Polish Breeds
This page contains photographs of Polish breeds photographed by
Thomas Hellmann of Ketsch, Germany. These breeds are not often seen and are
likely breeds most of us are not familiar with. I'll twist Thomas' arm and
see if I can get him to send me a standard description as well as whatever
pertinent information he can find relating to the breeds.
If you'd like to contact Thomas he can be reached at:
Thomas Hellmann
Berliner Str. 13
68775 Ketsch
Click on the breed you would like to see.
- Polish Gansel Tumbler,
Bird bred and photographed by Thomas Hellmann, Ketsch, Germany.
- Polish Owl
photographed at the 1996 Stettin Pigeon Show in Stettin, Poland. Bird bred and
exhibited by Zbigniew Lobodn, Zary, Poland.
- Polish Kronen Tumbler
photographed at the 1996 Stettin Pigeon Show in Stettin, Poland. Bird bred and
exhibited by Josef Baran, Krakau, Poland.
- Polish Barb
photographed at the 1996 Stettin Pigeon Show in Stettin, Poland. Bird bred and
exhibited by Josef Gref, Suwatki, Poland.
- Warsaw Schmetterling (Butterfly)
photographed at the 1996 Stettin Pigeon Show in Stettin, Poland. Bird bred and
exhibited by Stefan Jeglinski, Warsaw, Poland.
Email: Layne Gardner
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