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Brujah     Ventrue     Malkavian           Misc. Stories

For those of you who play Live Action Roleplaying Games, you know how much detail can go into character design. Well, here are a couple characters created by me. There is little detail on the specific traits and stuff of the actual character, so it reads more like a storyline than an actual character sheet. Anyway, read through some of the characters...some of their lives intertwine, while, like in the real world, others have yet to have met....but in the world of Vampire: the Masquerade, and in that, the entire World of Darkness, some character's lives are already planned out for them, while others determine their own fate.
The Characters Page is currently under construction. Any stories, either fact or fiction would be greatly appreciated! Email Decon IV.


Jason D'Franco - series
-In a life lived in the underworld, Jason's no stranger to the criminal acts that life's been
known to lead. Follow Jason in his journey towards retribution..... and a way out of the hellish downward spiral his life has become...


Thresea Marcona - series
-Being a business woman was never an easy job...
there are always those who just want to horn in an
all the goods. Follow her story and embark the side
of life most people only dream about. Power...fortune
beyond compare,'s a story about someone who wants...and gets, everything she wants.


Raymond Brown -series
-I'm not crazy. I'm not. It's everyone else. They're
crazy. I know you're not crazy though...would you
like to be with me? Join me! We can not be crazy

Misc. Stories

Undying Love