Truly Disturbing Links
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For those of you who are really really disturbed, here are a couple links for you really weird ones!
Disturbing Scale - here's a scale of the level of disturbingness
-Very Disturbing. Nightmare Galore!
- Run for the Hills! These are Weirdly Disturbing.
- Ack. This is Disturbingly Weird. Kinda leaves a funny feelings in yer tummy.
- This is WEIRD with a Capital D! These sites are too strange for the human good and should be pretty funny. I recommend them!
- Rotten Dot Com
Warning: This site is EXTREMELY graphic and portrays Death and violence at it's worse. It's a lot like Faces of Death for the Internet. Be warned!
- The Darwin Awards
Following the ideas of Charles Darwin, the Darwin Awards are given, usually posthumously, to the individual(s) who remove themselves from the gene pool in the most spectacular fashion. However there is an exception to the requirement to die. If said individual does not die, however does render him/her self incapable of producing any children - they may be eligible for the dubious honor of receiving the award while still alive.
- Syndrome

This really isn't a strange site...nor is it very funny, but hey, it's all about the music, man. Check it out.
- Effects of Too Much Dew (?? Too much ??)
I dunno...call me crazy..I just finished a 2liter of Dew myself, and I feel fine. I've been known to down at least 7 cans of Mountain Dew in an hour. According to this study, I shoulda been dead a looong time ago. Click here to find out more!
- Leisure
Someone wanna tell me what this is? 'Cause I don't get it!! Really! Some kind of disturbingly weird comic?
- Disturbing Behavior
Ok..this movie wasn't really disturbing...I didn't get nightmares or anything, but then again, it was weird. 'Weird Behavior' wouldn't have sounded all that great for a movie title though, so I guess I'd rate it 2 smileys.
Booting Up Cyberspatial Holographic Mind Linkage
Yes, I'm giving my site yet another new look and feel. This has gotta be version 8.01. I'll be adding things as time permits. Send me a note &&give me some feedback. This site is best viewed on a wallet-sized monitor with a web browser.
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