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Articles and Research Newsletters Lab Tests: Aging

Dr. Rick Morris has been a member of the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials medical team as well as the team doctor for the L.A. Clippers, U.C.L.A., and Los Angeles Track and Field Teams. He is one of approximately 1000 doctors in the world board certified in anti-aging medicine (DBAAHP). He is a member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and an Associate Professor and head of the rehabilitation division of the Cleveland Chiropractic College Clinic. He is a health journalist for Investor's Business Daily, a member of the American Association for Anti-Aging Medicine , has received postgraduate certification in sports medicine (C.C.S.P.) and is licensed by the State of California as a Disability Evaluator-Qualified Medical Examiner (Q.M.E.).

In memory of Megan Mayer, on August 20th all treatment will be free and any donations will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House.

The ABCs of Food

The Longevity Food Plan is a balanced way of eating. IT IS NOT A LOW CARBOHYDRATE/HIGH PROTEIN DIET. Plenty of healthy carbohydrates, like fruits, vegetables and certain grain products, are included. This diet is easy, satisfying and can be done for life.

Life's Factors That Age Us (Or Make us Younger)

Micheal F. Roizen, preventative gerontologist from the University of Chicago, has reviewed over 25,000 studies, to calculate the effects of your choices on life expectancy. Only the most signifigant findings are presented on this site. For more detailed information, visit, Micheal Roizen's site at . There you can calculate your "real age"rather than your "chronological age."

Paleolithic Diet

"Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food." With the development of agriculture our diet has changed drastically. Genetically we are better suited to eat what our ancestor's ate. Their diet was what is now called a Paleolithic Diet. The livingmedicine food plan is designed to combine what was good "yesterday" with the knowledge of today to form the ultimate in diets.

Measuring Improvement

Your chart to keep track of your improvements in aging

Some of the Physiological Affects of Aging Include:
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Slowing of your reflexes
  • Loss of balance
  • Diminished visual acuity
There are many other signs, for example:
  • Loss of bone density
  • Increased fat to lean body mass
  • Loss of short and long term memory
  • Elevated blood fats
  • Elevated levels of insulin

Dr. Rick H. Morris | | 3104515851 (work) | 3104580551 (fax) | 1243 7th St., #B, Santa Monica, CA, 90401