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American GI Forum

Orange County Guadalupe Hidalgo Chapter Web Site

In Memory of

MSGT. Roy Benavides

1935 - 1998

Roy Benavides: Mexican - American Hero

Medal of Honor Citation

Commander's Report

By Rudy Escalante, Commander
American GI Forum, Region III
Guadalupe Hidalgo Chapter
P.O. Box 4792
Anaheim, California 92803

Estimados Forumeers:

This year marks a special time for all brother and sister Forumeers. With the beginning of the new year, we prepare to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American GI Forum, the largest Mexican American/Chicano/Latino family veterans organization in the United States

Commander's Report, April 1998

Commander's Report, August 1998

Barbed WIre


Site Under Construction

Barbed WIre

American GI Forum Websites

California AGIF

National AGIF

Chicano/Latino Links

Chicano/Latino Medal of Honor Link


Webpage created by Alfonso Alvarez