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             The house gecko


    These little geckos need a 10 gallon aquarium for 1 gecko.  Make sure the tank is escape because these guys are great climbers and once they are out of your tank good luck catching them!  Try not to put male geckos together because they will fight.  Reptile bark is a good substrate or you could use carpet if necessary.  Have a screen lid to have good ventilation.  Use a low wattage heat lamp to maintain temperatures of  75-85 degrees during the day and 67-72 degrees at night.   under the tank heat mats work  good too.  if using 24 hour heat from a lamp use a red night time bulb.  Provide lots of plants and large pieces of bark for hiding spots for these geckos.


   These geckos eat 2-3 week old crickets.  Also a variety of worms and larvae.  Remember to dust the crickets lightly because over dusting causes illness.

