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Lenny Kravitz...


This is Madame Tussaud, the woman who started everything... there was this huge mirror maze thing that brought you to this exhibit on the Reign of Terror. Madame Tussaud was forced to go through the battlefields and dig through dead bodies to find certain individuals to make death masks. It was kind of... uh, very disturbing, but it was cool because I learned all about this stuff in Social Studies class and hated it. To see it in a wax museum, though, was kind of cool. Anyway, this is a self-portrait of Madame Tussaud's... her last work before she died.

If it weren't for Clone High, I wouldn't have taken this picture with Ghandi!

Princess Di...

George W. Bush... mwa ha ha...

Again, if it were not for Clone High I wouldn't have bothered taking a picture with Abe Lincoln!

Yes, yes, Albert Einstien. I did not know that he was so small.

Charlie Chapman... it surprises me when people have no idea who this guy is... makes me kinda mad actually...

Okay okay YES this is me feeling up Marilyn Monroe's boob... I couldn't help it, they were so.... pointy, it was actually quite sketch...

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