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Book Description of – Aliens in the Bible

   When reading the Bible, readers usually find moral guidance; sometimes they perceive a sense of poetic beauty. But how often do readers fall into the pages, and swim among the ancient Hebrew characters? How many people transcend the eons of time within the ancient text of the Bible, then look up from their reading, and consider for a moment that they are mysterious beings, immersed in a mysterious creation?

    How odd this current world must have looked, we with our televisions, space-shuttles, and computers, in the visions of the prophets of old; and how odd the world of antiquity looks to us today – a world of giants, magicians, and sorcerers; a world of legendary gods coming from the heavens.

    Aliens in the Bible is a book of possibilities. No claim of supreme knowledge in biblical interpretation is made – rather, scripture is presented, and with it, the pondering mind of the author. Some pondering may be perceived as utterly preposterous, despite the fact that science and historical literature other than the Bible may also support some suggested theories. Nevertheless, this book should be a healthy read; it should touch the unseen eyes of the soul, which delight in the revelations of the invisible realm.

    Aliens in the Bible is researched information that places paranormal subjects into three categories: supernatural entities, realms of existence, and phenomenon. Within the scope of paranormal phenomenon, unlike the title of this book may suggest, a host of topics are covered. Along with the existence of aliens – ghosts, thought-forms, artificial intelligence, monsters, and mythical beings are also discussed – all with a biblical interpretation. The realms of heaven and hell are explained in depth. Other paranormal phenomenon, such as reincarnation, PSI, astral projection, stigmata, and more, are also elaborated upon.

    Some of the theories presented in this book might make the average Christian laugh. Indeed, they could be embossed on the front page of a tabloid. Some of them are as follows:

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1. The beast spoken of in the book of Revelation might actually be an artificial intelligent life form.

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2. The giants of Genesis chapter 6 were genetically engineered hybrids of humans, and fallen angels. Dinosaurs and other monstrous prehistoric beasts were the results of precursory genetic experimentation leading up to the Nephilim giants.

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3. Astral projection was practiced at the Tower of Babel. This ability aided in the exponential growth of  knowledge.  It may have also originated from, or attracted - beings from other worlds.

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4. Satan once ruled a host of planets; his home world was called Rahab.  God destroyed this world; it became what is now known as the asteroid belt.  The pyramids and face on Mars, as well as clues found on asteroids tell the story...

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5. The heaven reported by many non-Christians that have had NDEs (Near-Death-Experiences) isn’t really heaven at all. It’s actually a vacated paradise located within the midst of Hades, ruled by demonic entities.  This place, as well as others, aid in Satan's deceptions.

Click to enlarge.  This is my favorite!

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6. What people perceive as reincarnation is actually possession of the deceased.

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    This book may be accused of not being focused on the primary message of the Bible. The heart of scripture is the heart of God; that He imbed Himself inside the body of a human being by the name of Jesus, and willingly allowed Himself to be murdered. Why did He do this? Because He demands perfect justice – yet seeing that we can never pay this price, He paid it for us, if only we accept Him on His terms.

    Instead, this book’s focus is on items that may be deemed a value of secondary importance in comparison with the essentials of the Christian faith, such as the love of God, the immaculate conception of Christ, His work of salvation on the cross, moral absolutes, etc. To all Christian readers, I humbly request you humor this work, for this book should serve a valuable twofold purpose. First of all, it will witness to seekers – who often immerse themselves in spiritual phenomenon – not necessarily Christian in origin. In browsing the gambit of paranormal subject matter, the cover and title of this book should attract their initial attention. God will have to do the rest. This book also serves the purpose of prophecy. It’s a warning of an up and coming deception the likes of which the earth has never before seen. If this book is inspired by the Holy Spirit as its author is let to believe, then it will act as a dormant seed – and sprout in the fullness of time.

Book Description of – The Paranormal Christian

   There are many reasons to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Many begin their Christian walk as it is initiated to them through their families.  Others discover Jesus on a personal level without human intervention.  Jesus can be found in artistic studies, or in the scientific arena, or - to cut to the point - anywhere where truth can be expressed.  As for me, I found Jesus in the midst of the occult, of all places.  In a place where most Christians would expect to find Satan, that's where I found Jesus... (because I found Satan - which therefore led to the conclusion that Jesus is a reality, and thank God a SAVIOR!)

     Throughout my life, I have been fascinated with the unknown.  I was the kid that kept asking 'Why?', and any adult that was patient enough to continue answering my queries always ended up with God, one way or another.  I didn't like the numerous gaps that led to God, however.  I wanted to fill those gaps.  So, as I entered adulthood, my exploration into the unknown eventually veered into the study of paranormal phenomenon.  My studies ranged from 'interviews' with everyone I've ever known concerning paranormal topics, events, etc., to studies, to experiments, and finally, to experiences.  My life ended up being one big episode of the X-Files.  To make a long story short - I still ended up with 'God'.  It took demons infesting my house and tormenting me to get me to 'chill out' with the experimentation business - but Jesus got rid of them, and left me with an experiential truth I can't deny.

    I've filled a few of those early gaps in my knowledge base, yet remain with more questions than I originally began with.  But questions are fun - especially now that the ultimate question of my salvation has been answered.

   The Paranormal Christian is a compilation of my experiences, and also the experiences of others I've known.  It also contains a few stories I've collected from various media - i.e., TV, radio, books, etc, and articles I've written about various subjects I take an interest in, such as artificial intelligence, the Trinity, and others.  The Paranormal Christian is currently unpublished, and continues to grow.  I will add stories to it as time goes on.  I suppose when the Lord deems it appropriate, I'll finally publish it...

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