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The Firebelly Toad

Bombina orientalis 




These toads are green with a red and black patterns on there stomachs to serve as a warning to predators.  These toads are found in the streams and ponds of the warm humid foothills throughout  southern China.  These frogs can grow to about 7cm.



This toad needs at least a 10 gallon aquarium.  The substrate should be moss but wood chips work okay.  There also has to be a very large water dish about 4-7 inches deep.  A filter  is also needed.  These guys are more aquatic then the true toads.  The water temperature should be about 70 degrees but no higher underwater heaters are not a requirement.  These toads don't need a source of heat but when breeding they need temperature of about 75-80 degrees.



These toads are very hardy.  They will devour any insect in its path eating crickets, earthworms, waxworms, moths, butterflies, very tiny pinky mice when full grown and an occasional strip of meat.  They have no extendable tongue so to catch there prey they  must leap onto the prey with open jaws.  It is good to dust the insects with multivitamin powder.


