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My Testimony

Hi! I'm Anna Phillips. I don't really know how to write a testimony, but I am trying. Okay, I grew up(or growing up) in a Christian home. I have very loving parents and a sister(19) and brother(14). I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was 6 years old. I didn't really know what it meant back then, but after I did I had this great feeling rush all over my body and I had a smile on my face the rest of the day. I talked to my mom about becoming a Christian and she was really happy for me. Since that day I have tripped and fallen in my Christian walk. Ever since I was 8 years old I attended a Bible camp called Moose Lake Baptist Bible Camp. Every year at camp God totally touched me. When I was 12 I rededicated my life to God. A lot of tears fell. Yet, I have having troubles "feeling" God in my life. I knew I believed in Him but I couldn't see Him around me and my eyes didn't see any of the miracles around me that he had made. I also knew the "rules" of God. And to please God I followed them as close as I could. I have never gotten drunk. I have never smoked or did any other weird drugs. I'm glad that I didn't and I will never do it. Just this last year at camp God really reached out and touched me. I decided that I couldn't sit back and ignore everything God wanted me to do so I started a Bible Study in my school. It has really helped me grow in Christ and learn to trust Him. It has also helped people in my School learn about my Lord and Saviour. And I pray that he will continue to work in my life and in others also.

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