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Pacman Frog


The pacman frog is native to Latin America where it lives in the damp leaf litter.  A full grown male will generally reach 10cm and females can reach 14cm. These frogs have strong jaws and a wide tongue so there prey doesn't stand a chance.  These frogs aren't active at all except if its feeding time.  These frogs can live up to 10 years in captivity.


The pacman frog can live in a 10 gallon for its whole life an be comfortable.  Make sure that there is lots of hiding spots.  The substrate should be something that you can dig in so potting soil and moss both work good.  Also add a shallow water dish. Keep the tank very humid .  There should be somewhat subdued lighting use a ceramic bulb with emits no light but only heat which work the best.


The pacman frog eats crickets, moths, earthworms, pinkie mice and the adults can eat mice.  This frog is cannibalistic so house this frog alone.  Remember to dust the crickets once a week with multivitamin powder.

Heat and lighting:

They prefer temperatures in the low 80's during the day and during the night in the 70's.  The lighting should be kept equatorial, about 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark.  There should be somewhat subdued lighting use a ceramic bulb with emits no light but only heat which work the best.

