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                  The Giant Day Gecko



    These bright green geckos are from the island of Madagascar just of the coast of South Africa.  These geckos are diurnal spending most of there time out during the day basking .  The male giant day gecko gets about 10-12 inches long when full grown and the females will get a little smaller.



    These geckos great pet because they are active during the day.  They need a 25 gallon tall enclosure for a single male.  And add  an additional 5 gallons for each extra gecko you want to house with it.  Never house males together because they will fight will each other for territory reasons.  House a single male with females only.  Giant day geckos require 12-14 hours of uvb lighting.  This is essential for these geckos because them being diurnal.  Also they should have a 50-100 watt heat lamp depending on where you live.   Also use an under the tank heating pad for heat at night  or you could also use an night heating bulb which emits no additional light.  All day geckos love to climb on sticks and bamboo  and plants that can hold there weight.  Provide lots of hiding places too.


There diet includes a variety of insects including crickets, waxworms, mealworms, and a small pinky mouse when full grown.  Crickets provide a great staple food.  For an adult 4 week old crickets are perfect size for them.  Also don't feed waxworms, mealworms and pinkys very often.  Once a month is fine.   Remember to dust your crickets with vitamin and calcium powder every other feeding but remember to not over dust.
