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*NSYNC are Puppies Page!

Look at the puppies!!! JUST LOOK AT THEM!!!! They are SUCH puppies! You may think that they are *NSYNC, but NO, they are PUPPIES! Why? Because look at their Puppy Faces!!! Ain't they cute? :)


We created this page because, well *NSYNC humor is the funniest thing on Earth and we just felt the need to share it with the virtual world out there. I mean come on how else are we supposed to be entertained in college?


This is a HUMOR site, meaning: we make fun of *NSYNC, and well, YOU might NOT like everything on this page. I mean, just cause we find it EXTEMELY hilarious, doesn't mean that YOU will. We are FANS of *NSYNC, we don't hate them, we listen to their music, watch them on TV, and make fun of how much they're like CUTE PUPPIES!!! So if you feel quite ready now, CHECK OUT THE PUPPIES! :)

"I think they’re cool. A lot of the girls put disclaimers on the front of the Web site saying, "If you don’t have a sense of humor, don’t come here" because they’re just out to have fun. And I think it’s their way of showing their, commitment and dedication to us by saying they’re tired of seeing, you know, just all the Web sites that say, "Oh, JC Chasez is so hot. Oh, Lance is so hot." They basically want to use their talents and ability of being witty and put them on a Web site and make it like really interesting for people who have a good sense of humor. And I love them. I think they’re great." -Chris Kirkpatrick

(MUWAH!!! We keese you Chris Puppy! We LOVE Chris Puppy!!!)

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If you need to contact either Bri or KB, about this site or, you know, stuff, please email us at:

Thanks bunches! MUWAH! :) All of our love and affection.


This way to see da PUPPIES! :)