A Web Site for my Barkada in Badminton
Sunday, 062203
Hi! I'm Celina de Guzman! Look at the Website I made for Badminton! Well, it’s about my friends and I.
Actually.....I have nothing to say. Uhhh.... No, it's not like I'm speechless, anything. It’s just that I started to making this website out of boredom. Its really addictin!! : )
Over here is a picture of my friends and I in the "lanai" of the Valle Verde Country Club. I'm the one wearing the white shirt (BTW, I'm not the guy). We had tournaments that time. Oh ya. A little message for Miguel.... You look really funny in this picture : D!! Your camera shy, eh. Your always going away when I take pictures of you and the others! ; ,
If your one of the guys from the badminton team in Valle, Carla told me to put this link for you to go to:
Its the TeenTalk from candymag.com : P (this is page 6, ok?)
Well, I gotta go..... I'm gonna start adding pictures. Anyway see ya! : ) Oh ya, dont forget to sign the guestbook!
Monday, 062303
Something is wrong with the thingy! it wont open the link of the gurls and the guys! Hold on ok.... I'll try to do something about it... ;: (
Tuesday, 062403
I'm still working on it. Anyway, heres a picture of us in the tournaments. All of us are there except for Mahir and Miguel. Their shy kasi eh!..... Ya right. They hate cameras, but Miguel was so yabang when the camera dude was taping Clara and in the tournaments. : P
I promise all of you that this will be done by next week. I'll be colectin' info on you guys so watch out!! Anywayz, I'm gonna add a love tester here so stay tuned!!!
Thursday, 062603
I rule!! Oh ya! Its fixed now! You can click on the stuff on my left side, but it will just show "UNDER CONSTRUCTION"... Im doing the Photo Book right know....
This is a picture I took in the lower courts of Valle of Cassie, Iana, Brandy (the dog), Chrissie (look at her face! : D hehe) and Chesca. If your wondering whats wrong with Brandy, she's chewing on a shuttlecock. Chesca tought Brandy how to fetch them. : ) Oh ya, look... at the pattern.. : O hehe.. White, orange, white, orange... Ok.. thats sooo lame. : 0 Anyway.... I'll put another picture as soon as possible! ; D
Saturday, 062803
Sorry if I didn't add pictures in the Photo Book. Its hard, eh. I'm putting pics in the index page first, ok? I'm busy, eh. I have to do projects, I still have training.... So please, BEAR WITH ME. : )
Look at this pic.... I took it when Iana and Chrissie were playin' against "The Twin Towers" and when Miguel and Clara were against the two girls...
The first day of training was fun... But hard. The coaches were on vacation. I wonder why... Iana, Chrissie, Me, Clara and Chesca are planning to talk to Miguel. No, no, no, no. Not you Miguel San Juan. This guy is a Miguel thats mistiso, and tall. And mad... His hair is short. (a bit) : 0 La lang Miguel S. is like the opposite of Miguel S.J. diba? : ,
Ok... Why am I talking bout "Miguels" all of the sudden. .. Thats wierd. Let's talk about European guys!!! Hehe! Like Karl and the guy Iana saw in Europe.. Never mind.... : )
Sunday, 062903
I'm putting too much pictures from the Photo Book here!!! Aahh! I'm spoiling you! Basta. This will be the last pic I'll put up here. The rest will be in the Photo Book. And I'm still busy! I can't put pics yet! Too much projects! And to who anyone who wants me to "FIX IT NA!"... Just ZIIIPPPPP your mouths!! Pleeaaassseeeee........ I'm being pressured.... : (
I'm the one doing the posters for group works, and all the extra people don't talk very well on the platform, and the groups grade is either an S or a G. I work sooo hard on those projects!! *sniff*, *sniff*! Ok.. I'm actin as if I'm in a soap-opera! Hehe : )
Anyway, look at this picture! : D Iana is very photogenic in the picture! Really! Don't believe me? It's true! ^.^ E-mail me or tell me in school whether you want this picture to stay or to be taken off the page, ok? I bet Mariana would want it posted.. : )
Saturday, 070503
Hey, its me again. i'm in Regines house. La lang. We ate pizza kanina. Nothing to do now. Me and my kada is gonna have a band!! Called "UnderTow".... La lang... Oh ya... Joanna is here!!! She looks like the japanese woman I saw in The Discovery Channel.. Wearing platform heels. La lang. I wanna watch "Kung Pow". : (
Monday, 071403
Cel is back, back again. Cel is back, tell your friends! Yippeee! My PC is working now! I already got Miguels info sheet (His paper had oil stains. Hehe : )). All I need now is John's.
Guess what? We changed our bang name into "Xylph". La lang
I'm having na my gradpic this Saturday, so when you see me in Valle, I'm gonna look PRETTY! : D hahaha.
I am finally gonna start making the page! Yehey.....
But not tonight. Maybe on.... Saturday. Or Sunday. : )
Ok... its 8:26 pm and I'm outta here! See you in PLC! ; )