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Welcome to the First unOfficial CASCAR Web Ring. The CASCAR Web Ring was created for Indivduals who own CASCAR racing sites that have anything to do with CASCAR racing. This ring was created by: Chris Johnston on January 8,1998.

Using the ring is easy. A person on a site linked to the ring can go to the next site by clicking on the "next" button. There is also the choice of clicking "random" button which will send the person to a random site on the ring.

Joining the ring is also easy. It provides a great way to promote your site to people with the same interests as you, as well as get hits for your page.

How to join the ring
Here are the steps to follow to join the ring (It is important to follow the instructions carefully to preserve the integrity of the ring)
*Fill out the form below to register your site. Make sure to write down the Site ID number that will be assigned to you. By filling out the form, it will put you in the CASCAR WEB Ring Queue so it can be verified for content. This does not mean that you are a member of the ring. The actual insertion will be done after your site is approved.
*After reviewing the site and everything is ok, you should receive an e-mail stating your acceptance into the Ring.
*Your site will be reviewed by me for it's content and to check if the HTML fragment is on your page. (The HTML fragment MUST be on your site before you can be added to the ring.)
**[ READ CAREFULLY ]** Please place the code in your page as soon as possible. We will visit your site within 48 hours to confirm that the code is correct. If your code is missing when visited - your submission will be removed from the queue and you will be required to submit again.

Submit Form

Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

After you Submit the form hit back to get the source code for the ring

Now remember that you have to change a few things in this code..
the changes are listed below as followed

1> _YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_ = The site number given once you join

2>_YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ = Your email Example
3>_YOUR_NAME_HERE_ = Whatever name you wish to use..

<!-- START CASCAR WEB RING CODE --> <center> <p><table border=10 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3 width=500> <tr><th> <font size=2> <a href="" target="_top"> <img src="" align="left" width=80 height=120></a> <a href=";cascar;id=_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_;next" target="_top"> <img src="" align="right" width=80 height=120></a> This <a href="" target="_top">First unOfficial CASCAR Web Ring site</a> Is owned by <br> <a href="mailto:_YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_"><font size="2">_YOUR_NAME_HERE_</font></a>. <br><br> <font size="2"> Want to join the <a href="" target="_top">The First unOfficial CASCAR Web Ring</a>?</font> <br><br> <center> [<a href="">unOfficial CASCAR Chat Room</a>] <br> [<a href="">unOfficial CASCAR Message Form </a>] </center> </th></tr> <tr><th> <font size=3> [<a href=";id=_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_;sprev" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_;prev" target="_top">Prev</a>] [<a href=";id=_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_;next" target="_top">Next</a>] [<a href=";id=_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_;skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>] [<a href=";ring=cascar" target="_top">Random</a>] [<a href=";id=_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_;next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>] [<a href=";list" target="_top">List Sites</a>] </font> </th></tr></table> </center> <!--END CASCAR WEB RING CODE-->


This First unOfficial CASCAR Web Ring site Is owned by

Want to join the The First unOfficial CASCAR Web Ring?

[unOfficial CASCAR Chat Room]
[unOfficial CASCAR Message Form ]
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The first unOfficial CASCAR Web Ring made possible by
the Webring.

CJ Web Designs, 1997, 1998. #28 CASCAR & #17 CASCAR