angy~~S*U~~ World
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angy~~S*U~~'s World

Welcome to My World

Well here I sit.....trying to think of what to say about myself...*giggle*... hoping that I won't leave spelling mistakes behind....*lol* trademark now seems to be...."looking around for that spell checker"....

*smile*...I'm just looking over my page and realize it is in a real need to be updated...

Well for starters.....When I first wrote this page I was as follows...I'm a single mom of a 13 year old daughter.....that goes by the handle...crusher2349 or Robin LeFley or Hanson Luver or Pshycho Girl...what can I say ....she's a her chat rooms *sigh*...she will be causing me gray hair soon I'm sure...*giggle*...actually I'm lucky she is a great kid. Check out her home page *smile*...its all about the Hansons

I guess I should explain my handle, is my Mom's nick name for me...*S* means female/english person.....this comes from the fact I'm her only "english" looking kid... I'm her only child that was born blond and blue eyed...*S*....the other 2, my brother and sister have the dark hair and brown eyes...BTW if you haven't figured it out yet I'm half french and half english.....My handle has had a few changes over the last few started as anglaise, as explained previously, was shortened to angy, by friends and was changed to angy~~S*U~~ by Sir U, a very wonderful man in a beautiful ceremony on November 12, 1997.

I was Raised in Montreal and lived there until 1979.
Then I moved to James Bay on the Indian reserve and lived there untill 1983. I then moved to Ottawa and lived there untill 1987. I then returned to James Bay and lived there for another 2 years. Afterwich I lived near Toronto. in Cottage Country Two years ago I moved to Prince George, BC to be with Sir U and his daughter *happy smile*.... we are now engaged rt as well as being together vt, my daughter will be 16 this April....*sigh*....where does the time go... you can visit our Wedding page to see what we have planned so far...*happy smile*... Our plans have been put on hold for a while since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthitis last October and we decided to put off the wedding until I was well enough to dance at it.

I have met lots of neat new friends while I have been surfing the net....some that I have met... ....and they know who they are....*kisses and hugs to them*.... and some I hope to met in the future.

Want to see what I look like?...Click here

*giggle*.....look at what I just added...please read and answer the questions...
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