiled at me.

What is wrong with him? I began to get up when Nick grabbed me by my waiste and pulled me back. " you remember anything that happened?"

"Do I? Do you is the question."

"Yes, very well. You came in my house looking for me, then I told you to leave and we had this huge fight, etc. etc. etc."

"I'm talking about last night, hon."

My eyes got huge. "We didn't - did we?"

"No...." But I would have liked to Nick thought.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God. So, while we are on speaking terms right now, please explain to me what did happen."

"Are you deaf?" he asked me sarcastically.


"Well then, I said I'm not going to tell you until you give me a kiss. So ha."

"You're crazy," I said and stood up.

"Then I guess you'll just never ever know what happened to was something really really bad..." Nick trailed off, smiling to himself.

I spun around and looked at him squarly in the eye. "Okay, blondie, now you tell me exactly what happened to me or I'll -"

Nick cut me off by grabbing my t-shirt and pulling me down to his face so we were level. "I said kiss me, and if you won't do that, then I'll just have to do it to you." Without letting me reply he pressed his lips against mines. I tried to mumble somthing, but it just came out as a bunch of nothing.

I had never seen Nick this way before and although it kind of frightened me in a weird way it also excited me. All thoughts of what might have happened to me last night flew out of my mind as the kiss deepened. My pounding headache finally subsided and I began to relax, thinking of how long I'd wanted this as I felt myself return his kiss.

But it didn't stop there. On his next kiss Nick was bolder, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me closer to him. Next thing I knew the two of us were kissing each other hungrily and letting our hands freely roam across each others bodies. All that tension between us that I had kept bottled up inside for so long was now exploding in the best possible way. I could actually feel the chemistry brewing between us.

Things were getting really hot and heavy but I didn't want to stop. My hands were wildly entangled in his hair, kissing him as hard as I possibly could. I could feel his hands slowly encircle my waist and slip underneath the oversize t-shirt I was wearing and continue to work his way up my back. My heart was pounding with excitement and I started to wonder exactly how far things were going to go between us.

At that moment I didn't feel like myself at all. I was someone else sexy and desirable, more like Kerri. For the first time in a long time I didn't feel depressed and confused, instead I felt like someone actually cared. I was enjoying this new me and the daring feeling that came with it. Without even thinking about what I was doing I had raised my arms up so that Nick could easily slip off my t-shirt. After he had removed my t-shirt I sank back down on the bed, pulling him on top of me as he trailed his kisses down my neck.

I tilted my head back and lightly moaned as he began to gently suck at a spot on the side of my neck. While he was doing this I slipped my hands underneath his shirt, enjoying the feeling of his bare skin beneath my fingertips. Soon I had pulled his off, letting it fall to the floor along with mine.

I felt his lips travel down past my neck, over my collarbone, and down, towards the top of my chest. My heart was beating so loudly at this point that I bet that Nick could feel it pounding beneath his lips. As his kisses got lower and lower I let out an involuntary moan, loving every second of this. He continued to kiss down to my stomach and before I knew it his lips were brushing the edge of my sweatpants and that was when everything caught up with me. Things had gotten a lot farther than I had even realized and now that I realized how far things were still going to go I began to feel a little nervous. Even though I've had several boyfriends before none of them had been that special guy that I'd been ready to give up my virginity to. But here, right now, with Nick it could happen and even though I wanted to I couldn't help feeling nervous.

I guess that Nick could sense I was a little uneasy about things because he asked, "Is this your first time?"

"Yes," I admitted softly a million different thoughts running through my head. Would it hurt? It was too many thoughts. I began to get scared, then one thought stuck: what would happen after? "Oh, Nick.." I said quietly then stopped.

He looked puzzeled. "What? Is somthing wrong?"

"Yes! Me and you were about to have sex! What was I thinking?"

He sighed. Then mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"Nick, I-I'm sorry, but I gotta go," I told him, threw on my clothes and left the house.

He put his head in his hands. "Damn..."

Chapter 10
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