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bye bye bye... : (

..::PLEASE READ:::...

Due to some disputes, Sarah and myself have parted ways. We tried to keep this website up as well as we could, but is hasn't been working very well lately. You know what they say, "Drastic times call for drastic measures."

Now, I know you're probably wondering, "What will happen to their stories?" Well, we have our stories posted on two different sites now. You can go to these different links to see them.

Crunk Love *NSYNC Style..::..Emily Version
(i.e. Fan Fiction: Dream Come True, The Story Of Us, So In Love With Two.)
(Nominations: Best New Site, Best Fan Ficiton, Best Fansite, Best Title, Most Crunk, Bomb Fresh Writer, Best Ghetto Fabulous Incomplete Story, Bomb Tongue Action)

Crunk Love *NSYNC Style..::..Sarah Version
(i.e. Fan Fiction: A New Love, Lover's Curse.)
(Nominations: Best Fiction, Most Crunk, Bomb Fresh Writer)

We're both very sorry and we hope you all change your bookmarks! It doesn't mean just because we've got two different sites, we're not going to continue writing. WE WILL CONTINUE UPDATING!

Once again, we're sorry. We'll try to get it worked out, but in the mean time, go check out both of our sites and tell us what you think. You can contact Sarah here and Emily here. We respond to all e-mails that are sent to us, so please send us feedback if you like the sites.

Take Care and God Bless,

This site was made on June 10th 2000. Broken up on January 27th 2001.

Emily has been nominated in the Justin WorldWide Awards! Click here to vote for her!

Emily is trying to get written into a story by two very creative writers, Kimber and Murray. Please click HERE to vote! Her referral number is 181. When you go to the site, please click on the "I was referred by:" link! It should be there, but if it isn't, you might wanna check out the Odds & Ends section! This site is intended for mature readers ONLY! Thanks a bunch, ya'll!

[ vote for us before these guys kill eachother. ] FanFiction Awards!!