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My Movie Quotes

This is my movie quote page!!! Here you will find movie quotes from
all the coolest flixs!

"For as long as I can remember, I've been searching for some reason why we're here-what are we doing here, who are we? If this is a chance to find out even just a little part of that answer, I think it's worth a human life, don't you?"
Jodie Foster, Contact

"You smell that? You smell that? I love the smell of napalm in the morning! You know, one time we had a hill bombed for twelve hours, and when it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of them, not one stinking dink body. The know, that gasoline smell...the whole hill, it smelled like...victory."
Robert Duvall, Apocolypse Now

"Seeing her come out of the darkness like a ghost ship still gets me every time."
Bill Paxton, Titanic

"I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves, and the enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there the rest of my days."
Charlie Sheen, Platoon

"Is today laundry day?"
"What do you do on laundry day?"
Woody Harrilson and Dustin Hoffman, Wag the Dog

"It will put the lotion on its skin or it will get the hose again."
Buffalo Bill, Silence of the Lambs

"Charlie, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those who stand up and face the music and those who run for cover. Cover is better."
Al Pacino, Scent of a Woman

"Are you talkin' to me?"
Robert DeNiro, Taxi Driver

"Fletcher, baby, is that you?"
Whitney Houston, The Bogyguard

"We are NOT alone!"
Jodie Foster, Contact

"No mystical energy forcefield controls my destiny."
Harrison Ford, Star Wars

"I thought I would kill you..."
"You can't kill me. I died years ago."
Wilem Dafoe and Ralph Fiennes, The English Patient

Al Pacino, Scent of a Woman

"Match in the gas tank, boom boom!"
Leonardo DiCaprio, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

"I guess some birds aren't ment to be caged."
Morgan Freeman, The Shawshank Redemption

"I want to be just like you, I figure all I need is a labotomy and some tights."
Judd Nelson, The Breakfast Club

"If you look at a photograph of Bill Mitchell taken before the stroke and one right will see distinct differences."
"Are you saying this is a conspiracy?"
"Yes, I'm saying this is a conspiracy."
"Do you think you're a little paranoid?"
"No, have you compared the photographs?"
Oliver Stone and Larry King, Dave

"I don't know...all I did was pass this stupid rig a couple of times and he goes flying off the deep end. He has to be crazy."

"You created the murderer!"
Cristian Slater, Murder in the First

"You get tangled up, Tango on!"
Al Pacino, Scent of a Woman

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exsist."
Kevin Spacey, The Usual Suspects

"Why can't you love as many people as you want to in a lifetime?"
Winona Ryder, How to an American Quilt

"I just peed my pants and there's nothing I can do about it."
Dances With Wolves

"You know what you are Paul? You're a watcher. There are watchers in this world and there are doers, and the watchers sit around watching the doers do. Well tonight, you watched and I did."
"Yeah, well it was a little bit harder to watch what you did, than for you to watch what I was watching."
Jane Fonda and Robert Redford, Barefoot in the Park

"Shhh...what's the matter with you? This is a library!"
"I know it's a library lady, it's my library!
Robert DeNiro, Stanley and Iris

"He likes to give presents, but not at Christmas."
Out of Africa

"We at Lambert and Lock are a small firm, like a family."
The Firm

"20 dwarfs took turns doing handstands on the carpet."
Warren Beatty, Bugsy

"Believe me, there's genius everywhere, but untill they turn pro it's like popcorn in the pants. Some pop, some don't. And I'm the guy you don't usually see. I'm behind the scenes. I'm the sports agent."
Tom Cruise, Jerry Maguire

"I have two fears in life, one is nuclear war."
"What is the other one?"
"Huh? Oh, carnies, circus folk, smell like cabbage, small hands."
Michael Myers, Austen Powers International Man of Mystery

"Dave, I would've taken a bullet for you."
Ving Rhames, Dave

"I'm sorry that I did not build you a stronger ship, young Rose."

"You cross me up this time Rachel I swear I'll kill you myself."
Kevin Costner, The Bodyguard

"Hang on to your butts!"
Samuel L. Jackson, Jurrasic Park

"There's still life in the old lady yet!"
Tom Cruise, Interview with the Vampire

"Don't you hate that?"
"Uncomfortable silences."
Uma Thurman and John Travolta, Pulp Fiction

"For every action there is a reaction."
Gary Oldman, Murder in the First

"Claudia, you've been a very, very naughty little girl."
Tom Cruise, Interview with the Vampire

"A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."
Gloria Stewart , Titanic

"Wanna' buy a monkey?"
David Letterman, Cabin Boy

"I'm a surprise, Kevin, they don't see me comming, that's what you're missing."
Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate

"I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is."
Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump

Patrick Swaze, Ghost

"He who doubts his powers, gives powers to his doubts."
The Sphinx, Mystery Men

"It's airborn!"
Dustin Hoffman, Outbreak

"You saw Uncle Dave? I would've given anything to have been with you. Did he do the Okey Dokey Shuffle?"
Judge Reinhold, Beverly Hills Cop 3

"The Fire Brigade once got me head out of some railings."
"Did you want them to?"
"No, I used to leave it there when I wasn't using it for school. You can see a lot of the world from railings."
Ringo Star and John Lennon, Help!

"I've obviously had too much coffee, huh?"
Renee Zellweger, Jerry Maguire

"Never let go!"
Leonardo DiCaprio, Titanic

"Oh no, the creature stirs, it's the sixth time in an hour! See, I have to take care of it or I'll EXPLODE!!!!"
Christian Slater, Pump up the Volume

"I've been watching you all night from across the room."
"Well, why don't you go back there and keep watching."
Kevin Costner, The Bodyguard

"Do what it is in your natue to do, Louie!"
Tom Cruise, Interview with the Vampire

"You can't have thirty ya' four eyed pile of shit!"
"A pile of shit has a thousand eyes!"
River Phoenix and Cory Feldman, Stand By Me

"Now look what you've done with your filthy eastern ways."
"No, it is the high priest who is filthy."
"How do we know your not just as filthy, sent by him to nick the ring by being filthy, when you've lulled us with your filthy eastern ways."
John Lennon, Help!

"What filthy ways are these?"
Paul McCartney, Help!

"Holy rusted metal Batman!"
"The metal, it's holy."
Chris O' Donnel and Val Kilmer, Batman Forever

"Mama pajama!"
Ben Stiller, Mystery Men

"That's the biggest cat I've ever seen, what do you feed it?"
"Other cats."
Young Ethan Hawke, Great Expectations

"Vanity, my favorite sin!"
Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate

Mike Myers, So I Married an Axe Murderer

"Wow! That's more than a dress, that's an Audrey Hepburn movie!"
Tom Cruise, Jerry Maguire

"Let me tell you about us. I'm gonna' need a working woman; that's you. You're gonna' need a broad shoulder; that's me. I like you, Iris, just about as much as I love you. And you know what? We're gonna' do just fine together. And a man can drown in your blue eyes."
Robert DeNiro, Stanley and Iris

"I'm glad it's so easy for you to destroy a man's life, I'll keep that in mind."
Rob Marrow, Quiz Show

"I just want the people to know that they still have two out of three branches of the government working for them, and that ain't bad."
Jack Nicolson, Mars Attacks

" Get the camera and come on out front..."
"It's better..."
"It's better, allright? Just get it and come on outside..."
"Female extra-terrestrial?"
"It's better, shhh..."
"Better than a female extra-terrestrial?"
Anthony Michael Hall and John Cusack, Sixteen Candles

"Never get off the boat."
Martin Sheen, Apocalypse Now

"You are the victim here, you were driven in the arms of another man!"
Jim Carrey, Liar Liar

"Come on you miserable fat head, get that fat ass truck out a' my way!"

"Now there's a face for radio."
Quiz Show

"It just hurts."
"That's why they call them crushes, if they were easy, they'ed call 'em something else."
Sixteen Candles

"Iris, anything is possible."
Robert DeNiro, Stanley and Iris

"Charging a man with murder in this place was like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500."
Martin Sheen, Apocalypse Now

"In some parts of the universe, maybe not in Contempo Casual, but in some parts it's considered cool to know what's going on in the world."
"Thank you Josh, I sonny lessons from you on how to be cool, tell me that part about Kenny G. again..."
Paul Rudd and Alicia Silverstone, Clueless

"Let's triangulate."
"Equilateral or iscosoles?"
William H. Macy and Paul Ruben, Mystery Men

"I was gonna' tell you something, but maybe I shouldn't, it's pretty bad..."
"You may as well, nothing could shock me anymore."
"Last night at the dance my little brother paid a buck to see your underwear..."
Molly Ringwald, Sixteen Candles

"What about love?"
"Overated, biochemically no different than eating large quanities of chocolate."
Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate

"I love you. You complete me, and I just had..."
"Just shut up, just shut up. You had me at hello, you had me at hello."
Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger, Jerry Maguire

"WHY GOD???? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?
Mike Myers, Wayne's World

"You can tell this is a really cool book Mrs.Grossman, because ,Francis Ford Coppola, he made his movie, Apocolypse Now about it. It's about these dudes on a boat, going up this really grody jungle river, which is basically a bummer, because there's bunches of mosquitoes, and they don't have any Raid. The hero dudes get to this weird place where there's this big concert thing happening with playboy bunnies flying off the helicopters on ropes...and they're shooting arrows and being super uncool..."
"...and...wait a minute...Then they meet one of the coolest actors there ever was. DENIS HOPPER! And he's living with a fat, naked man and a bunch of stoned out natives..."
"That's not the book I assigned..."
Rock and Roll High School (remake)

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