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RED SCARE Lyric Page


Social Unrest

Walking down the street/Just the other day/I saw you on the corner/And you were staring at me/ You pulled me over/And said that kids like me/Just do not belong/You told me, I/Should just keep moving on/ You think that you are tough/With that badge on your chest/But in this world/It just causes social unrest/You say that you are the law/And it gives you the right/To stalk the kids/Who stalk the night/Just wait till one day soon/You will get what is coming to you

This song is not about why we hate police. It is about the few corrupt police officers who are out there to get their kicks picking on the people who can not legally defend themselves against the law. This is wrong and it will probably always be a problem. But keep in mind not all cops are pricks, some are pretty nice people.

Corruption of the Innocent

Take a trip into corrupt minds/See what politicians you might find/They are trying to grab up every dime/And they are going to fuck you all of the time/Children do not eat and then they get beat/The rich get fat and the poor just die/The government is telling us all a big lie/Land of the free but not for you and me

If politicians were to do their job this country would be a better place by a long run. But instead of doing their jobs politicians are out spending our money, making empty promises and saying what ever they have to say to get elected. And this does not stop once they have been elected. Once in office politicians do not do what they think is right, they do whatever they can to make their voters happy, which will get them re-elected. This is crap.I want someboby in office who will do what they think is right no matter what. I do not wnat a person representing me to change their beliefs, go back on their promises, and to only care about being re-elected. We are the people that give politicians their power. We can also take it away.

Ode To The Platypus

Got the bill of a duck / And the tail of a bever / Got fangs in my ankles to draw blood / And give you fever/ 2 feet long / & 5 pounds of fury / Get out of my way / In a big Fucking hurry / I am a platypus / I rock harder than you / I am to good for any Stinking zoo / Rolling in the muck in E. Australia / If I am not there you can check Tasmania / I swim really fast / With my little webbed feet / Then I dig in the muck / For something to eat / If you want to come see me / You are about out of luck / My tunnel can be 60 feet long / And I only come out at dawn and at dusk

Pissing In a bed of Roses

Only in a world this shitty can your thoughts be so pure/ Only in a world this shitty can your eyes seem so sad/ Only in a world this shitty can your ears be so deaf/ only in a world this shitty can your mind be so blank/ Only in a world this shitty can your arms seem so long but still you hold nothing/ Only in a world this shitty can you legs seem so long but still you go nowhere/Only in a world this shitty can your eyes be so blind/ Only in a world this shitty can your ears be so deaf/ Only in a world this shitty can your mind be so blank/ Only in a world this shitty can your face be so dead/ And Only in a world this shitty can you feel so alone

All of the people that I have talked to who have thought about suicide or who have tried and failed said the they felt that there was no one left to understand, to listen, to care. They felt like it was their only option left to take. There is always somebody to talk to, always somebody to listen, always somebody who cares, and there is always somebody around to give you a hug. If you can not find anybody get in contact with us. We care.

Another Dream Dies

I lie awake for hours/ Every single night/ my mind won't let me sleep/ or escape this train of thought/ I live the same regrets over and over again/ And when peace finally comes/ My eyes they close to sleep/ It is rewound for the next day/ And I live it all over again/When will I find a break in this loop/ When will I be able to leave disgrace behind/ I hope I find out soon/ Because I do not know how much more that I can take/How much more I can take

1 in 147 Incarceration rate among U.S. residents last year, up from 1 in 218 in 1990. 1 in 9 African-American men, 1 in 25 Hispanic men, 1 in 65 White men, all groups are between the ages of 20 and 39. There is a problem with these numbers. More people are going to jail than are going to school. (Figures taken from TIME, May 1, 2000)

Love Song For the Unloved

And I will never/ Give up hope/ that one day we will/ Be free/ That one day we will meet again/ And walk in our/ Field of dreams/ The flowers burn in our wake/ The Animals die at our feet/ One day we will be forced to see/ The destruction of our ways/ The lies that we have told/The deception that we have bred/ will one day be our death/Will one day destroy what we all love/ But I will never give up hope/ That one day we will be free/ That one day we will meet again/ And Walk in our field of dreams

This song is about taking a stand for what you believe in. If you see something fucked up happening it is your responsibilty to do everything in your power to stop it. It does not matter if you get beat up. All that matters is that you take a stand. Words do not mean shit without actions. It is time to take a stand and to never back down from anything ever again. Sometimes you may feel like you are the only one standing up for what you believe in but once somebody sees you taking a stand then they too will start standing up and then hopefully, eventually everyone will take a stand and no one will be left to push around. This song goes out to all of the people who have been involved in anything that they knew was going to fail but they wanted it to succeed and who put all of their heart into it just to watch it fail.

Aluminum Can

They robbed your/ They stole your/ They killed your innocence/ You asked me why/ You asked me how/ You asked me what gave them the right/ I do not know what to tell you/ I do not know how to comfort you/ I do not know what to do/ Feel my legs spread against my will / Taste my blood that you spilled / Witness my inocence that you killed / I promise that this will never happen again/ I promise that I will find the men/ I promise that everything will be alright/ And I can promise anything you want/ But I just do not know / I DO NOT KNOW

One of my friends was raped and I was the only one that she told. I did not know what to tell her or how to comfort her. I wanted to make her feel better, I wanted to make it so everything was OK. I tried everything that I knew to do and nothing worked. I wanted to kill the peole that had done this to her. But I just sat up with her all night holding her close and let her cry on my shoulder. I never felt so bad for anyone in my life. The men who had done this had killed her soul. This song goes out to any one who has ever felt that much pain and to the people thet they go to for comfort. And to anyone who has ever raped a person, or put a person through an unnecccesary amount of pain and suffering just because you wanted to have some fun, do not come to our shows, do not buy our stuff, and lastly, FUCK YOU, you heartless asshole! In the end you will get yours.

Here are some recent statistics on sexual abuse: 1) 4 in 5 women who are victims of sexual assault know their attacker. 2) 42% of women said that they had been victims of sexual coercian while they were dating in college. 3)Women are more likely to report a sexual assault if their assailant was a stranger rather than an acquaintance, and they are more likely to report completed rape than attempted rape. 4) Over 2/3 of men involved in sexual assault had been drinking at the time of the incident, as well as 1/2 of the female victims. 5) Women are 6 times more likely than men to experience violence comitted by an intimate. 6) There are over 500,000 rapes and sexual assaults reported annually.(Information taken from the Attorney General's report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act and information from UW student Health) How many do you think go unreported? ........This is ridiculous, why do we let this happen, there is no reason, and no logical explanation. Because somebody was drunk or high is not an excuse or an explanation, it is the cowards way out, take responsibilty for your actions.

It is estimated that 50,000 women are brought to the U.S. each year and then end up working in forced servitude. Of all these women, there have only been 250 criminal cases that the Justice Department has prosecuted over the past 2 years. (Information taken from TIME, April 17, 2000)


Mommy please come home tonight/ I do not know If I can take this anymore/Mommy please come home tonight/ I do not know If I can take this anymore/ Dad is drunk/And I can not walk anymore/ And I can not run anymore/ And I can not hide anymore/ Why are you not home?/ Why aren't you here with me?/ Why can't you protect me like you used to?/ I thought that I saw you today/ And I thought that I saw a tear in your eye/ I called your name And you walked the other way/ I guess that the next time that I see you I will be dead/ Mom, I can not take this anymore/ My bruises are begining to show/ Why won't you protect me like you said you would/ Mom, I can't take this anymore/ If you are not going to save me/ Then I am going to have to save myself/ So now I take the final step/ TO my liberation, To my freedom, To my death/ Now all of the broken promises mean nothing/ All of the bruises and broken bones/ Now do you see my pain/ Now do you see my tears/ Now that there is nothing left to see/ My parents love meant nothing to me/ My parents love meant everything to me/ My parents love is what killed me

This song is simply about child abuse and how crappy it is. It does not matter if it is physical or emotional, it is horrible and it has to stop, NOW. If it does not stop now it never will

Here are 2 of the more recent cases of child abuse that I have heard about. 1) A guy who ran a daycare center in Boston, Mass. duct taped an 8 month old girl to the wall because he thought it would be funny. He would also blast water into childrens faces if they were to cry. 2) After losing custody a woman killed her 2 sons because she wanted her ex-husband to know what it felt like to lose his children. This is ridiculous.

Silent Screams

Eventhough you are dead/ I can still hear your screams/ The last words that you said/ still echo in my ears/ If I close my eyes/ I can still see your smile/ If I close my eyes/ I can still hear you laugh/ It was like some twisted page/ Torn from a comic book/ I saw man/ In his evilest form/ Man has no remorse/ And no sign of regret/ You say that you are sorry/ That you never meant to take a life/ You are not sorry/ That is what you did/ You took a life/ Now look at you/ You are not a tough guy anymore/ I can still see your eyes/ Closed forever in sleep/ I can still hear your laugh/ Caught forever in my memories

My senior year in high school a girl that I knew was killed in a drive by shooting. She was one of the nicest people that I knew. She was on the honor roll, and on the soccer team. She, unlike most of us, had an idea of what she wanted to be and how she was going to do it. She would never hurt anybody. I used to criticize the group of people that she hung out with because they were all pretty well off and they were the popular crowd. She was killed over our spring break. A guy who was in the car behind the one that she was in is the one who killed her. For some reason the guy felt that he had to prove how big of a tough guy he was and fired one shot at the other car. The bullet passed through the rearlight, through the trunk,and hit my friend sitting in the back seat. If I remember correctly the last words that she said were "Do not worry guys, I will be alright." And then she died. When they caught the guy he said that he was sorry and that he never meant to kill anyone, I think that is bullshit. Guns are made for one reason, and that is to kill. What is the point of firing a gun at anything if you are not planning on killing it. You would fire a gun at an animal to kill that animal, and you would fire a gun at a person to kill that person. It is impossible for me to beleave that you would fire a gun at somebody with out the intent of causing serious bodily injury. The guy was not sorry. He was saying whatever he could to get off the hook. Too many innocent people die each year for needless reasons. Guns are built to kill and that is what they do. The killing needs to stop. The death needs to stop. Too many people have cried too many times for needless reasons. This is in memory of everybody who has died in vain.

Oppression Of Weight

Falling / Climbing / Hitting the ground / Getting further away / Sitting down / Catching my breath / Falling far behind / Will I ever catch up / The hill / Rising in front of me / But I have to climb it / To stay alive / shoes untied / Tripping me up / hitting the ground / Pain does not make it easy / Ray of sunshine / Lighting my way / A helping hand / Tomorow is a new day / I watch the world / From far behind / Getting furthe away / When will I die / Ray of sunshine / Lighting my way / A helping hand / Tomorow is a new day

This song is about being able to rely on your friends to be there for you when you need someone the most. When things are not going as you wish and you need a person to talk too, a person to understand and not judge, a person to always be there when there is no where else to go.


I know that / I am not the only one / To feel that / My life has passed / Beyound the reach / Of my out stretched arms / My finger tips / Touch nothing / but the emptiness of the air / Out of my control / Beyond my grasp / My eyes cry for help / As my mouth fills with water / Do you see me drowning / I have lost my way / And begun to trust my fears / My desire to live is gone / Show me that there is hope / Show me an eaiser way / Home is closer than you think / Memories keep the bed warm / I have watched my hope / Fade into nothing / Lost souls feast / On the sanity of the dead / Life has been crushed / Beneath your heal

I wrote this song about feeling alone. I did not have a permanent place to live, nor did I have enough money to pay rent and feed myself. My friends stepped in, gave me a place to sleep and food to eat. They were my saving grace. I was no longer alone. They gave me hope.


I do not want / Your parasitic kind / Feasting on my blood any more / With an infinite number / Of your dead Chuildren / Being held in my arms / The survival of / Your species / Is a blight on the face of humanity

I am not going to explain this one because the reason behind it is really stupid. Figure out a meaning for yourself, it will probably be a lot better then the one that exists.

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