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Eeh … what’s up, doc?

- Storage of surplus MSD’s


By now most of us will probably be in possession of two or more MSD's, most

likely a 16MB, a 64MB and a 128MB. The question is then where to store the

surplus cards: you'll still want to take them along for those extra MB's ?

You have probably noticed that under

the cover, at the top end of the battery,

there is amble space to store two cards:

Off with the cover, in with the cards,

on with the cover again, and off we go.


However, when re-opening the lid you don't know exactly where

the cards will be, and if you are juggled just at the moment you

re-open the cover, then the cards will be all over the floor.

I've tried two solutions to this: both of them work well. One is a little

complex, involving slight modifications of the battery.


The other is very simple...



The complex solution by p800doc:








The simple solution by p800doc:









Easy storage solution no. 1 by Clict (thanks!):






p800doc’s solution taken one step further by Lars (thanks!):


Lars: “I took your solution one step further. I tried 
your solution at first, but my battery cover would not
close all the way, so I came up with this solution... “




Using the MSD holder by David (thanks!):


David: “Since I use the Handstrap with my P800 (as it has saved my P800 from falling to the floor many

times), I can’t really use your options unless I glued my strap in place otherwise it would fall out each

time I opened the cover. After hearing on Esato that another member has been using the little holder

that came with their 128mb MSD, I started using mine. I was a little skeptical that it was gonna fall out

but after over a month of walking, running, jumping etc etc it has never fallen out - and I clip my keys

to my belt loop so if it fell out it would fall to the floor, not just be in my pocket. It is a pretty obvious

solution and it works perfectly because I always carry my keys on me. I know that people may still be

worried that it will fall out, but I assure you that the design is simple but perfect.”


Easy storage solution no. 2 by Clict (no, thanks!):

Clict: “Remove the plastic cover from the memory stick duo. Do this to two sticks, then stick them together back to back using either

gum or superglue.

Now the fun part..  Insert with vigour, into the phone and enjoy a double-sided memory stick.

Warning: may void warranty on your life if you try this on someone else’s phone first.

NB: Please disregard this post on between several to many grounds!”



Do keep the good ideas coming!!! I’ll be happy to

continue posting pics of what you have done here.

Email me at          


                                  Regards, p800doc


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