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Long time no see ! Shinichi !

Today I happened to meet Shinichi, one of my friends in my class. That was really accidental. In fact I had a part-time job today, having a few classes. After today's work, I got tired and hungry, and went into the Japanese wheat noodles restrant to eat supper. When I was waiting for the mesal ordering what I wanna eat, suddenly a man rushed into the restrant and called my name "Tokuyama-san". I was pretty surprised that I found the man, with unique glasses like Harry Potter's, so familiar to me. It is Shinichi. The fact is, he had had something to do in the college today and was heading home finishing today's work, and then he caught sight of me sitting there through the window, rushing into the restrant. We ate supper there together talking to each other about how each had been. Indeed, it had been over a month since we met for the last time. He seemed good in this summer and he told me he had a lot of events of art. (He joins Fine Art Club) In fact, he is the most unique friends of mine. We had a fun chatting and said good-bye to each other at the station.

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