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LinkExchange Member

Wastin' Time on the Web

Wastin' Time on the Web


Ever take a drive and find out you should have gone left about 5 miles back, but realize that where you are is much better than where you should be? This may not be one of those times, then again, you never know. Welcome to my little turn-out on the information highway.

If you have been here before, you will notice that I have made a few changes. I've decided that there are far too many serious people out there these days, so in response to that, I have added a few things. I hope that you will enjoy the new links as much as I did.

I have also made a few changes on "My Real Home Page". I have added a few new links to my part of the country. I hope that you will check those out as well. And PLEASE, stop and sign my guestbook. After all the complaints about not having one to sign, only a handful of people have bothered to give it a visit. I also appreciate greatly the e-mail I have been getting in response to my site.

Hope you have fun and remember...Life is too short to take so seriously

Ever Stop to Think and Forget to Start Again?

Center for the Easily Amused - If this place doesn't put a smile on your are a corpse

Bunny Survival Tests Home Page - Somebody had way too much time to kill

Bert is Evil - Sesame Street will never be the same.

Knocking on the Webs Door - Plan on being at this one for a while.

The Barney Fun Page - If you are tired of Barney...I am...GO HERE NOW!!!

Road Kills R Us - Beyond description, just go there

Boogie Baby Archive - If you want to see some great moves...this is the place

Moron Drivers - If you have ever driven a car...You will like this place

Lizard Links - Great Links to Everything...Check the Jihad to Destroy Barney Page

Disgruntled Workers Page - Hate your job?...all I need to say about this page

Give Me Ambiguity or Give me Something Else

File Pile - If you are looking for free stuff to download, don't waste time going anywhere else

File Mine - Another great source for free downloads and easy to use

Pow-Wow Home Page - Better than a crowded chat room

Cybertown - This place has links to just about everything

Angelfire - Get yourself a free Webpage

Cover Me. I'm Changing Lanes

My Real Home Page - Only because people were asking

Please Stop and Sign My Guestbook
