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Miss. Calendar's Techno-Pagans
A club formed by a group of people who like Miss. Calendar's character and want her to remain on the show.

Welcome to the club. This is where you can find all us Miss. Calendar fans, we who keep her things and go crazy when she dies.

The Club now boasts 254 members!

Sabrina: President and founder of the club; Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Rings

Marcus: Vice Prez; Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Spiritual Kiss with Giles & her Spirit.
My Robia Lamorte Homepage

Special K: Secretary

Elley: Official Mourner; Keeper of Janna's Last Moments, the Quotes: "that's not where I dangle it" and "I want to die in bed, surrounded by fat grandchildren, but I guess that's off the menu.", Her suspiciously Nonchalant Attitude towards Angel (before Surprise), & Her Feeling that her People are all Fools
That's Not Where I Dangle It

WillowSlay: Card Carrying MCTP Supporter; Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Mouse

Rissa: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Corkscrew 'earring'

Neal: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Leather Jacket, White Shirt, Sunglasses, Mole, AND her Agressive Personality

Maddy: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Dark Mysterious Eyes

Pendragon: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Attendence book

Bart: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's coffee cup and Rite Casting Bones

Slam3503: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Car Keys

Kramer: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Raven Locks

Sage: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Computer, and her Destiny


Prophecy Girl

Monique-Slayer Wannabe = )



WiLlow Fan

Deena Duesler


Hermia: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Skirt & the clothes she's wearing when she dies

Lady Elendil

Chiara: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Keyboard

Noname7: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's E-mail Address & Contacts on the 'net


Angela: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Sarcasm

Tina: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Necklace

Shoshana: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Shoes

ICEANGELS: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Computer Knowledge

Terry: Keeper of Miss. Calendar and Giles' First Date

Fnord: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Watch


Sai: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Web Pages
Robia LaMorte Online

Kahn: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Coolness, the Jokes she makes at Giles and her Techno-Pagan Ability


Vampire Lover: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Secret Crush on Giles


Rassendyll: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Sanity


The One Stop Spook Shop


(: Little Willow :): Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Vagueness

Fusion: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Car


Krista: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's 90's Style & Sincerity

Kuma the Damphir: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Mythology Knowledge

Boydman: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Aggression Towards Giles

Bruddah Max: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Password

Desanera: Keeper of the Glance Miss. Calendar gave Giles when she told him the Corkscrew isn't for her Ear & the Pouch she keeps her Bones in

Foo Bear: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's "del" keys

Talis: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Make-up Kit

Moy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Classroom

Kali Buffy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Voice & Scream

Day: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's First Name & Name Credit

Catie: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's New Haircut

Triple C: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Hair Accessories

Mark: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Sense of Humor
X-Lander's World


Lupe: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Necklace

Cera: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Friends (envolved in the Circle of Kayless and during her pagan summer getaway)

Amy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Teachers Contract

Dawn: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Mud


Alli T: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Circle-Chain Belt

Mai Shiranui: Keeper of Jenny's Computer Lab Logs

Amber: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Charm & Witt

THE ARCHANGEL: Keeper of Jenny Calendar's Naked Mud Dance

Dan Compora: Keeper of Jenny's Mouse Pad

Kimberly: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Purse Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Orb of Thesulah

Katy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Survival Instinct

Melissa: Keeper of Jenny Calendar's Gypsy Queen Status

Tricia-Leigh: Keeper of Ms. Calendar's Willingness to Help the Slayerettes

Viashino: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Mischievous Nature

BS8237: Keeper of Jenny's Question about Buffy being to small to be a slayer


Kathleen: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Leafy Shirt

Jennifer: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Love for Giles & her Autographed Pictures


Darla: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Calendar

Bruce: Keeper of Jenny's Conspicuous Absence in Reptile Boy

Helsong: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Courage

Zan: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Love of Mexican Food

The Bardess: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Mischevious Smile

Pauline: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Net Account

*dARiA*: Keeper of the Stains on Miss. Calendar's Clothes

Kaylin: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Demon Face

Heather: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's monster truck Tickets & her Glass of Scotch

Bethy C: Keeper of Jenny's Fear of Giles' past & her Ability to Scare Giles out of his knickers

Tom Keeper of Jenny's Books


Robert: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Sexual Prowess

~Lady_Rave~: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Mood Swings (caused by the demon) & her first Kiss with Giles

Monique Righteous: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Watcher/Reasearcher/Demon-Knowing/Gile's-like Status

Raven: Keeper of Jenny's love in seeing Giles squirm

missile: Keeper of the Arrow Miss. Calendar shot Giles with

Mike: Keeper of Jenny's Skill with the Crossbow

Lyra-Beth Chemler: Keeper of Jenny's Laugh


Kathleen: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's & Giles' Kiss at the End of TED


NHSKAUFMAN: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's great Fashion Sense

GylzGirl: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Lust for Giles
GylzGirl's Anthony Stewart Head Shrine

Jenny: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Love of Football

Ana: Keeper of Jenny's Beeper

Marie 101: Keeper of Miss Calendar's "secret duty"


Mia Skywalker


Carrie: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Wooden Cross

Paul: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Ability to Mesmerize

Hap: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Credit Card & Headstone

buffy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's People's Hatred toward Angel

Kelly: Keeper of Miss Calendar's Datebook


STEF: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Gypsy Spells & Clothes from Valentine's Day ep.
The Robia LaMorte Homepage

Angelfan: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's corespondances with Brother Luca
Angelfan's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page


The New Watcher: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's spellbook & her Unfulfilled Feelings for Giles


Kim: Keeper of The Disk


Mz. Gwyn: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Romanni Liturgy
Welcome to Lilyvalle



Kyleen: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Guilt for keeping her Secret from the gang & of her immortal Soul

Samantha: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's *never forget it* Smile

Kendra: Keeper of Miss. Calender's heartfelt Apologies

SorceressL: Keeper of the Ashes of Miss. Calendar's Computer & Page Printout of the Spell, and of her desk


Pandora: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Last Words

Liz: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Translating Program

Angelzgal: Keeper of Jenny's Try to restore Angel's soul & Ms. Calendar's Guilt towards Buffy

NuggleLuv: Keeper of Jenny's Gypsy Secrets


crash overide


Serendipity's BTvS Homepage

Sally: Keeper of Jenny's Memory
Janna'a Gypsy Forum

Nicki: Keeper of Janna's "under cover name" (Jenny Calendar)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Becky: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Rosequartz

Sugar80: Keeper of Miss. Jenny Calendar's Computer Class Lesson Plans

Dominique: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Faith in Restoring Angel's Soul

Jan: Miss. Calendar's Black Hair Clip

Kasandera: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Calmness when first confronted with Evil Angel

DeepTrout9: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Reason for Calling Giles 'Rupert' & her Expression when Buffy Threw her on her desk




Angel's Lover: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Ritual Candles, Incense, & Athame
Heaven's Gates: David Boreanaz


laura: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Grave


Sara: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Eyelashes Keeper of the Quote: "Soon you will join us in the 20th century...with three whole years to spare!"

Paco: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Cancun´s beach side mansion and International Affairs Agent in Mexico City

JT: Keeper of the Effect Miss. Calendar left on Giles after She died


~Taliszanna WhiteCrow~: Keeper of Jenny's lust for Xander while under the Love Spell's Influence & of her pain (at Giles Rejecting Her for Betraying Him & Buffy)
~*Reflections in the Water*~

Virtygo: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Pagnanistic Tendencies

LRGC: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Remaining Brightly-Coloured Diskettes

Lily: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Trip to Burning Man


Marita: Keeper of the way Miss. Calendar said, "sexy fuddy duddy"

~NiKy~: Miss. Calendar's 'other' name: Janna




Jessy: Keeper of the Pencil Miss. Calendar was holding while getting the restoration


BUFFY19VS: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Hair products, her House & her Future


jay-lynn: Keeper of Jenny's Memories of the Burning Black Rock Festival & the Quote that goes with them
SpiffyCalX's Spiffy Slayage

Drusilla_Vamp's Buffy The Vampire Slayer Homepage!

Buffy Sheridan

Buffyholics Anonymous

Kandise: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Amusement at Giles' Lack of Technical Ability
Welcome To The Hellmouth

KBorzi: Keeper of Miss. Calender's Magickal Book of Shadows (on CD)

~ * Angel * ~
Buffy's Domain of Delight


Buffy's World


Amber: Keeper of the Quote: "I... I didn't know what would happen. I didn't know I was gonna fall in love with you."

Amber's Page


Tim: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Love of Monster Truck Rallies & the Glance she gave Giles when she said "Depends on the book."
Tim's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page

Buffy661: Keeper of Jenny's Dark Eyeshadow

Drew: Keeper of Jenny's Offense to the Dissing of her Country's National Pastime


•VampDarla•: Keeper of the Flowers Giles and Buffy put on Miss. Calendar's Grave
Defenders of the Night





Angelle77: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Loyalty to her Gypsy Clan Family

Abigail: Keeper of Jenny Calendar's Activities as a Spirit

Amy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Hurt over Giles telling her to 'Get Out'

Alexis: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Wish To "Make All This Up To" Giles

Buffy: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Potential to Return to the Show

Chosen Slayer17's Domain

Mel: Keeper of Jenny's Presence around Giles

Justin: Keeper of Jenny's Angelic Taunts, her Reappearance in Giles' Apartment, her morph into Angelus' 1838 Dublin Victim, & her Gentle Caress of Giles' Shoulder in Amends


Angeline: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Ability to Shoot crossbow bolts Through all the layers of Giles' Tweed clothing

Brad: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's 'dog eared book/covered in coffee' Speech to Giles, her Expression when *the Evil one* Broke her Orb of Thesula, & her Expression when he Said "the teacher makes three"





mel H: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Hatred towards Angel for Killing her

~ceridwen~: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Teaching Credential


Serena: Keeper of the Way Passion should have Ended, & the Movie "Return of the Jedi" which She and Giles loved to watch even though Giles didn't get it

Little Naru

Koala: Keeper of Jenny's "England" Nickname for Giles



Skynight: Keeper of Jenny's Hopes and Dreams for her Future




Daniel: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Waste Paper Bin and its contents & her Collection of Different World Coffees



Lisa: Keeper of Jenny's Ability to make Xander look like a Schlub


Moonlight Witch: Keeper of Jenny's Confession of Love for Giles in Passion


Mandy: Keeper of Jenny's Ability to Run like the dickens when Confronted with Angelus


*RAVEN*: Keeper of Jenny's Sacred Powers

Willow's Snake

The Nameless One


B'naa: Keeper of Miss. Calender's Desire to Be a Witch

Christina: keeper of Jenny Calendar's Outfit worn while Dying in Passion & returning in Becoming 2 & returning in Amends

Andrea: Keeper of the Quote: "Rupert, you have to read something that was published after 1066", & Miss. Calender's and Giles' 2nd Date to see the Monster Trucks


Slayers Witches & Homecoming Queens

Carrie: Keeper of Jenny's Accent & her Zest for Life

Technopagan: Keeper of the Image of Jenny that the first evil used in the episode Amends, the Quotes "I'm dead, I'm over it.", "We'll have everything we never got to have, never got to feel.", the Way in which she cast Moloch out of the Internet & her Happiness that Angel was going to Kill Himself


Swoop: Keeper of Ms Calendars greeting "Morning England.", & of her Gypsy Heritage


Linda: Keeper of Miss. Calendar's Memories of her Life


The First Evil: Keeper of Jenny's Belief that Cruelty is the only thing that Angel had a True Talent for




Special thanks to Lisa Rose, who provided me with a copy of my source code after geocities lost it.

If you want to become one of Miss. Calendar's Techno-Pagans, just e-mail me.

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MCTPers have visited The Club since March 5, 1998.

© Copyright Sabrina Wish 2000