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Just to make things interesting, I thought I would add this final section which contains several different metaphysical topics. Many of these topics were mentioned in the previous two parts of this book. In this part of this book, these topics will be discussed in depth, hopefully leaving readers with a rich, healthy perspective of the Christian paradigm as it applies to certain metaphysical topics.



In chapter four of this book, when discussing the subject of the balance between the spiritual and technological advancement of a species, I cited the Tower of Babel as an example when God intervened in the development of human civilization. Genesis 11:1-9 is the scripture I referred to, which not only bares relevance to the balance between the spiritual and technological advancement of a species, but also might explain why God separates the more intelligent species with barriers, such as vast distance, dimensional variances, or other means.

Genesis 11:1-9

1And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. 4And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built. 6And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. 8So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

1. Reaching to the heavens?

In this scripture, we begin with a people that have gathered together to make a city, and a tower. These people set out to make a name for themselves, and the tower they were going to make was to reach into heaven. Most theologians interpret this passage of scripture as the description of a time when man was filled with pride, and was accumulating a vast amount of knowledge; a time very similar to today. The Tower of Babel, it is assumed, was designed to be very high, reaching far up into the sky, hence, the term heaven. But in order to be obtaining knowledge to such a degree that God intervened and put an end to it, I think this passage deserves unique attention. The assumption that these people were filled with pride, and were building a tall building simply doesn’t seem to me to be a big enough reason for God to intervene.

As I recently stated, Genesis 11:1-9 refers to a time very similar to today. Nowadays, mankind is building towers that reach unto heaven; high rise momentous structures that certainly dwarf the estimated 300 ft. tall structures the people in Genesis were capable of making with their primitive bricks of clay.1 Today, we also have towers that literally reach unto heaven – the heavens beyond the sky; towers which port space shuttles that blast off, and cruise the solar system. Could it be possible that the Tower of Babel was a launch pad, reaching to the heavens in this manner?

Others have purported this theory, but I do not. It’s my opinion that if there were spacecraft in those days, (which I believe there were), I seriously doubt they were made by us. Furthermore, if there were spacecraft that came here from other worlds, they would’ve had to be advanced to the degree that they wouldn’t have to rely upon a launch pad. (A craft capable of transcending light speed shouldn’t need a launch pad.)

While I don’t espouse the theory of a launch pad, I do believe that the Tower of Babel, as well as other similar momentous constructions, may have been rendezvous points between mankind, and beings from other worlds.

2. Literally reaching to the heavens – by spiritual means:

What kind of knowledge was obtained by the people mentioned in Genesis 11 that prompted God step in and put an end to it? I think the answer to this question is found not in scientific technology, but in spiritual knowledge. I would now like to address the metaphysical phenomenon known as Astral Projection. I’m not vehemently arguing that I’m right about the theory I’m about to espouse. I’m simply pointing out a few clues that make me think that I may have discovered the existence of astral projection – in the Bible.

Astral projection is the art of separating one’s consciousness, or spirit, from the physical body.2 While the New Age movement is currently popularizing this activity as the latest craze for self-actualization, it’s actually been around as long as religion has been around; it’s found in many ancient religions.3 It finds its roots in altered states of consciousness, which are often induced by ingesting psychedelic drugs.4 Nearly every religion in the world with shaman priests includes rituals involving the ingestion of psychedelic drugs, in which the shaman induces him/herself into a trance, and experiences a transcendent state where mind, (or spirit), and body may separate. Worshippers of such religions are also known to partake in rituals of this sort.

Reports of astral projection, also known as OBEs, (Out-of-Body-Experiences), are often preceded by one of three primary triggers; NDEs, (Near-Death-Experiences), medical operations involving powerful anesthetics, and the use of powerful psychedelic drugs. While these three triggers are distinct, it should be noted that they overlap; powerful psychedelic drugs and powerful anesthetics are nearly the same things, and both surgery, and the ingestion of powerful psychedelic drugs may trigger NDEs.

Most scientists explain away the OBE phenomenon as hallucinations. They do this because they can’t explain how one’s spirit could be separate from the physical body, if the spirit, scientifically speaking, doesn’t exist. But if one accepts the Christian principle that people really do have eternal spirits dwelling inside of physical bodies, then the existence of OBEs shouldn’t be so hard to accept.

I’ve read several books on astral projection, and have even experimented with it myself, without the use of drugs. Though I never fully succeeded, I did experience enough results to be convinced that it is a real phenomenon. More often than not, my experiences were terrifying; often I sensed and even saw entities in my presence that…startled…me. (Recall that I fiddled with a host of different things before I became a Christian.)

I must be honest; astral projection makes me curious, even now that I’m a Christian. If I were to separate from my physical body, I would be able to fly, pass through solid matter, travel to the depths of the oceans, and even outer space. I would be able to seek out whatever information I desired, such as government secrets, (undetected), or even prophetic visions of God, heaven, angels, and the like, (possibly). But, I have a strange foreboding feeling that if this ability were attained by my own merit – i.e., if I followed the prescribed formats in astral projection How To books, it wouldn’t be without a price.

While in spiritual form, astral projectors claim to be capable of passing through solid matter, traveling to the depths of the oceans, going into outer space to other planets – even seeking out other intelligent life there, and other dimensions as well.

The idea of having the ability of astral projection has intrigued me to such a degree that I even wrote a fiction novel based upon it. This novel is titled Apparition, and explores a character named Simon, who thinks he is a Christian.4 (He eventually becomes one.) The phenomenon of astral projection opens his eyes to the world beyond the veil, which surrounds us all. While this is purely a work of fiction, I used several real case studies for inspiration, and cover many issues that a person in this situation might be faced with. And in case you’re wondering – good conquers evil!

3. Demonic deception:

While I admit to having curiosity about the phenomenon of astral projection, it is clear to me that a great deal of demonic deception can come about from an experience with this phenomenon. From this one activity, sorcery, necromancy, channeling, and the like, can be developed. For example, it isn’t uncommon for practitioners of astral projection to encounter and communicate with the deceased – or at least those they perceive to be the deceased.6 Necromancy involves interactively seeking out communication with the dead; channeling also involves communicating with the dead. (Actually, most of this communication is more in likely with demons posing as deceased relatives, rather than the actual deceased relatives themselves – but in all cases, necromancy and channeling are sin.)

Those who’ve experienced astral projection also often report enhanced psychic abilities afterward. The attainment of these psychic abilities originate either because astral projection unlocks certain aspects of humanity that make people more spiritually inclined, or it makes people more susceptible to demonic possession – and their newly attained psychic abilities are attributed to these demons, (or both). In any case, I don’t think it’s any accident that God has placed a veil upon the eyes of humanity – probably more for humanities protection than anything else. Concerning the susceptibility of demonic influences and supernatural activities, please refer to the warnings I give in the chapter on PSI.

Because astral projection is so intertwined in things such as sorcery, and necromancy – things strictly forbidden in scripture – I currently view this activity as primarily satanic. I would also warn anyone reading books on this subject to not believe any of the philosophical and religious dogma the usual practitioners of astral projection purport. Of all the astral projection books I’ve read, none of them were written by Christian authors. Furthermore, in these books, Christianity is nine out of ten times cast in the light of deception, and eastern mysticism is almost always elevated.

4. The implications of astral projection:

If astral projection is in fact a real phenomenon, then its implications are far reaching. Relative to the events in Genesis 11:1-9, the Tower of Babel could have actually been a temple for religious activities. Such activities were probably deeply rooted in idolatry, and involved sorcery, which frequently includes the use of psychedelic drugs. By using drugs, these people may have discovered and perfected the art of astral projection. Since the spirit body doesn’t need to breath, and isn’t hindered by physical limitations, they may have been able to extend their awareness not only into our solar system, but beyond, into the heavens, as Genesis 11:1-9 may suggest. If this is true, then the Tower of Babel was a temple that did indeed reach into the heavens. These people may have found other worlds, where they would have had access to enormous amounts of knowledge, spiritual, and scientific.

Being in spiritual form, it’s likely they weren’t even detected by some of the species of the other worlds they may have found. With this in consideration, they may have had free rein to wander about, observing and discovering the technology found in other worlds. Since all these astral projectors spoke the same language, they may have been able to re-assimilate some of the knowledge that they accumulated from the entities of the other worlds.

Another possibility is the fact that during these expeditions, these people may have encountered and attracted other species from other worlds that were aware of their presence. During these encounters, they may have invited these beings from other worlds to come to earth, (whether intentionally, or unintentionally), and initiated an exchange of some sort, i.e., technology for raw materials, or other things. They may also have considered these beings to be gods, and desired to worship them.

I realize much of the above is speculation, but if this outer space expedition stuff seems odd, consider for yourself just exactly why NASA exists. Is there not a desire in the heart of humanity to explore the unknown? Doesn’t NASA exist to "…seek out new life, and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!", as actor William Shatner proudly proclaimed, citing the words of author Gene Rodenbury?

5. Why did God intervene at the Tower of Babel?

Does scripture substantiate any of the aforementioned? For starters, in Genesis 11:1-9, we see a people that started building a tower that reaches to heaven. We also see a people whose accumulation of knowledge is so great, that God intervenes, and destroys the civilization by destroying its language. Whatever the knowledge was that these people had obtained, it had to be powerful enough for them to develop whatever they imagined, because nothing could be kept from them. Such knowledge is comparable to the advent of the computer, which enables the accumulation of knowledge exponentially. This knowledge had to drastically upset the natural balance between man’s spiritual and technological development.

In essence, man’s pride was an issue in God’s decision to destroy the civilization of those constructing the Tower of Babel, because pride in a species is an immature, sinful attitude. For a proud species to have access to very powerful, dangerous technology is not good. The continued existence of said species would be endangered. In this respect, the element that distinguished the people that originally constructed the Tower of Babel was not only their pride, but the extent of the knowledge that they attained, which I believe far surpassed simply being able to build structures close to 300 ft. high. The level of knowledge that they achieved had to be so advanced, it would’ve been analogous to a child playing with a handgun. In order to keep these people from destroying themselves, or anyone else, God stepped in and scribbled all over their knowledge base; language.

Another reason why God destroyed the civilization of the Tower of Babel should be clearly evident, if in fact these people were in contact with civilizations from other worlds. Consider why God may want to segregate the intelligent species in the universe from each other. The effects their contact may have upon each other could be highly detrimental. A fallen species, for instance, shouldn’t be allowed access into the realms of glorified species, because they would most likely corrupt said realms, and the glorified species therein. Fallen species shouldn’t be allowed to interact with each other either, because war would be a likely result.

There are two situations in which I could see it being God’s will for different intelligent species of the universe to be interacting with each other. The first situation is when glorified species interact with fallen species only to help them – in serving the will of God. This interaction is primarily one way interaction – i.e., the identity of the glorified species is hidden in order to keep a low profile. Star Trek fans refer to this low profile, or refusal to openly interact with a species, the Prime Directive. Simply put, the Prime Directive states that one species shouldn’t interfere with the development of another species. The Prime Directive as defined by author Gene Rodenbury was more anthropologically based, rather than spiritually based. While he asserted that the Prime Directive strictly forbids interference no matter what the cost, (as anthropologists studying other cultures assert), the True Prime Directive does not. The True Prime Directive concerns the will of God, because looking at biblical history, it is obvious that God and his angels have intervened in the affairs of humanity time, and time again. This intervention in the development of a species, (man in the cases found in scripture), is always initiated when God deems that it’s in the best interest of that species, according to His will.

The discreet nature of angels is exactly what we see when describing known angelic encounters. True angels – faithful to God – never give glory to themselves, and are usually so utterly discrete, they’re gone before anyone even questions whether or not they were in the presence of extraordinary beings.7

As for other examples in scripture where God and His angels were obviously not discreet at all, it was always to demonstrate the power, and glory of God.

The second situation in which it would be God’s will for intelligent species in the universe to interact with each other is if these species are glorified species. Being glorified, they are probably allowed to interact with each other, because they acknowledge and submit to God’s will. With God Himself guiding them in love, peaceful unity is possible, because with God, all things are possible! 8

The only exception to God allowing fallen species to interact with glorified species that I can find in scripture is the fact that God allowed Satan entrance into the Garden of Eden, where he thus deceived Adam and Eve, and corrupted humanity’s realm. (The people of the Tower of Babel may also have corrupted glorified realms, but scripture doesn’t substantiate this.)

It should be noted that during this point in time, (when the Garden of Eden still existed), when Satan tempted Eve, Satan and the other angels that fell with him were corrupting other realms against the will of God. God allowed this to happen for a short time, because God is love, and in being love, He allows the opportunity of evil to exist. (Without the freedom of choice, what meaning does love have?)

Forbidden interactions, while they are allowed to be initiated against the will of God, are never allowed to continue indefinitely. This is what is meant, when scripture states that there was war in heaven.9 God dealt with Satan following Adam and Eve’s fall. God brought about the flood of Noah that destroyed all the aberrations and corruption produced from the Sons of God interacting and inbreeding with the daughters of men. God destroyed the civilization that constructed the Tower of Babel. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and other cities round about them because of the sinful interaction that continued between angels and humans. God called Israel, and enabled them to destroy the remainder of the Nephilim giants that still existed after the flood – and the list goes on.

Since God destroyed the civilization that built the Tower of Babel, then it can be assumed that if there was interaction between humanity and beings from other worlds, this interaction was initiated against the will of God. But how can it be proven that these people were in contact with other worlds?

If there is a link between the Tower of Babel and astral projection, and also the possibility of entities from other worlds being involved, is there any mention of this link in scripture? Where’s the proof?

6. The link between sorcery and the Tower of Babel:

Further delving into the mystery of the Tower of Babel, it is known that the Tower of Babel is the ancient site and/or capital of Babylon, (modern Hillah), situated on the Euphrates River.10

Little is known about the ancient people that built the Tower of Babel, because almost everything from their culture has been destroyed. But since the Babylonians were probably direct descendents of these people that constructed the Tower of Babel, (at least those that stayed there after God confused their language), then studying the Babylonians should reveal information indicating what their ancestors were like.

Did the Babylonians practice astral projection? If so, evidence of this should be indicated through findings linking the Babylonian culture with religious activities, as well as spiritual practices, (such as sorcery, which probably originated from astral projection). This is exactly what is discovered following a linguistic and archeological investigation of the Babylonian people.

Concerning a linguistic analysis, searching the Greek terms for sorcery, wizard, witch, and the like, reveals that these terms were used by the Babylonians. The Greek word for sorcery is mageia, {mag-i’-ah}, {mageiva} & {magiva}, which also covers the terms of magic, and magic arts. This word is related to another Greek word, magos, { mag’-os}, { mavgo" }, which means wise man, or sorcerer. From Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon, it should be noted that the Babylonians are listed among the civilizations that used this term.11

magos { mag’-os}

of foreign origin 7248; TDNT – 4:356,547; n m

AV – wise man 4, sorcerer 2; 6

GK – 3407 { mavgo" }

1) a magus

1a) the name given by the Babylonians (Chaldeans), Medes, Persians, and others, to the wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, augers, soothsayers, sorcerers etc.

1b) the oriental wise men (astrologers) who, having discovered by the rising of a remarkable star that the Messiah had just been born, came to Jerusalem to worship him

1c) a false prophet and sorcerer

From this information, the conclusion can be derived that the Babylonians were involved with sorcery. The term magus is found in the Babylonian culture, and is associated with all forms of knowledge, spiritual, and scientific. Scripture also validates the link between the Babylonians and spiritual knowledge and practices, (sorcery), in many verses found throughout the book of Daniel.

Moving on to the archeological investigation, when analyzing the archeological remnants of the Babylonian people, it’s obvious that they were highly religious. The area surrounding the Tower of Babel is cluttered with various religious temples. In fact, right next to the Tower of Babel is the temple of Marduk, which was the center of Babylon’s religious life. According to the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, this temple once contained a gold sculpture of its so-called god that weighed no less than 22 tons.12

Since the Tower of Babel eventually became the center of the Babylonian Empire, it shouldn’t be too unreasonable to assume that the spiritual knowledge the Babylonians contained began with their ancestors who built the Tower of Babel. Also, seeing that the Babylonian people were highly religious, it can further be assumed from archeological evidence that the builders of the Tower of Babel were also highly religious people.

Carrying the archeological analysis into a global perspective, it is widely known that most ancient civilizations have been discovered throughout the world to have an enormous interest in the stars. This leads me to my next query. Why were ancient civilizations so preoccupied with so many various forms of astrology?

7. An enormous interest in the stars:

Concerning the knowledge of the pre-Babylonians, I mentioned previously that for the most part, it was lost when God destroyed their language. Was it lost entirely? Of course not; we see remnants of this technology all around the world. The technology of astronomy, (imbedded within astrology), in particular, is displayed in the monuments of the pyramids of ancient Egypt, Stone Hinge in England, the Inca and Myan pyramids in Central and South America, pyramids in Australia, the Zodiac of Greece, and on the list goes.13 An interesting note about astrology is the fact that intertwined with scientific knowledge is also the worship of deities with which these ancient civilizations attributed to celestial bodies. I find it no coincidence that this link exists; a link suggesting that there are powerful beings associated with celestial spheres in outer space. Even more intriguing is the recent, well-famed pyramids, and face – seen on Mars, which I discussed in the chapter about the realms of heaven.14 Indeed, the people of earth are slowly opening their eyes. Hopefully Christians are opening their eyes as well – so the proper perspective on these entities from other worlds will be publicized!

The knowledge of astrology in particular may have been much more than a curiosity, or simple observations made by the people of ancient times. Perhaps careful consideration was given to mapping the solar system, because these maps were actually used on astral expeditions. Consider how wide-spread, and highly advanced the astronomical knowledge imbedded within astrology has been discovered – in nearly every ancient culture of the world.

8. Meeting places of the gods:

The Tower of Babel wasn’t the only tower built during the earliest civilizations of mankind. The ancient Sumerians, Elamites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Kassites, and Persians all built towers like the Tower of Babel. In most cases, these towers, also known as ziggurats, were considered to be holy temples into which the gods were believed to step down to an earthly dwelling place. In the prolific city-states of Mesopotamia alone, some 30 known ziggurats dating to between 3000 and 500 BC. have been found. 15

Could it be that the ancient legends of the peoples of these times were true, just as I’ve been proposing? Perhaps these were monuments these ancient civilizations created as meeting places where they encountered entities from other worlds; entities that simply stepped in and assumed the identities of the gods with which these civilizations worshipped.

Does any of this sound familiar to anything I’ve discussed in previous chapters? Consider the following scenario: Eons ago, a wealthy, powerful, highly religious civilization, built a large monument to honor some particular idol. During their ritualistic festivities, these people discovered an unusual side effect of the drugs they were taking during their rituals. This side effect, astral projection, over time, was incorporated into their practices. Eventually, these people perfected this phenomenon, and began exploring the galaxy.

During some of the explorations, these people attracted the attention of powerful angelic entities dwelling in the depths of the cosmos. After much careful consideration and planning, some of these observing angels contrived a plan. "If we go down there and show off a few tricks, etc., we can easily assume the identity of their gods. We could literally possess kingdoms!" While some angels vehemently objected, others quietly pondered the temptation, thinking that ‘God would never give them their own personal kingdom’. Eventually, those that liked the plan congregated, and conducted their plan accordingly.

In a personal quest to fulfill their sinful desires, these angels decided to leave their first estate, and appeared to the civilization that constructed the Tower of Babel, (possibly among others). For a time, they proceeded to indulge themselves in the wealth of their worshippers. Among these indulgences was the fulfillment of sexual union, with whomever they desired. (Sound familiar yet?) The book of Genesis, chapter 6 asserts that sexual union between the Sons of God occurred before, and after the flood. Also, information found in the ancient writings of the Greek historian Herodotus asserts the same activity.

"At the summit of the Tower of Babel, Herodotus wrote, ‘stands a great temple with a fine large couch in it, richly covered, and a golden table beside it. The shrine contains no image and no one spends the night there except a Babylonian woman, all alone, whoever it may be that the god has chosen. The god then enters the temple in person and takes his rest upon the bed."16

Here, while it is highly likely that this is an example of religious perversion among the high priests of the Babylonian religion, I find it probable that this may also be an example of sexual union between the Sons of God, and the daughter’s of men. My personal opinion is that these ritualistic sexual encounters may have begun with the Sons of God. Later, when the high priests of this religious sect found out that they could also assume the identities of these gods, or insist that they were given the authority to perform such practices – and could get away with it, they then also partook of this activity. (Lots of conjecture here – I admit it – but at least not without any basis).

Since there were so many ziggurats, and many of them may have been locations where said satanic activity may have taken place, why didn’t God destroy them all? Exactly what was it about the Tower of Babel that made it any different from any of these other towers? Why does scripture point out the advancement of the people of the Tower of Babel in particular?
Concerning the scenario I just previously gave, I find it to be a likely explanation that describes the mystery that enshrouds the Tower of Babel. While I indicate in my scenario that it was humanity that initiated first contact with beings from other worlds, this may not necessarily be the case. Genesis 6 (the days of Noah) obviously precedes Genesis 11 (the days of the Tower of Babel), so we can see that the Sons of God, (fallen angels), were involved in the affairs of humanity before the Tower of Babel ever came about. In any case, what makes the Tower of Babel unique, in my opinion, is that it was a gateway that operated in two directions: Species from other worlds came to earth, and humans from earth, likewise, traveled to other worlds.

8.1 The Babylonian translation of the Tower of Babel – "Gateway of God":

While there were many ziggurats built, archeological evidence suggests that the Tower of Babel was preeminent in its time, being the most illustrious, and probably the biggest of all. This tower in particular may be the oldest ziggurat as well, and was probably the precursor for all the others that followed.

Being the oldest ziggurat, it’s likely that the knowledge obtained by its builders, the pre-Babylonians, may have even been more advanced than their predecessors. This would make sense, because it would explain why God divided only this one civilization, and not those that followed.

The art of astral projection, and all the knowledge that proceeded from this spiritual technique, was primarily lost with the pre-Babylonians. Only bits and pieces of this knowledge survived God’s destruction of the pre-Babylonian civilization, and these fragments ended up scattered throughout different civilizations all over the world.

Some of this knowledge was passed on to the Babylonians. Also, I think it’s obvious the Egyptians were able to reconstruct a lion’s share of this knowledge, due to the vast complexity of their mathematics, architectural genius, astronomical knowledge, and especially their spiritual knowledge. In the book of Exodus, scripture states that the Egyptian sorcerers were able to replicate three of the miracles God produced through Moses. Exactly how did they do this?

But as advanced as the Babylonians, the Egyptians, and others might have been, the only civilization that was ever destroyed because of their advancement was the civilization that built the Tower of Babel. Why? What was it this civilization had that made it so powerfully knowledgeable?

The capstone supporting the theory that astral projection may have been discovered and practiced at the Tower of Babel is the actual name, "Babel". The biblical interpretation of this name connects Babel with the Hebrew verb Balal, which means, ‘to confuse’. But the actual Babylonian translation of the name "Babel" comes from the Babylonian word Bab-ili, which means "Gate of God".17

Consider the word, "Gate". Of all the names this tower may have had, it was given the name, "Gate of God". This, combined with the Bible’s description of a people that reached unto the heavens, provides enough clues to indicate two things: The Tower of Babel may have been a place where people astrally projected themselves into the heavens – seeking out life in the heavens. The Tower of Babel may also have been a place where entities from other worlds, namely the Sons of God referred to in Genesis 6, entered into the earth.

9. Is astral projection evil?

While I have asserted that it’s my opinion that astral projection is primarily satanic – because it is so closely related to other spiritual practices in scripture that are strictly forbidden, I’m not claiming that it is completely evil. In and of itself, it may not be evil.

For example, some people report experiences with this phenomenon, in which it simply happens to them – and they did nothing to intentionally induce it. While most of these experiences are in conjunction with NDEs during fatal accidents, or surgery, some people have reported that it just happened to them, and there was apparently no trigger at all. Author of Journey’s Out of the Body, Robert Monroe, for instance, claims that his out-of-body-experiences simply started happening to him in the middle of the night. On one occasion, he got out of bed to go to the bathroom only to discover that his hand passed through the doorknob; his physical body was still laying on his bed.18

If this phenomenon simply happens to people, how could it be considered satanic? How could Robert help what was happening to him?

When this phenomenon happens to non-Christians, in most of the cases that I’ve read, they usually develop a belief system based upon this experience. Their concept of death changes – because being apart from their physical body and still being aware proves to them that there is in fact an existence separate from the physical realm. Unfortunately, their concept of the afterlife usually discredits the God of scripture. For instance, the doctrine of personal salvation is almost always absent when reading the philosophies purported by astral projectors. It is usually replaced by the concept of an all loving, all forgiving God that wouldn’t possibly do any harm to anyone. This is a great deception, because to say that there is no judgement is to indicate that there is no justice, and God is definitely a God of divine justice.

Is it possible to be a Christian, and have an out-of-body-experience? Charismatic pastor and author Benny Hinn reported such an experience. In fact, according to his personal testimony, preceding an out-of-body-experience, he was under a satanic attack. This attack was immediately terminated when suddenly several angels burst into his bedroom and dispatched with the demonic entity. During the battle, Benny Hinn claims to have been spiritually torn from his physical body and flung across his bedroom. While outside of his physical body, he even heard and saw one of the angels calling another one by the name, "Michael". Benny Hinn assumes the angel Michael must have been the archangel Michael spoken of in scripture. To this day, Benny Hinn still affirms this experience, despite the harsh criticism he’s received; many consider his story to be a tall tale of epic proportions.19

In chapter eight of this book, I discussed the topic of bilocation, because of its relevance to thought-forms. Bilocation is also relative to astral projection; in fact, bilocation and astral projection are essentially the same phenomenon – and both could be special types of thought-forms.

As previously stated in chapter eight of this book, many Christian saints and monks were famous for bilocation, such as St. Anthony of Paudua, St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Severus of Ravenna, St. Alphonsus Maria de’Ligouri, and Padre Pio of Italy. In 1774 St. Alphonsus Maria de’Ligouri was seen at the bedside of the dying Pope Clement XIV, when in fact the saint was confined to his cell in a location four days’ journey away.20

There may also be examples in scripture of God’s prophets experiencing astral projection. John’s trip to the 3rd heaven may have been a spiritual journey, in which his physical body was left behind. While the apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians 2:12 that he wasn’t sure whether or not John was in his body or not, John is fairly clear about it; he was in the spirit.

2 Corinthians 2:12

2I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

Revelation 1:9-11

9I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Relative to John’s vision, it might be likely that many of the visions received by the prophets of old were given to these prophets while they were spiritually separated from their physical bodies.

It has probably come to mind to those readers that know scripture that according to James 2:6, the body without the spirit is dead. Does this mean that astral projection is impossible without dying? I don’t think so. It’s because of James 2:6 that I think that only a part of the spirit actually leaves the physical body. The spirit probably must remain connected, at least to some degree, to its physical counterpart, else, the physical body might die. One item that might bare relevance to this connection is the fact that those who claim to be able to astrally project often report seeing a silver cord that attaches their spirit to their physical body.

It’s true that James 2:6 might be alluding to a usual scenario – i.e., the body without the spirit is – usually – dead, but there may be a deeper meaning.

I won’t rule out the possibility that astral projection could be a spiritual gift endowed by God. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, a host of different gifts are listed. Astral projection may be a type of miraculous power, by which the Holy Spirit imparts special knowledge.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

4Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Because of all of the above information concerning Christians, saints, monks, prophets, and apostles possibly having experiences with astral projection, I refuse to label it completely satanic without question. This phenomenon is enshrouded in the occult…true, but it may simply be a spiritual phenomenon that is usually demonically perverted, or originates from a demonic source. In any case – as a general rule, I’d consider it wise not to try and produce this phenomenon; i.e., don’t seek it out. But if it happens naturally without provocation – such as a side effect from an NDE, or even spontaneous projections while falling asleep at night, then I’ll leave some room for interpretation. Before I leave this chapter, I have some advice to offer anyone dealing with spontaneous projections.

10. NDEs – a type of astral projection:

Earlier in this chapter, I mentioned that astral projection sometimes occurs in conjunction with NDEs, but I didn’t elaborate much about this fact. NDEs (Near-Death-Experiences) are nearly the same phenomenon as OBEs (Out-of-Body-Experiences), because both include the spiritual separation from the physical body. Concerning NDEs, many Christians have reported this experience. In fact, some individuals were not Christians before their experience, but afterward became Christians because of what they experienced. In his book, Why I Believe, Dr. D. James Kennedy elaborates on several case studies where people have died, and traveled both to heaven, and hell. In one case, an individual reported falling into the depths of hell; he was so shaken by this experience that when he returned, he became a minister.21

If you, the reader, have heard of a book titled Guided by the Light,22 it discusses its author’s claimed NDE experience. Like so many books dealing with NDEs, astral projection, and the like, it’s filled with deception. The "Jesus" in Betty Eadie’s so-called vision claims validity to all the religions of the world, which is a far cry from what Jesus says in scripture: "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. There is no way to the Father except by Me."23 Furthermore, another book titled Deceived by the Light,24 was written for the specific purpose to discredit Betty Eadie’s experience as accounted in Guided by the Light. Many of the details she claims in her book were investigated, and discovered to be completely contrived. It is also known that before her so-called experience, she attended several group sessions with people that have had NDEs. During these sessions, she was able to compile and document these experiences in order to inspire her to write her own.

11. Possible dangers involved with astral projection:

Since astral projection places people in situations where it is revealed to them that there is a spiritual reality beyond the physical realm, many people don’t have any scriptural foundation with which to catalogue their experience. Without any foundation, these people become highly susceptible to the deception that comes when they encounter demonic entities.

Demonic entities, often appearing as angels of light – among other things, i.e., deceased relatives, in their own unique ways, often fill the hearts and minds of these spiritual travelers with deception. That’s why it’s so common to find a vast amount of deception in literature written by those who claim to be able to astrally project.

Entities encountered on astral expeditions may not only deceive with their words, but also might be able to impart spiritual impurities. I only say this because being spiritually separated from the physical body is not a natural state. The laws governing such a state are unknown. To assume that the realm of the spirit contains no spiritually damaging elements is an unwise assumption. Knowing that there are so many things that cause the physical body harm – even things such as viruses and bacteria which can’t be seen with the naked eye, it makes me think that similar elements of danger may exist in the spiritual realm. Consider that individuals spiritually separated from their physical bodies can encounter demonic entities, and communicate with, and even touch them. What effects might these encounters have?

It may also be the case that while in spiritual form, separated from one’s physical body, that a person becomes highly susceptible to demonic possession. The aspect that there may be a physical body primarily uninhabited by a spirit – but alive – (especially the unprotected body of someone who isn’t a Christian) – may be very appealing to demonic entities searching for a host.

Robert Monroe, in his accounts in Journey’s Out of the Body, recites one time that when he returned to his physical body after an astral expedition, discovered it walking about, and performing rudimentary tasks.25 Exactly how was this possible, if his spirit was elsewhere?

People seeking out to attain the ability to astrally project might open themselves up to an incredible amount of danger. This is the primary reason that I think it’s a bad idea to try and seek out this ability.

Now if ability is a gift from God – then it doesn’t need to be sought out. Furthermore, if God provides this ability as a gift to someone, then I think God would bestow with it all the protections afforded. Why would He give one of His children something that could gravely injure them? That would be like a father giving his son a pistol, and saying, "Okay son, go outside and play with your new toy now".

The major question up for debate is, if someone has the ability to astrally project, what is the source of it? Is it from God, or the devil?

12. Advice: What I would do if this happened to me!

If this odd phenomenon were to happen to me, I might consider it a spiritual gift – but would remain exceptionally cautious. I’d seek out godly counsel, and request a multitude of prayer before divulging into it. If after praying – prayers in which I would ask God to take this ability away from me if it wasn’t from Him – I still had this ability, I might then investigate what God would want me to do with it. Surely if He gave it to me, He’d let me know what He wanted me to do with it. I think it’s all as simple as that, and I would suggest the same for anyone else in a similar situation.

13. Uncorrupted spiritual knowledge in the ancient east:

Concerning spiritual knowledge and psychic abilities in general, it should be noted that not all of the knowledge obtained by the Babylonians – some of which probably originated with the civilization that created the Tower of Babel – may have been corrupt. While astrology is deemed evil by scripture because it falls under the umbrella of divination, the oriental wise men (astrologers) known as The Three Wise Men (debatable as to whether there were actually three or not), were able to discern that the Messiah had just been born. Their knowledge of this was so certain, they were compelled to travel all the way to Jerusalem to worship Jesus. This knowledge was obviously a good thing; it was knowledge ordained by God Himself to serve as a testimony of Christ, our Lord and Savior. I think this uncorrupted astrology, (the prediction of a unique star foretelling the birth of the Messiah), was not really astrology, but rather prophecy left behind from the prophet Daniel, when he was held captive in Babylon. The oriental wise men in scripture would probably more accurately be described as prophets, or sages, rather than astrologers, because scripture condemns astrology.

Reading from the book of Daniel, we find that because the prophet Daniel was found favorable in the eyes of the Babylonians, he was taken as a captive into Babylon while in his youth.

Daniel 1:3-4

3And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king’s seed, and of the princes; 4Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.

When he was taken into Babylon, he was taught in the knowledge of the Babylonians, and instantly spotted the demonic deceptions intertwined in their culture, and technology. Daniel and his three Hebrew friends were unique though, because God gave them the spiritual gift of wisdom and knowledge.

Daniel 1:17

17As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

If Daniel was taught any spiritual knowledge by the Babylonians, those things condemned by God he certainly would’ve avoided. But I won’t rule out the possibility that if there is anything neutral about spiritual abilities at all, Daniel could’ve learned their spiritual practices, and focused them on God, because of his faith in God. In this manner, Daniel could’ve learned spiritual things that are almost always demonically perverted, but because of his pure motives, and heart for God, the Lord blessed him. All that he learned was thus uncorrupted, because God was working within him. Daniel’s spiritual experiences were thus Visions given by God, instead of necromancy or channeling, and he is known as A prophet of God, instead of an astrologer, diviner, wizard, sorcerer, witch, etc.

For a person nowadays to be a Christian, and gifted in spiritual abilities, I would thus make a similar conclusion. Magicians perform magic for money, and the glory they receive from their audiences. Mediums, witches, and others delving into occult related practices do so for money, power, personal glory, personal gain, or other selfish motives. Also, most people involved in supernatural occult practices are either demon possessed, or manipulated by demonic entities. (More on this in the chapter on PSI.)

God’s gifted children, on the other hand, may very well be doing many activities that appear similar to occult related activities, i.e., doing things requiring supernatural power, but they never charge a fee, and always give glory to God, (Creator of all things, as known in the Bible). Likewise, all true Christians are possessed and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Another distinction between spiritual abilities coming from God, and those that come from demonic entities, is the accuracy, and power involved. Concerning foretelling the future, prophesy is 100% accurate, as opposed to the hit/miss ratings of the many techniques used by occultists, (palmistry, astrology, tarot cards, tea leaves, users of Ouija boards, etc.).

Scripture gives many indicators on how to tell if someone is really a true prophet or not. Consider the following verses:

Deuteronomy 13:1-4

1If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; 3Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22

20But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. 21And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? 22When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

1 John 4:1-4

1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

According to these scriptures, there are essentially two tests for prophets. First of all, if they don’t have any divine ability to back up what they’re saying, i.e., they prophecy things that don’t come to pass as they say, then they are clearly not from God. Secondly, even if they do exercise a certain degree of accuracy in foretelling future events, but their doctrine they preach is false, then again, they are clearly false prophets. Two examples of false doctrine are given in scripture. 1. That Jesus Christ is come in the flesh – not of God, and 2. Any word spoken in the name of other gods. For more examples – pick up practically any book from the New Age section, and browse the gambit of philosophical belief systems that describe the number of ways people can go about perfecting themselves, and essentially becoming gods.

Psychics frequently fail test #1, and attribute their misses to fluctuations in the earth’s geo-electrical magnetic field, or other excuses. Prophets, on the other hand, need no excuses for being wrong, because they are never wrong. The distinction between a true prophet, and one who claims to have the gift of prophesy but actually doesn’t, was a fatal distinction in Daniel’s time, because King Nebuchadnezzar didn’t accept any excuses for being wrong. If they were wrong about their prophetic abilities, then they were lying to him – the King, and were thus ordered to be executed.

As for other miracles, God’s gifted children may often produce the same type of miracles that can be produced by those who are empowered with demonic power. The difference, however, is always evident by the unmatched power, and magnitude of the miracles produced by God’s chosen. Moreover, the miracles produced by God’s gifted children are always produced in order to give glory to God, and serve His purposes. Miracles produced by those that aren’t God’s gifted children are always motivated for reasons other than to give God glory, and to serve His purposes.

Moses is a prime example of this. Moses, like Daniel, was taught in the wisdom and knowledge of the Egyptians, (his captors, as the Babylonians were Daniel’s captors), but God was working within Moses, and this is evident in all the miracles God worked through him.

The magician’s of Egypt were able to make their staffs turn into serpents, but Moses’ staff turned into a serpent that ate theirs. The magician’s of Pharaoh also were able to make vessels of water turn into blood, and summon frogs. But Moses made the entire Nile River turn into blood, and he likewise summoned millions of frogs, which the magicians couldn’t make go away. Once Moses brought the fourth plague, the plague of turning the dust of the land into lice, the magicians of Egypt finally realized that they weren’t dealing with another magician, but rather, someone empowered by God Himself. They simply couldn’t replicate the fourth plague. The remaining six plagues Moses brought upon Egypt none of the magicians were able to replicate either, thus, Moses’ power was authenticated as God’s power, completely unmatched.

As for the purposes of all the miracles God worked through Moses, they all were produced for the distinct purpose of giving glory to God, and serving His purpose of freeing Israel from the Egyptian bondage of slavery.

14. A return to ancient knowledge – how long will the veil be sustained?

Mankind is reaching unto the heavens…once again. I don’t think it will be very long from now before open contact is reinitiated between beings from other worlds, and humanity. (Closed contact has probably already been initiated.) In fact, I’d be rather surprised if this event doesn’t occur in my lifetime – assuming I die of old age.

Currently, commercial investment is fast outpacing the Department of Defense in space technology. Space industry revenues are expected to exceed $100 billion by 2000, according to the State of the Space Industry, 1997 Outlook.26 With the private sector squeezing into areas which were recently reserved only for military defense, civilians not bound by military contracts will have free reign to report all that they see going on in the space surrounding the earth. (Being in the Air Force National Guard, I have a glimpse at what they’re hiding).

Concerning commercial industry’s trek into space, the big cry of the U.S. DoD is "National Security!" But the economic clout and political power of the private sector can no longer be restrained.

Coupled with physically reaching out into the stars with space technology, I also see the ancient knowledge of astral projection coming alive again within the New Age movement, and in other places. Other places? Yes – other places. Consider that if astral projection truly exists, wouldn’t the government would most likely have its hands in it? Well, it does. Just think of the potential for espionage!

During the Gulf War, a number of individuals were employed by the CIA that were specifically trained, and used to plot targets.27 These individuals used a technique called "Remote Viewing", which is nothing more than a shareware version of astral projection. (When I say shareware, I mean that remote viewing is basically the same thing as astral projection – but individuals don’t necessary perceive themselves as completely separated from their physical bodies.)

Remote viewing has a recorded history in military affairs. Anyone wishing to do research in this area could not only find books on it, but training packages as well. The last time I checked on the Internet doing a search for "Remote Viewing", I found a web site dedicated to it, which contained books, and training packages. The author of the web site I found, who was also the author of the remote viewing training packages, claimed to be one of the employees who used remote viewing during the Gulf War. I consider this individual a credible source of information, because the content I found on his web site paralleled information I saw in a documentary on TLC – dedicated to the subject of remote viewing. Remote viewing was also given a segment on another show called Sightings, which provided much of the same information.

Viewing the world in its current perspective, humanity is reaching out – both nations – powerful economic entities independent of nations, and individuals. We are reaching out, both physically, and spiritually. More eyes are going into more places; how long will the veil be sustained?


1 Readers Digest, The World’s Last Mysteries, Pleasantville, New York, Montreal, 1979, page 177.

2 Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 1991, pages 34, 419-423

3 Ibid. (2)

4 Dr Karl Jansen, Ketamine and Quantum Psychiatry,, 16 July, 1999.

5 John W. Milor, Apparition,, 1999.

6 William Buhlman, Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel, HarperSanFrancisco, New York, NY., 1996.

7 Sophy Burnham, A Book on Angels, Ballantine Books, New York, NY., 1990.

8 Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, John 1:2.

9 Revelation 12:7.

10 Ibid. (1), pages 169-179.

11 Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

12 Ibid. (1), pages 169-179.

13 Ibid. (1), pages 108-203.

14 Malin Space Science Systems,, The "Face on Mars", 1995.

15 Ibid. (1), pages 169-179.

16 Ibid. (1), pages 169-179.

17 Ibid. (1), page 176.

18 Robert Monrow, Journey’s Out of the Body, Main Street books, 1 March, 1973.

19 Benny Hinn, Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Thomas Nelson, May 1997.

20 Ibid. (2), page 57.

21 D. James Kennedy, Why I Believe, Word Books Publisher, Waco TX. 1980, pages 70-80.

22 Betty J. Eadie and C Taylor, Embraced by the Light, Bantam Books, October 1994.

23 John 14:6.

24 Douglas R. Groothuis, Deceived by the light, Harvest House Publishers, Inc., March 1995.

25 Ibid. (18).

26 Government Executive Magazine, Moving Toward the Space Age, April 1998.

27 H.E. Puthoff, CIA – Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin TX., July 1995.



1. What does modern science say about PSI?

There are things about the universe in which we live that science has yet to discover. Nobody truly knows what the essence of thoughts are. Scientifically speaking, thoughts consist of chemical electrical discharges in the brain, processing sensory input and output to and from memory. But is this all they are?

If thoughts are some form of energy which science has yet to discover, perhaps they leave imprints in the physical universe in ways yet unknown. And concerning these imprints, perhaps certain people are able to tap into them.

PSI, a term introduced by Thouless and Wiesner (1948), is a general term referring to psychic phenomenon, such as psychokinesis, (the ability to move objects with the mind), and ESP, (the ability to feel or perceive at a distance). It stems from the terms psi-kappa and psi-gamma, denoting active and passive PSI, the first subsuming those phenomena such as psychokinesis which appears to involve an effect upon another system, the second covering phenomena such as extrasensory perception, which shows a more receptive aspect.1

Studies in PSI continue to allude scientists, because PSI is not, nor is it affected by, the four forces of physics: strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravitational force, or electromagnetic force. It is not subject to the laws of thermodynamics or the law of gravity, it requires no exchange of energy, and it isn’t governed by the theory of relativity, which holds that no particle or object can move faster than the speed of light.2

Regardless of the lack of physical evidence, PSI is probably a real phenomenon, because of the vast amount of non-physical scientific evidence supporting its existence. PSI, like the wind, can only be seen by those things that it effects.

2. PSI – a non-human attribute:

In my opinion, exceptionally powerful PSI abilities, in general, are primarily outside of the scope of human potential. I say this because in scripture, individuals with powerful psychic abilities are either possessed by the Holy Spirit, or by satanic entities. I can find no reference in scripture reciting anyone who had miraculous powers without the aid of either the Holy Spirit, or demonic entities. One passage of scripture describes a man by the name of Simon who had the power to bewitch people, but there is evidence that this power was demonically charged.

Acts 8:4-11

4Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word. 5Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. 6And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. 7For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. 8And there was great joy in that city. 9But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: 10To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. 11And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.

One indicator that Simon’s power was demonic is that the people of Samaria were plagued with unclean spirits, and Simon was one who bewitched people in that area, so he was probably responsible for some of it. Another indicator is that Simon was filled with pride, using his powers in an evil manner, and for his own glory. (Even using them for good isn’t right, if he’s doing it for his own glory.)

Another example of a sorcerer is given in Acts 13:6-11. Again, this sorcerer, who was called Barjesus, was most likely possessed with a devil. He tried to hinder Paul preaching the gospel, and Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, cast a curse of blindness upon him.

Acts 13:6-11

6And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus: 7Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. 8But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. 9Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, 10And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 11And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.

Both Simon, and Barjesus were mentioned practicing sorcery, which in scripture is described as demonic in nature, hated by God, and strictly forbidden. Below are just a few Bible verses explaining God’s opinion about various forms of sorcery.

Leviticus 19:26

26Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times.

Deuteronomy 18:9-15

9When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 13Thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God. 14For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. 15The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;

2 Kings 17:17-18

17And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. 18Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.

2 Chronicles 33:6

6And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

All of these scriptures demonstrate that God hates sorcery, divination, enchantments, astrology (observing the times), witches, charmers, mediums, necromancy, and wizards. Does this mean that God hates PSI? Not necessarily, because in Deuteronomy 18:15, after God states that he won’t tolerate any spiritual garbage in Israel, He then states that He will raise up a prophet for the people to follow. Biblical prophets have always demonstrated PSI abilities of the highest order. The distinguishing characteristic between all of the aforementioned, and God’s prophets, is that God’s prophets were influenced/empowered by God, while all of the others appear to be influenced/empowered by satanic entities. As for the PSI itself, reading these scriptures gives us the indication that for the most part, it’s satanically charged, but sometimes it comes from God – (hence, there were many examples of those performing sorcery related activities, but only ONE prophet of God that the Lord was going to raise up in the land at that time.)

3. PSI – can science help?

Are there situations where PSI may be a purely human characteristic, not channeled from either God, or Satan? From scripture, seeing that there are no clear cases of individuals imbued with power that wasn’t given to them from an outside source, I still don’t think that it’s a good idea to dismiss PSI entirely to a satanic or Holy Spirit related phenomenon. While there is no scripture directly supporting PSI as being a purely human characteristic, there likewise is no direct scripture supporting the opposite. In light of this, I don’t see research in this area as something wrong, provided the test subjects don’t exhibit any of the qualities mentioned above – i.e., they aren’t sorcerers, witches, or wizards. Furthermore, those that do have supernatural power shouldn’t be abusing their abilities in a self-serving manner, doing evil with their abilities, or trying to propagate some knew philosophy or teaching contrary to scripture, etc. For instance, psychics which use their abilities to help the police find missing children are doing a good thing, and their abilities should be investigated. But this research should be conducted with extreme caution, being aware of the scriptural warning signs of demonic influence that enshroud this phenomenon. (Unfortunately, the scientists that would study this phenomenon are probably most likely those that could care less about scriptural warnings.)

Seeing that scripture forbids observing the times doesn’t mean that the field of astronomy is demonic – though by definition, astronomy entails an element of a scientific method for observing the times – in a manner of speaking. Meteorology for instance, a sub-field of astronomy, enables us to know what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.
Astronomy, unlike astrology, is purely scientific – completely separated from its astrology counterpart. I think the field of astronomy has been a highly beneficial field of study for humanity. Without it, the telecommunications of the world would be painfully hampered due to the fact that there would be no satellites circling the globe. In effect, studies in PSI could also result in similar advancements, provided such studies adhere to purely scientific methods, and remain cautious of demonic manipulation – (again, something unfortunately unlikely).
To illustrate what I mean, astronomy has helped scientists develop hurricane warning detection systems. Astrology, on the other hand, has led husbands and wives into believing it was time to leave their spouses, and partake in adulterous relationships – because they took the advice of their astrological advisors. (The type of ‘observing the times’ is clearly distinguished between these two examples. Astronomy in this case is an undiluted field of study, while astrology is a demonically manipulated activity.)
A great deal of discernment as to where the source of a particular phenomenon, or doctrine, is coming from can be judged by the fruit of its results. This should be taken into account when choosing PSI test subjects for scientific analysis. Science isn’t the all wise oracle some purport it to be. Evolution is one such study in science, (a theory of origin contrary to scripture), that has not successfully avoided demonic manipulation. From evolution, we see the fruit of the holocaust, which cost millions of lives in an attempted genocide. Why? Adolph Hitler believed in the survival of the fittest, and that Germany, being the master race, should dominate the world. Hopefully studies in PSI and other paranormal phenomenon wouldn’t lead science into deception the way evolution has.

4. PSI – a human attribute – back before the fall:

In closing, I would like to illuminate the fact that humans may very well have been imbued with PSI abilities when they were originally created by God. Scripture does state in Genesis 1:31 that when God made all things, all the things He made were very good. (This might be an indirect reference to PSI being a purely human characteristic that I alluded to earlier, when I stated that scripture doesn’t indicate directly that humans have PSI.) But how exactly can Genesis 1:31 indicate indirectly that people may have been created with PSI abilities?

Stating that humans were once very good in their creation, (I’ll say perfect, because they were immortal, and without sin), I would like to point out the fact that humans now only use about 10% of their brains. This makes me wonder if humans were ever able to use more of their brains. Wouldn’t it be odd if they weren’t able to? Why would God create such a large brain, only to give us 10% of it? And if we were able to use more of our brain, what would that entail? Perhaps all that gray-matter we have in hour heads was at one time in human history operating with 100% peak capacity.

Is there any indication in scripture that Adam and Eve might have been telepathic? Well, ever wonder exactly how Eve was able to have a dialogue with a serpent in Genesis 3:1-5? Do snakes have vocal cords? It is true that the serpent that Eve spoke with was possessed of the devil, but I won’t rule out the possibility that Adam and Eve were able to telepathically communicate with animals.

Genesis 3:1-5

1Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Carrying the human potential theory of PSI further, after the fall in Genesis, the same as we see the life span of humanity decreasing from as high as about 1000 years, to the current average life span of the mid-seventies, the same degradation of humanities cognitive facilities have also degraded. (An interesting side note is to look at the fact that humans now only live about 10% of the life span they used to live shortly after the fall – basically equal to the percentage of the brain capacity we use now. Is this an indication that all of humanities faculties have been degrading at about the same rate?)

So, as it currently stands, it may be that every now and then, an individual will have those certain areas of the brain operational that are responsible for PSI abilities, the same way every now and then someone will live to an astronomical age, like 120 years old.

5. PSI – conclusion:

In my opinion, the PSI phenomenon is probably a combination of all of the above aspects I have discussed. It starts with a small percentage of the population born with natural PSI abilities. Now what is to be done with these abilities? The answer to this question depends on if the individual belongs to Christ or not. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 11:16-20, and Mark 9:38-40 some advice that that might apply to people endowed with PSI abilities.

Matthew 11:16-20

16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Mark 9:38-40

38And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. 39But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. 40For he that is not against us is on our part.

If the person is not a born again Christian, he/she is not going to use his/her PSI abilities for the cause of Christ. Seeing the fruit of these individuals should reveal their alliance. Non-Christians with PSI abilities will be naturally bent against the things of God, because if one is not for Christ, one is against Him. Likewise, on the other side of the same coin, if someone is doing good works in the name of Christ, then that person not against Christ, but on His side. This would especially hold true if the individual performing the good works is a Christian.

5.1 The hidden dangers of PSI:

God never condemns PSI phenomenon in and of itself. What God condemns is the use of PSI abilities to serve any other purpose than that for which He has intended them to be used, which is always to serve Him. Sorcerers, diviners, enchanters, astrologers – (observers of the times), witches, charmers, mediums, necromancers, and wizards, are all activities, and titles that never did, nor ever will serve God. Furthermore, they always involve a great deal more, (i.e., rituals, magic rites, the use of drugs, scrolls, etc.), than simply an individual that is naturally imbued with a high degree of PSI.

Now that that’s said – PSI does have a dark side. Consider the fact that there is no direct mention of PSI gifted people in scripture that aren’t aided by either the Holy Spirit, or by demons. This to me is an indication that people naturally endowed with a high degree of PSI act as magnets – attracting demonic entities to them. Why might this be? Think about it. People that have a high degree of PSI probably channel supernatural power better than those that don’t. I can see certain benefits a demon might have in being able to display the bulk of its power through its host. Miraculous power has a way of gaining an audience. Once a demon can gain an audience, it can more efficiently sew seeds of deception. Because of all of the aforementioned, I have come to the conclusion that people naturally endowed with a high degree of PSI are more susceptible to demonic manipulation, and possession.

Since individuals possessing PSI abilities that aren’t Christians are probably more susceptible to the vast amount of deception that exists within the spiritual realm, I believe that if a person is a psychic, but isn’t a Christian, then it is highly probable that that person is demon possessed. Furthermore, the more prowess a particular psychic demonstrates, the more likely it is that that psychic is exhibiting supernatural power that is demonically charging their own natural PSI abilities. (I think this because human PSI is most likely not nearly as powerful when it operates on its own – because there is no direct mention of such in scripture.) I realize some of this is conjecture.

As for the Christian that finds him/herself in the possession of PSI abilities, he/she is in a unique situation. It is my firm belief that if a born again Christian has PSI abilities, it is because God has an intended service for that Christian that may require them. Furthermore, if said Christian diligently accepts the service that God has called him/her on, the Holy Spirit will probably bless these abilities, increasing said Christian’s PSI abilities according to the needs of that Christian depending on the ministry he/she is called to.

For those individuals out there in the world that believe you possess powerful PSI abilities, I have the following suggestions:

    1. Pray for Christ to save you, if you aren’t already saved. If you are possessed by a
    2. devil that’s giving you supernatural power, this is where it would end. Some of your natural PSI abilities might remain, though. This is where step 2 comes in.

    3. To be thorough, ask Jesus to take away all of your PSI abilities if they are of a demonic nature.
    4. If your PSI abilities don’t go away after asking Jesus to take them away if they are demonic in nature, then ask the Lord Jesus to fully develop these PSI abilities within you to their fullest potential. If you have them, then use them for the Kingdom of God! And by all means, don’t abuse them! Never charge fees, don’t steal from people by using them to gamble, don’t put in an application for a psychic hotline host, etc. Seek out godly council, read the word, and pray to the Lord for guidance; certainly He will guide you.

If after calling upon Christ and denouncing any satanic power you may feel that you have, you realize that you did in fact have demonic entities dwelling within you, I strongly suggest you quickly find a church, affiliate yourself with other Christians, and begin to fill your heart with the word of God. Scripture states that if you don’t do this, those demonic entities will come back – with their friends – who will be even more wicked than they were!

Matthew 12:43-45

43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

5.2 A unique ministry:

If you just became a Christian, or already are a Christian, and you have PSI abilities, then ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart, and to help you use whatever natural PSI abilities you may have – to serve God. I have discovered during my time as a Christian that those individuals who were gifted with PSI abilities as non-Christians, when they became Christians, often experienced the continued use of their PSI abilities, but for the Kingdom of God. I would pray that such a blessing be that of every Christian blessed with PSI abilities.

Not too long ago, I saw a movie titled "Resurrection", which is the true story of a woman who had an NDE.3 After coming back from the brink of a terrible car accident, she was paralyzed from the waist down.

Not too long after she left the hospital, she discovered that she was endowed with the supernatural ability to heal people, among other PSI abilities discovered while being studied by scientists at a near-by university. She eventually healed her own paralysis, and began a sort of healing crusade of her own. Her story is somewhat tragic though. She lived in the central United States, in the midst of the Bible belt. Many Christians accused her of being a devil, because she refused to give God credit for her supernatural power. (She honestly admitted that she simply didn’t know where her power came from.) At the end of the movie, she was shot and nearly killed by her fanatical boyfriend, who thought she was the antichrist. From this point on, she apparently disappeared from public eye, moving far away from all who knew her. Keep in mind – this is a true story. It’s somewhat of an older movie, but should be found in any large video store.

I think if I had ten minutes to speak with this woman, I would’ve cleared up her confusion with a few simple scriptures, and a small prayer. It’s too bad that in the midst of the Bible belt, she never had any good guidance. My prognosis would be the following, which is fairly close to the advice I previously outlined:

    1. Pray to God in Jesus’ name to take away all supernatural power if it isn’t from Him. If it doesn’t go away, then I’d venture to say that it’s probably from God; most likely it isn’t from the devil. (This prayer should be conducted with other Christians – preferably the pastor of a church, or with church members ordained as elders, deacons, or those appointed to prayer teams.)
    2. Use this power as an incredible tool for evangelism. The power is present – but since this woman was weak in her faith, and not very knowledgeable about scripture, then…
    3. Perhaps go to seminary. At least study the word, so that some doctrine can go along with the healing. This will make the healing complete, both physical, and spiritual. Imagine the ministry this woman could have. She could span the globe in healing crusades, and play a wonderful part in the work of salvation the Lord allows his children the opportunity to have.

All throughout the movie, this woman struggled with the question about who or where the source of her power came from. She once explained to a crowd of people that she felt an overpowering sensation of love come over her, and this is when the healing power surged through her hands. To me, it’s obvious where her power came from. She never used it for evil, never charged fees for her healing, and only spoke the truth. She simply didn’t have any guidance. All it would’ve taken is for someone to sit down with her and pray. Perhaps if she ever reads this book – wherever she is – who knows – her world might open up with new meaning.


1 Koestler Parapsychology Unit, PSI Phenomena,, Aug, 1999.

2 Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 1991, page 468.

3 Daniel Petrie, Resurrection, 1980, 2 academy award nominations for best actress: Ellen Burstyn.



1. Was John the Baptist, Elijah reincarnated?

Is information about reincarnation in the Bible? I used to believe that reincarnation was a real phenomenon the way it is traditionally believed. Then I came across Hebrews 9:27, which states the following:

Hebrews 9:27

27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Simple enough; men only die once, and that’s that. Reincarnation as it is traditionally believed does not exist. The only investigation warranted in the study of cases purporting reincarnation should be conducted with the conclusion that reincarnation as it is traditionally believed is false. Other explanations for these odd cases should be the focus of further investigation.

There are passages of scripture that seem to indicate that there is such a thing as reincarnation – but not as it is traditionally believed, and there is only ONE case in existence. I will begin with Matthew 17:10-13.

Matthew 17:10-13

10And his disciples asked Him, (Jesus), saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? 11And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. 12But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. 13Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.

While it can be noted that this passage of scripture suggests that John the Baptist is the prophet Elias reincarnated, or Elijah, – as he is called in the Old Testament – Jesus could be speaking symbolically. But that would mean that the prophet Malachi, and the apostle Luke were also speaking symbolically in Malachi 4:4, and Luke 1:17.

Malachi 4:4

5Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: 6And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

Luke 1:17

17And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Matthew 17:10-13, Luke 1:17, and Malachi 4:4 are all obviously pointing to the individual mentioned in the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 40:1-3

1Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD’S hand double for all her sins. 3The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

John the Baptist appears to deny that he is Elias reincarnated, in John 1:19-23.

John 1:19-23

19And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? 20And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. 21And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. 22Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? 23He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

But is John really denying that he is Elias? Reading this, one could extrapolate that John could be denying that he is Elias, only because he is no longer known as Elias – he is John. What he does affirm is that he is the one spoken of in prophesy as "…the voice of one crying in the wilderness". Malachi 4:4, Luke 1:17, and Matthew 17:10-13, combined with Isaiah 40:3, attribute the identity of "…the voice of one crying in the wilderness" with Elias, or Elijah. I find from this analysis that there appears to be more evidence in favor of John the Baptist being the prophet Elijah reincarnated, than that which would indicate otherwise.

The bottom line is that John the Baptist doesn’t contradict Jesus, because he is the witness of Christ, not the contradictor. Furthermore, scripture never contradicts itself. When people perceive that it does, it is always the fault of their limited ability to perceive and conceive all that is written. An example of this derives from the fact that even if John the Baptist is the reincarnated Elijah, it still doesn’t contradict Hebrews 9:27. On the surface, there seems to be a contradiction, but further analysis reveals that there isn’t.

I won’t state for sure one way or the other whether John the Baptist really was the reincarnated Elijah. The validity of Hebrews 9:27 remains intact either way though, because 2 Kings 2:11 states that Elijah never died.

Kings 2:11

11And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

Therefore it wouldn’t be contrary to Hebrews 9:27 to say that John the Baptist is Elijah reincarnated, because Elijah never died. (Hebrews 9:27 only states that men are appointed to die only once – it never states that it’s impossible for a man to be physically born more than once. Exactly how this might take place remains a mystery. If Elijah was John the Baptist, what happened to his original physical body? Was it placed in suspended animation in heaven, while his spirit was extracted from it and placed into a new physical body in Elizabeth’s womb? Was Elijah’s entry into a new physical body the stirring of the Holy Spirit in Elizabeth’s womb, (John the Baptist’s mother), spoken of in Luke 1:41-44? These are strange questions indeed, which I find interesting.)

Luke 1:41-44

41And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: 42And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 43And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

With all of the above stated, John the Baptist is the only possible case of a valid reincarnation. The only other possible candidate for a future reincarnation would be Enoch, who was also taken up in a chariot of fire, and never saw physical death. (Then again, who’s to say that Elijah wasn’t Enoch as well?) As for Jesus the Christ – he won’t reincarnate, because he already died once, and also because of what Acts 1:9-11 states.

Acts 1:9-11

9And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Reincarnation involves being physically born more than once – into a new physical body. When Jesus returns to this world, it won’t be through rebirth, but through a divine decent.

Not to confuse the issue, but there does exist the possibility that the mysterious character Melchizedek, found in Genesis 14:18, and Hebrews 7:2, could have been the pre-incarnate Christ. But judging by Melchizedek’s description in Hebrews 7:2, He isn’t really one that can be considered as re-incarnated, because He was apparently never born. If He was the pre-incarnate Christ, He simply assumed the physical properties of a human, without the birth process. Here’s the scriptures – you the reader can make up your own mind.

Genesis 14:18

18And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. 19And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: 20And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

Hebrews 7:2

1For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; 2To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; 3Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

2. Modern day cases of reincarnation:

There are many cases of people that can remember being someone else in a past life. Since reincarnation is a false doctrine, (as it is traditionally believed), according to Hebrews 9:27, there has to be another explanation for the many cases supporting information in favor of the existence of reincarnation.

Performing self-hypnosis in my days of New Age mysticism, I remembered many things that seemed to be memories of past lives, but they were false. I can say this with certainty because of Hebrews 9:27. I can also say with certainty that probably most of the cases of reincarnation with evidence retrieved from hypnotherapy are nothing more than hypnotic suggestion. Hypnosis is an induced state where people become highly susceptible to suggestion.1 From what science has derived on cognitive theory, it is known that memory is re-constructive.2 (This means that when the brain can’t recall an event of the past, or elements of a memory, it fills in the gaps by creating memories.) Putting these two facts together, it’s not hard to conclude that hypnotherapy is not a reliable science. A great deal of paranormal research is derived from information retrieved from patients under hypnosis. Probably much of this information is false due to memory reconstruction using hypnotic suggestion. In some cases, the hypnotherapists are not even aware of the fact that they are making suggestions that are implanting false memories in their patient’s minds.

There’s more to say about reincarnation. Some patients can remember things, and they’ve never been under hypnosis. A particular case comes to my mind about a young boy from India by the name of Imad Elawar, who was able to recall numerous specific details about being someone else who lived in another city he had never been to.3 His descriptions about places he’d been, things he used to do, people he knew, which were all verified, were too accurate to be attributed to chance. What can be said of this and other similar cases?

One possible explanation could be that the memories these people perceive are received through some form of psychic phenomenon, (see thought-forms in chapter eight, and PSI in chapter twelve of this book). Another explanation for reincarnation is spiritual possession either by demonic entities transmitting these memories, or by the disincarnate spirits of the deceased, (which I cover in sections four and five of chapter seven of this book). The second explanation is most likely the more prevalent possibility, simply because of what the doctrine of reincarnation purports. Satan has a vested interest in the doctrine of reincarnation.

3. The demonic deceptions explanation of reincarnation:

1 Peter 5:8

8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

1 Timothy 4:1

1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

These three passages of scripture explain that Satan and his demons are busily at work trying to deceive people into believing false doctrines. The doctrine of reincarnation is one of these false doctrines, because if people have the option to reincarnate, then they don’t need Christ.

Reincarnation is found primarily in Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, though forms of it are spread all over the world in numerous cultures, and less known religions.4 It purports the idea that nobody really goes to hell, but instead, people get reincarnated for continuous attempts to live life correctly so that the next reincarnation will be better. In short, reincarnation means two things: 1. People don’t need God because they continue to live regardless of His existence, and the only sense of accountability people have is the mild repercussion of having to live a harder life next time if their current life wasn’t commendable. 2. It means that people will eventually be able to reach God according to their own good works.

From Romans 3:10-12, and Isaiah 53:6, scripture states that all people need God, and that it is impossible for people to ever reach God by their own good works. If it were possible to reach God’s standard, certainly Christ would never have been crucified.

Romans 3:10-12

10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Isaiah 53:6

6All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him, (Jesus), the iniquity of us all.

Because people are lost, and in desperate need of some way out of their dilemma, God has provided even his own Son to die in their place, as prophesied by Isaiah in the scripture shown above. Nothing short of the sacrificing of God the Father’s very own Son would meet the payment of the world’s sins. Because of this, God the Father will accept humanity by no other means than His Son’s sacrifice. The scripture below exemplifies this fact; it divides Christianity from all of the other religions in the world.

John 14:6

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Furthermore, the fact that reincarnation alludes to the non-existence of hell smacks in the face of mountains of scripture that states otherwise. In fact, there is more scripture spoken by Jesus than any other individual in the entire Bible insisting that the existence of hell is a reality. (A simple search in the Bible for the word "Hell" will quickly reveal this.) Bear in mind that if hell is a reality, wouldn’t God want us to know this more than anything? It makes perfect sense that Jesus spent a great deal of His ministry warning people about hell.

4. The psychic phenomenon explanation of reincarnation:

The belief in reincarnation is highly beneficial to Satan and his minions. This supports the idea that cases regarding this phenomenon are primarily satanic, but I won’t rule out other explanations entirely. The idea that people might receive what they perceive to be their own memories, but are really someone else’s memories, through some form of PSI, may be a possibility.

Combining information from chapters eight, and twelve of this book, people might perceive thought-forms with PSI. If this is the case, thought-forms might have a way of integrating into one’s subconscious, and be mistaken for memories of past lives. I realize there is currently no way of verifying this by using scripture; I simply think it’s a possibility.

Also, as previously mentioned in this chapter and also in chapter seven of this book, someone possessed with the disincarnate spirit of another person might confuse this phenomenon with the doctrine of reincarnation. Of course, I’d classify possession by the deceased as satanic, because all possession is against the will of God, other than being possessed by the Holy Spirit. It’s just that being possessed by a deceased person is not a typical explanation for reincarnation. It is for this reason that I differentiate it from demonic possession.


1 Patricia M. Wallace, Jeffrey H. Goldstein, & Peter E. Nathan, Introduction to Psychology, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA., 1990, pages 72, 82-86, and 203.

2 Ibid. (1), pages 191-192.

3 Collin Wilson & Dr. Christopher Evans, The Book of Great Mysteries, Dorset Press, New York, 1990, pages 271-280.

4 Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 1991, pages 500-506.



It may not seem logical to consider evolution a supernatural phenomenon, so it’s inclusion in this book may appear debatable on the surface, because evolution is based upon the philosophy of naturalism. According to naturalism, nature is all there is, which rules out the supernatural entirely. But I don’t think nature is all there is, and what I have to say about the theory of evolution concerns the topic of the origin of life, otherwise known as creation, which I consider to be a highly supernatural phenomenon. According to scripture, God is the originator of all life, and there is nothing more SUPERnatural than He is!


1. The purpose of this chapter:

The purpose of this chapter is not to refute evolution. Others much more knowledgeable than I am about theology, biology, paleontology, archeology, geology, genetics, physics, astrophysics, probability statistics, astronomy, and a host of other fields of study have already done this for me. For a brief review of some of the many findings refuting evolution, I recommend a book titled Why I Believe, authored by Dr. D. James Kennedy, for starters.1 For more in depth study, simply consult some of the references in the back of his book.

Instead of focusing on the farce of evolution, this chapter’s purpose is aimed at answering some of the questions that evolutionists might ask, such as the following:

    1. If God created all organisms of flesh, then why did He create the flesh so that it compels life forms to do sinful things? Relative to the laws of the flesh, why would God create the natural realm to incorporate natural selection through survival of the fittest? Isn’t natural selection an uncaring, even ruthless system of law?
    2. Why do life forms have seemingly useless portions of anatomy?
    3. Why, if God created all life forms, did He make them all using the same blueprint – DNA? If each were hand crafted, why wouldn’t they all be vastly different in atomic structure?
    4. Why would God create such ravenous creatures in the prehistoric age? Why were prehistoric life forms so gigantic that they didn’t have enough resources to survive? Isn’t God a better ecologist than that?

2. Confusion in biology:

In answering the above questions, I will discuss a few of my theories, which are inspired from scripture. Among these theories are translation, the curse of survival, common design, and genetic manipulation.

2.1 Translation vs. Evolution:

After the fall of Adam and Eve, can you recall how the earth and all creatures in it changed? Apparently there was no death in the world before the fall, because death came into the world through sin, (Romans 5:12-14, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22).

Romans 5:12-14

12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 13(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.)

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

This means that animals, as well as Adam and Eve, were immortal – so long as they ate from the tree of life – or some form of it. (Recall that God's method of bringing Adam and Eve to the point of physical death was to restrict their access to the tree of life.)

Since there was no death in the world, it logically follows that there was no killing. It was God who shed the first blood after the fall from glory, in order to provide warmth for Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3:21

21Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

Since there was no death or killing before the fall, then there couldn’t have been any carnivores. So, what exactly happened to everything? Did lions have sharp teeth before the fall of Adam and Eve? Most likely not; they wouldn’t have been suitable for eating vegetation.

Does scripture mention anything as odd as a vegetarian lion? If you can remember back in chapter seven of this book, recall that the prophet Isaiah described a number of glorified animals that will dwell in the New Jerusalem. None of them are meat eaters.

Isaiah 11:6-9

6The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. 7And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den. 9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Isaiah 65:25

25The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all.

From the simple illustration of vegetarian lions, and the rest of the carnivores mentioned in Isaiah that will no longer be carnivores, it should be clear to see that God is in the business of altering life forms to suit their environments, and purposes. I call this alteration Translation, taken directly from scripture. A few examples of translation are referred to in scripture. While the two examples I’m quoting speak of humans being translated, the fact that there are glorified animals in heaven might indicate that animals, too, (at least those that are chosen), will one day be translated.

Colossians 1:12-13

12Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 13Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Hebrews 11:5

5By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

Translation can occur both ways – upward, or downward. Adam and Eve, as well as the rest of creation, were obviously translated downward into a lower level after the fall. As for an upward translation, something all Christians look forward to, this will occur during the end times, upon the return of Christ. There is muddled debate as to actually when this will occur during the end times – i.e. – before, during, or after the great tribulation, but at least it’s commonly agreed that all Christians will, in fact, be translated into new, immortal bodies. This same translation will also effect animals, as evidenced by the vegetarian lions, among other altered carnivores, listed in the book of Isaiah.

Translation may indeed be part of what biologists are looking at in their analysis of the different species on earth. Genesis chapter two specifically states that all animals were created by God; He formed them up from the clay of the earth. But after the fall, it is clear that many of these life forms were dramatically altered. Most of these alterations were required in order for each life form to fight in order to survive.

2.2 The curse of survival:

Survival is part of the curse that has been placed upon the creation of earth and all its inhabitants. Humans are forced to work under the sweat of their brow in order to obtain food, either by farming the soil, livestock, or hunting and foraging. While scripture doesn’t mention hunting and foraging specifically, these are obviously methods by which humans obtain food.

Because the curse changed all the creatures of the earth to mortal creatures, and food has become a scarce resource life forms have to compete for, survival has become the distinguished law of the flesh. All life must struggle, and compete to survive in all things, to include obtaining food, water, shelter, and to reproduce.

As spiritual beings, Christians must fight this natural urge that has been placed within them to preserve themselves. Self-sacrifice runs contrary to the nature of flesh, and the curse of survival is why. It is for this reason that the flesh is basically evil. Before the fall, man was innocent, and Eve most likely wouldn’t have even considered eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had Satan not tempted her.

It is true that Satan was capable of tempting her, even though she wasn’t driven by a corrupted nature. What was it about the temptation that was so appealing, if she was pure, and innocent? I think the fact that she sinned can be attributed to the fact that she was a free moral agent, with an equal opportunity to choose to sin, or not to sin. Because the opportunity to sin was available, it was possible, and therefore was able to come to pass. As for the reason God chose to create free moral agents – that’s simple. God wants His children to choose to love Him genuinely, not as puppets, simply submitting to Him because they have no choice. This is an odd conclusion, because if you think about it, evil exists because the opportunity for it to be chosen has to exist in order for love to have true meaning.

In my opinion, before the fall, the compelling desire of the flesh to sin was basically non-existent, because the flesh was not corrupted at that time. Eve’s sin was not a compelling drive initiated by the desires of her flesh; rather, it was initiated by the seductive deception of Satan himself. Taking all of this into consideration, the answer to the first question on my list of questions concerning odd things we see in nature can be satisfactorily answered. The flesh compels us to sin, because of the curse of survival that has been placed upon all fallen flesh.

Thank the Lord He makes a provision for his children concerning their sinful nature. Christians can be considered basically both good, and evil, because their bodies of flesh – which are corrupted and evil, house the Holy Spirit, who is pure good. For this reason, Christians are constantly fighting an internal battle, and in order to win, they must choose God’s way out, and rely upon the promises of God that He will not let them be tempted beyond what they can bare.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

2.2.1 God’s provision for the curse of survival – physical changes:

After the fall, carnivores, otherwise known as predators, were given tools with which to catch their prey. As for the typical prey, these creatures were given defenses. All creatures have something they use to survive, be it claws, fangs, tusks, horns, antlers, scaly, thick, or hard skin, poisonous stinging abilities, or other special talents, such as flight, massive size and strength, speed, camouflage techniques, or whatever. Not all of these attributes were given after the fall. Flight, for example, existed in birds before the fall, because scripture states that God created birds in the beginning. But scorpions, on the other hand, were probably given their stingers after the fall – because there would be no purpose for them to sting anything prior to the fall. Lions, likewise, as well as other carnivores, were probably given sharp teeth, claws, etc., after the fall.

It can probably safely be assumed that the more harsh – attack and defense survival attributes seen in the animal kingdom today served no purpose in the creature’s original habitation. These attributes, which God may have brought about some of them over time through variation within a species (NOTE: Not one species becoming another species) – and others through the transforming event of translation – are what scientists are misinterpreting as evolution from one species into another. (Actually, both translation and variation within a species may often be the same process – the element of time being the only factor that distinguishes them. I will elaborate on this momentarily).

Changes are marked within species’ – and Darwin went one step further, and figured it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say that if these changes were given enough time – say a few million years – that all life forms could’ve come from a single cell. It’s easy to see his reasoning, but the effects of his theory have been highly detrimental. (Hitler, Mussolini, and Karl Marx were all profoundly effected by the doctrine of evolution, and incorporated it into their ideological paradigms).2

2.2.2 Changes in humanity:

Most of the changes that occurred in species after the fall are evidenced in scripture by studying the changes that occurred in humanity. Humanity became mortal, and over a period of several generations, that mortality gradually decreased. I attribute this gradual loss in glory – defined as a translation to a lower state – to the generational curse God placed upon mankind, which had immediate and gradual effects. (This is the element of time I previously alluded to.) An immediate effect of translation after the fall was mortality. Spiritual death and genetic alterations resulting in eventual physical death occurred immediately after Adam and Eve sinned. The gradual effects were old age, diseases, pain in child bearing, etc., and eventually physical death. The changes in humanities DNA that make perfect DNA replication possible were obviously altered immediately, because science now knows that old age comes as a result of the death of our cells, because every time DNA replicates, is becomes shorter, and eventually results in the death of the cell. The changes in Adam and Eve’s DNA weren’t noticed until many years later, because they lived to be about 1000 years old. These changes were also programmed to have a degrading effect over generations, as I previously mentioned. Humanities average life span isn’t even 10% what it once was.

Other changes in humanity that will come about after the future upward translation Christians look forward to may involve an alteration of humanities reproductive process. As stated in chapter four about the Sons of God, there is no marriage in heaven, and therefor no sex. (I personally believe there will be something much better). There may be a period of time in which humans retain their sexual anatomy, and it may even be functional – yet serve no reproductive purpose. Consider the fact that the angels that sinned were fully capable of sexual reproduction with humans, and that union resulted in offspring. It is true that the angels that sinned may have assumed some form capable of doing this, but I consider it also a possibility that these angelic beings were once like humans currently are, and sexually reproduced. God translated them into angels, but they blasphemed against the Holy Spirit by turning against God, and even their own glorified flesh, reverting to their lower fleshly, sinful activities.

After the fall of Adam and Eve, I consider it a strong possibility that humanity may have lost much more than a longer life span through the generations. What ever happened to the rest of the 90% of the brain capacity which is basically used for nothing? (I alluded to this in the chapter on PSI). Do we need that much spare gray matter? What about the bulk of human DNA – called junk DNA? Perhaps, at one time, humans used 100% of their brains, and had many more abilities programmed into their DNA than they currently have.

Does any of the aforementioned answer any of the questions asserted to explain the odd things we see in nature? What about question number two, concerning what is perceived as useless portions of anatomy? With all of the aforementioned, we can now have a basic scriptural understanding that explains anatomy the way a biologist might approve of.

We live in a cursed world, and now have variation within a species because of the need to survive. Since there is variation within a species, it becomes logical to assume that certain portions of anatomy become phased out, while others develop into place. During the phase out process, certain portions of anatomy may still exist for a time, yet serve no valuable purpose.

What other explanations can account for useless portions of anatomy? This question directly relates to question number three on my list, concerning why there are so many similarities between the biological systems of all life forms. Why is DNA basically composed of the same atomic structure in most all life forms? If each life form were hand crafted by God, wouldn’t He make them each uniquely different in their basic structure? This leads me to my next theory about why God created the life forms of earth the way He did.

3. Common design – efficient, and intimate:

When a computer scientist creates a program and likes the results, does he build upon the same principals, or start from scratch all over again? Does a new computer language have to be created for every new program? Does a new operating system have to be created for every new application? THANK GOD NOT !!!

Being familiar with computers, it’s easy for me to use the illustration of computer technology as a means of explaining the most effective, efficient method of creating a computing environment. Computers operate upon layers of technology. The analogy of computer technology is an excellent analogy, because in a way, computer technology to man, is what man is to God.

The first layer of computer technology is the machine layer, which consists of the hardware components of the computer. These hardware components are accessed using electronic signals consisting of negative and positive electrical charges.

The first computer based language was machine code, which is nothing but combinations of ones and zeros; ones represent the "on" state – a positive charge, and zeros represent the "off" state – a negative charge. After this, assembly language was created. The assembly language uses a program called a compiler; the compiler translates English-like statements into machine code. Using assembly language, programmers were able to effectively write programs without having to translate the meaning of all the one’s and zero’s of binary machine code.

After assembly language came other languages, all of which had compilers or translators, which also converted source files consisting of English-like statements into machine language. Each successive language following assembly language contained its own unique characteristics that the designers were desiring to have. Many programs have been written in all of these languages; it is estimated that there are over 400 computer languages in existence today.

In the early days of computers, (not too long ago actually), whenever a programmer wanted to write a program that accessed certain hardware, all of the routines for accessing this hardware were built into every program. Finally, someone decided it would be a great idea to write a program that would serve all the functions of accessing the hardware – so that the wheel wouldn’t have to be reinvented with every program. This new program was called an operating system. Sitting on top of this operating system are applications; applications are programs designed to perform certain functions, and pass off all the hardware access routines to the operating system.

Continuing the computer technology saga, newer computer languages began to incorporate elements called procedures, functions, sub routines, modules, and other technical terms, all basically meaning the same thing. Procedures and functions are constantly reused by programmers; if a programmer can help it, he/she takes a shortcut whenever possible. Almost all computer program languages today have function and procedure libraries.

Most companies employing in-house programmers have data-warehouses, which consist of portions of code that perform certain functions. Once created, programmers store this code in their company’s data-warehouse, so that if they encounter a similar problem in the future, they don’t have to re-write everything all over again. This is the next layer of complexity in programming, following those basic functions and procedures built into the computer languages themselves.

Following the implementation of operating systems was the advent of networking. Networking incorporates another layer of complexity; the network operating system was created to deal with it. Networks themselves have what is called the seven layered OSI model, in which all the complexities of networking may be broken down individually, and explained in detail.

The whole point of the computer illustration is to demonstrate the fact that God would’ve most likely followed a similar pattern during the creation of life on earth. The carbon molecule is similar to the negative and positive charges of an electronic signal in a computer. Built upon the complexity of the carbon molecule is the implementation of an amino acid, which when coupled with other amino acids in a highly complex order, forms what is known as DNA. Similarly, negative and positive electrical charges flow through the framework of computer chips, disks, and other magnetic and electronic media. When these electrical charges are activated together in complex combinations of instructions, they formulate programs, which perform certain functions. The master program upon which all programs reside is the operating system, which determines the input and output access of all the hardware upon a computer system.

DNA is the platform of life, which spawns many different life forms. A computer’s operating system is the platform of the computer, which spawns many different types of programs. Life forms, and programs alike, have many similar components in their construction. Life forms have DNA, and other systems structure similarities, (i.e., skeletal system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.) Programs also have similar structures, often utilizing the same functions and sub routines, accessing the same dynamic link libraries, written in the same programming languages, and using the same program language built-in functions, such as if/then conditional statements, while/do and for/do loops, operators, variables, and the like.

From this illustration, it should be clear that man, who is made in the image of God, has also begun his construction of life – though artificial – because it lacks the breath of life which comes only from God. This artificial silicon based life was created by man in the same manner that God created His true, sentient, carbon based life forms. This technique of creation can be summed up into two words: Common design.

Common design makes sense. The most effective, efficient method of creation is to start with a standard blueprint in which to implement designs. DNA is God’s standard blueprint for the carbon based life forms of earth. He may very well have other blueprints – but I seriously doubt that if there are other blueprints, He used them only for a single life form.

3.1 Intimacy:

There is another reason why common design makes sense; a reason that concerns the fact that God is love. This reason is intimacy. Why was Eve created from Adam’s rib instead of the clay of the earth, like Adam was? Because God wanted her and Adam to be intimately intertwined with one another in a special way.

I think this aspect of intimacy could also be applied to the reason God chose to create the life forms of earth with his hands – using a common design, and molding them from the clay of the earth. While it is only my opinion, I think it was His way of making all the life forms of the earth intimate with both each other, and the environment from which they were created. They all come from the earth, and have a common framework from which they are all built upon.

So, jumping way back to the original questions that spawned all of this; again, why do we see life forms with useless portions of anatomy? For example, why do bats have eyes? Because they might have used them at one time, and were either translated or mutated (variation within a species) over time to not use them anymore, and they haven’t physically disappeared yet. They may also have them in order to be intimately similar to so many other life forms on the earth that do have them.

Why do men have breasts with nipples, yet they don’t give milk, and serve no valuable function? To be intimately similar to Eve. (If you can think of any other reason, please let me know!)

3.2 The unknown:

Finally, while it may appear to us that there are certain biological attributes life forms have that are seemingly useless, it may be that they do in fact serve a purpose that we simply have no idea about. This purpose might be working covertly, or may even be something that isn’t activated yet, but will be in a future implementation.

Going back to the computer illustration, programmers often design portions of their programs so that the programs are flexible and allow for future growth and implementations. There are a multitude of examples of this is programming. Consider the fact that anti-virus software must be designed to accept constant updates, called signature definition files, in order to stay currently effective against the latest virus outbreaks. Viruses also, especially the type known as Trojan Horses, are specifically designed to activate upon certain dates, or when a certain combination of actions are performed on a given computer. Citing one more example, specialized database software is designed so that not only the contents of a database may be constantly added to, but the actual structure of the database may be altered as well, so that it may change over time, adjusting to a company’s needs. While humans are the creators of these programs, it is easy for us to see these flexible components integrated in the programs we create. But from the perspective of man viewing God’s creations, it isn’t always that easy for us to see exactly why God designed biological life forms the way He did.

A biological example of retro-reactive, or hidden phenomenon I’ve been discussing can be found in the blood condition known as sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell anemia was once thought of as nothing but a crippling disease, but recently it was discovered that those who have the recessive gene for it, (i.e., are heterozygous for the defective allele that causes sickle-cell anemia), are immune to a certain strain of malaria. The geographical region where this strain of malaria runs rampant is also where sickle-cell anemia is most prominent.3 I consider this coincidence to be no accident. Evolutionists think the continued existence of sickle-cell anemia is an example of natural selection; the disease continues because it actually has benefits if the recessive gene is carried. I would consider sickle-cell anemia God’s way of bringing death to some, (the curse of creation), and protection from malaria for others, (an example of His divine love, mercy, and ingenuity – that He would actually use elements of one disease to protect against another disease).

There is much that is unknown about the life forms of earth. It may very well be that men have breasts with nipples, and bats have eyes, for reasons that would defy our imaginations! If those oddities seen in nature that are difficult to answer scripturally can’t be answered with the theories of translation, the curse of survival, common design, or the next theory I’m about to espouse – genetic manipulation, I suppose they would naturally fall into the category of the unknown. Certainly God has His reasons for doing things the way He does them, and many of those reasons we may never know. But we should never shun scripture, and the account of creation as written in Genesis, simply because we can’t answer all of the questions that frequent our minds when noticing oddities in nature.

4. Genetic experimentation:

So far, I’ve given a few possible scriptural explanations that may give answers to three of the questions I previously presented. I would now like to point out one last observation I see in nature that may in fact be unnatural. This last observation will tackle the last question on my list, "Why would God create such large, ravenous creatures in the prehistoric age, that they couldn’t be sustained by the resources in the earth? Why were so many prehistoric life forms so gigantic?

Falling back to the profound scripture of Genesis chapter 6, I will now extrapolate an observation that may provide some answers concerning the monstrosities seen in the fossil record of earth’s prehistoric age.

When referring to the giants that dominated the earth in the days of Noah, I mentioned in chapter four that I found it quite likely that this race of giants may have been genetically engineered by fallen angels. The purpose of this genetic engineering was to create a dominant race of humanoid entities that would be capable of conquering the earth.

When geneticists conduct genetic experiments, they always begin with simple life forms, mapping their DNA. This is the preferred method of gene mapping for many reasons. One reason is the fact that simple life forms are simple – du! They are easier to study and comprehend – and often enable scientists to isolate individual genes more quickly. Another reason is that simple, smaller life forms live shorter life spans. When manipulating particular genes, the results of that manipulation can be observed throughout many generations much more quickly.

If the Sons of God were experimenting with genetics in order to alter their gene structure so that their offspring would be genetically superior, it makes sense that such genetic experimentation probably began with lower life forms. The logical pattern of genetic research is to begin with single celled life forms, (prokaryotic cells), extend to insects, then reptiles, and then finally mammals, (eukaryotic cells). Once the desired results are achieved with mammals, the Sons of God might have then subjected themselves to this genetic manipulation in order to mate, and produce offspring with humans. The resulting offspring would thus be designed to possess both superior angelic traits, i.e., supernatural power, as well as dominant biological traits, i.e., superior size, strength, and intelligence.

While all purely speculative, this theory explains why there were such exceptionally large life forms that frequented the prehistoric age. The fact that the offspring of the Sons of God were giants, and also many prehistoric life forms were colossal as well, can be viewed as either a coincidence, or a connected phenomenon. Evidence that this is a connected phenomenon is found in the flood of Noah. No giants survived the flood of Noah, and neither did any saber-toothed tigers, wooly mammoth’s, tyrannosaurs rex, cave bears, and the like. God saved humanity, and all the animals, but not the giants, or … perhaps other existing unnatural aberrations.

Exactly why did God destroy all flesh, anyway? Was it because of the corruption of man alone? What does Genesis 6:11 state?

Genesis 6:11

11The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Exactly what life forms did God instruct Noah to collect into the ark?

Genesis 6:19-21

19And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. 20Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. 21And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.

When analyzing the Greek translation of the word "Kind", I find it interesting to note that this word is equivalent in meaning to the word "Species". Here’s what Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon says about the word "Kind" as it is used in Genesis 6:19-21: 4

miyn { meen}

from an unused root meaning to portion out; TWOT – 1191a; n m

AV – kind 31; 31

GK – 4786 {@ymi}

1) kind, sometimes a species (usually of animals)

Groups of living organisms belong in the same created "kind" if they have descended from the same ancestral gene pool. This does not preclude new species because this represents a partitioning of the original gene pool. Information is lost or conserved not gained. A new species could arise when a population is isolated and inbreeding occurs. By this definition a new species is not a new "kind" but a further partitioning of an existing "kind".

When reading this information from Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon, I can’t help but notice the overtones of evolution. What does …if they have descended from the same ancestral gene pool… mean? Anyway, I think what these statements are really referring to is variation within a species. In any case, if we can get past these evolutionary overtones, it can at least be ascertained that the word "Kind" refers to a particular species. The gist of what I’m driving at is the fact that scripture states that God wanted Noah to provide a place in the ark for every genuine species, not aberrations. Giants, as well as all other genetic anomalies that may have been produced as a result of genetic experimentation were specifically excluded from being saved from the flood.

If genetic experimentation was performed by the Sons of God, it could’ve served multiple purposes. First of all, it would’ve aided them in producing a superior race of humanoids, which I’ve already discussed. Secondly, it would’ve also brought about profound chaos upon the world even in the animal kingdom, which, if Genesis 6:11 is read carefully, this is exactly what happened. When analyzing the prehistoric fossil record, the capacity for violence among the massive carnivorous beasts of that time was extreme!

Genesis 6:11

11The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Thirdly, this experimentation would’ve also created a diluted fossil record – initiating the deception of evolution even at this early stage in earth’s history. The other forms of man, for instance, such as the several extinct species of what evolutionists consider pre-human, (Ramapithecus, and Australopithecus), as well as the extinct members of the genus Homo, (Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, and Neanderthals of Homo Sapiens),5 might owe their brief existence on earth due to the genetic experimentation of fallen angels. The reason they no longer exist is because they were intentionally destroyed in the flood of Noah.

The theory of evolution seems to hold an advantage in the fossil record concerning humanities origin because there is proof of the existence of older, sub-human species that once existed. Christians often don’t have an explanation for these sub-human species. Furthermore, the fossils that should exist belonging to giants, as scripture states one time existed, seem to be absent. What can explain these discrepancies? As I have already explained, scripture doesn’t rule out the possibility that other species of humans may have existed before the flood of Noah. These species of humans were most likely genetic aberrations. Also, the archeology isn’t entirely devoid of evidence of giant humans. I won’t bother to recapitulate all of the data I have found regarding the existence of giants, other than to say that giant skeletons are reported to have been found, as well as giant human footprints next to dinosaur foot prints.6, 7, 8 Consult the three references I have listed here for more information.

While I have not explained a great deal of information debunking evolution, I have provided some possible scriptural explanations for some of the biological phenomenon found in nature. Again, for more in depth information regarding the many known problems with the theory of evolution, as well as a vast wealth of research supporting creationism, I personally recommend the works of Dr. D. James Kennedy, and those whom he recommends. It isn’t my intent to echo his research, but rather to offer some scriptural explanations of my own to answer some biological questions that many have perhaps found it difficult to find answers to.

5. The great deception:

Today, I find that it takes more faith to be an orthodox evolutionist than it does to believe in the existence of a Creator. But even more than this, I can see the devastation that the teaching of evolution has brought to this world. As stated earlier, Adolph Hitler was dramatically influenced by the theory of evolution. He founded his entire dogma for the domination of a master race primarily from the doctrine of evolution. In my opinion, evolution may be the single most deceiving doctrine leading Christians astray than any other doctrine in the world, in the entire history of mankind.

Instead of giving to the poor, exterminate them; they are inferior. Instead of searching for the lost sheep, allow the predators to devour them; they shouldn’t have left the fold. Those that survive will be the ones less likely to leave the fold. Instead of love and sacrifice; self-preservation. The heart of the doctrine of evolution is a doctrine of the laws of the flesh, which is everything for which Christ stood against.

But biologists aren’t always particularly interested in philosophy or ethics. Some of them simply want to make sense out of all the pieces of the puzzle of biology. Evolution seems to be the best theory science has to offer for a unifying theory to explain the study of life, according to many biologists – though according to Dr. D. James Kennedy this number is vastly decreasing.

Science has demonstrated that there is definitely variation within a species. The theory of evolution, like many other theories, as well as belief systems, has a few fragments of truth. Variation within a species is a demonstrable fact. But adding to this the notion that this variation transforms one species – such as primates – into something radically different, i.e., humans, is where the lie comes in.

The greatest deceptions begin with 99% truth, or some equivalently high percentage, and toss in a single lie. Once people swallow this package, lies are slowly exchanged for truths. Over time, the percentage shifts so that the end result is 99% lies. The science of biology contains a great deal of factual information; even evolution itself contains elements of truth. Within nature, it is true that variation within a species may result from natural selection. Survival of the fittest guides the course of variation – BUT – to say that all the life forms of earth originated from a single cell, as a result of random chance, is contrary to scripture. And even more to the point, to say that there is no God guiding anything in creation, is to exclude all sense of moral accountability.

I once heard a commentator state that D. L. Moody said Satan hates the books of Genesis, and Revelation, more than any other books in scripture. The reason for this is because his sentence is pronounced in Genesis, and executed in Revelation. It is for this reason that these two books in particular have been under more attack than any other books in scripture, both by secularists – and Christians. Genesis is often considered a legend, and the book of Revelation, a myth.

The theory of evolution is nothing more than a great deception that attempts to discredit the book of Genesis. In fact, the theory of evolution is most likely the strong delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-13

9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The reason I say this is because of its vast influence in the modern world. The deception of evolution is found in scientific dogma – which perpetuates agnosticism and atheism. It’s also heavily rooted in Humanistic psychology, the New Age movement, and Scientology, which are religious in nature. It’s true that some form of god is also embedded in these and other similar teachings – but this god is certainly not the God of scripture. (I think we know who this little "g" god is…)

These teachings that have built upon the theory of evolution simply slant the theory a little – transforming it more into the likeness of a typical religion. They do this by suggesting that evolution is fact, except that there may be some form of a god that originated life – but that god could be any number of possibilities. Aliens are one of those possibilities. Furthermore, these false teachings usually present their own methods of obtaining the status of a god – whether on the individual, or macro level – hence – evolving through human efforts. To suggest that man can evolve into something greater through his own effort is a great heresy, because if that were possible, Christ’s blood would’ve been shed in vain. Humanity can never reach God without the work of Christ, because Christ said Himself in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. There is no way to the Father except by me." This leaves no room whatsoever for any other alternative.

Relevant to the primary thesis of this book, if alien visitors ever do unveil their existence to humanity, (which I think will be very soon), I won’t be surprised at all if they build upon the deception of evolution, presenting themselves as the genetic forefathers of humanity. In this manner, the doctrine of evolution will come to fruition, fulfilling the ancient prophecy given in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13.



1 Dr. D. James Kennedy, Why I Believe, Word Books Publisher, Waco, TX., 1980, pages 50-59.

2 Ibid. (1), pages 50-59.

3 William K. Purves, Gordon H. Orians, H. Craig Heller, Life: The Science of Biology, Sinauer Associates, Inc., W. H. Freeman and Company, 1995, page 337.

4 Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

5 Ibid. (3), pages 636-639.

6 (Tape Series: 2 tape set) Chuck Missler, Return of the Nephilim, 1997.

7 Dr. Carl Baugh, Giant Humans and Dinosaurs,

8 Mike Weeks, Giant Skeletons,

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