Live Action Role Playing (LARP) and Gaming System
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If you've never experienced live action role playing before, you may have some questions.

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or for location and directions, visit the Official AI Coordinators Site.

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What is Role Playing? Role Playing is a means of escaping the stresses of reality with the use of your imagination. The best example of this kind of escape would be a book or movie. When you read a book or watch a movie, you can imagine yourself as the main character, and are placed in situations you may never actually find yourself in. The author or director is like a "Game Master", who controls the events that affect you, as the star. In Role Playing, there is no script or plotline written yet, so it becomes your choice of how to react to these events. Here is an example of a storyline you might find yourself in.

You are having dinner in a local tavern in your home town one stormy night. You're just finishing your food and settling down by the warm fire, when the front door bursts open and an old man staggers into the room. His face and arms are covered with cuts and bruises. As he collapses at your feet, he looks directly into your eyes and croaks out the words, "Butterfly Wings". The life passes from his eyes, and he dies before anyone can move to help him. What do you do?

If you liked the idea of being able to decide your own reactions in this scenario, you may be a prime candidate for role playing. Many people believe that you need dice, character sheets, books, and many other complicated equipment to get into role playing. That couldn't be farther from the truth. All you need is imagination and a friend. Children play these same games all the time, never knowing that they are actually role playing in the truest sense.

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Let us go to the next obvious question. What is Live Action Role Playing? This is very simple to explain. Instead of the last scene being described to you, the "Game Master" actually has you sitting in a tavern next to a warm fire. An old man, who is also role playing a part, actually comes in covered in fake bruises and blood, whispers his words to you, and pretends to die.

You now may react in real time rather than describing your actions to the "Game Master". You will notice that I used the words "fake" and "pretend" in the Live Action scenario. There are misconceptions that Live Action Role Playing involves people playing with real weapons, real pain, and real death. I have been running Live Action games for 11 years and have many contacts throughout the world. In never have I ever found ANY "Game Master" who would allow ANY person to play these games with real intent to harm. If you ever find a game of this nature I urge you to report it to the authorities, as such games can be dangerous and detrimental to the gaming community.

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Now for the real question. What is I.M.A.G.I.N.E. bnw? It is a gaming system which offers a new and easy way for all Live Action players to interact with each other, and still play in the genre that they enjoy most. There are many genres for Role Playing, including Vampires and Monsters, to Fantasy, to BladeRunner and Futuristic games. Ordinarily, people playing these games will never be able to interact with each other in a gaming context due to incompatable systems or differences in abilities. The I.M.A.G.I.N.E.bnw system has developed a simple and very effective way to combine all these different genres. In effect, it is a generic form of live action role playing that is compatible with every non-generic brand on the market.
What is the point of all this? Let us simply state that in this system you can create practically any creature or character you desire and still play in this sytem without being overpowered or overpowering any other player.

Where can you find us? We hold events three to seven times per year throughout California. We are encouraging "Game Masters" in other areas of the nation and the world to look the system over and try it for a weekend. We are currently in the process of developing an online database to allow any character registered with us to play in any game using our system wherever they are IN THE WORLD. That is how simple it is. If you are interested in one of our events, or wish to try our system please contact us by email.

Thank you for visiting our site. And may your fantasies ever come true.

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© Jonathan Glasscock, sequenced 1998

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Last Update: September 21, 1998