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The Men's Room

Welcome to the  ©Gay Chat NOW  Men's Room. Please bookmark the site that seems fastest to you, or bookmark them both incase one is down one day. The mirror site is HERE. These rooms are completely free to use, and always will be. No membership required. Click below to enter the room of your choice. The Web-based chatrooms do not have a private message feature, but the Java rooms do. Have fun!
This site was created on 10/20/97

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GAY TOP 1000!

The votes are in. I have decided to leave all of the chatrooms on this site. It seems people like all of them about the same. I'm sorry if you don't, but I didn't want to take any away if someone liked them.

Have a question or comment? Please use this form.

The form I have for the Angelfire mirror site is currently not working properly. Please go to the Geocities site to send your comments until I can get a working form on this page. Thank you.

And now, onto the chatrooms!

Web-Based Rooms

Men's Web Room 1

Men's Web Room 2

Java-Based Rooms

Men's Java Room 1

Men's Java Room 2

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