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Nicole's House!!!!!!!!

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Click Here to view the map of my site!
Hello everyone!! Welcome to my little home on the web!!! My name is Nicole. I love to spread cheer and happiness and the warmth of home. The Roses are for you!! Its on your cursor, Have a Happy day!!! Click on the house above to see the map of my site!
This is a portrait of me!!!
Done by my pal: Krisanne!!! Thank you so much Krisanne!!! Please take a look at her wonderful pages, and graphics!!Krisanne's Corner!
If you have been here before, you may want to push reload or refresh, you don't want to miss anything!!
The High-Speed Car Chase Capitol of the WORLD!!!
Here is my Sunshine!!! My daughter, Amanda is 4 1/2 years old!!
I am always adding to my page, so keep coming back and see what I do!! Thanks for coming to my home!!!! Come back anytime, I love having company, you are always welcome here!! Just don't forget to wipe your feet!! (LOL!!)
By the way, please sign my guestbook!! Scroll down too, fun stuff and the rooms in my house, below!!


I Have my own graphics site now, visit my graphics site and get free graphics made by me!!

Got a brand new guestbook Page!!! Please sign so I will know you were here!
Like the Cursor? Come get one for your website and click my logo below:
Hey look I am in a camp online! wow kewl okay so check out my bunk, click below:

New images to adopt added on 9-8-99!!! CLICK BELOW! Now there are also Sunbonnet Critters!!

Added 5/28/00!! Click below to get to my new free crochet patterns!!!

The Kitchen!
The Attic!!
Hey I am trying these, since I am a stay at home mom, these are great programs to earn cash at home! Totally Cool! Please check it out!
Download ePilot
Here is another one, I get paid to listen to internet radio, while surfing the net! Kewl! I already won 4 CD's and I just started!
Click banner below to get to my mom's site!
Angel Rainbow Lives here on my web page!!! Come back often so she won't be lonely!!!

You can get a unicorn or pony there, too!

Genesis 9:16(NIV)Whenever the Rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting convenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
Daily Quote

Thought for the day changes everyday!!
These pots below will bloom flowers every 4 days!
The Site Fights Spirit Flowers The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!
Thanks Trina! Thanks Brother Michael Ingall!!
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Got a brand new guestbook Page!!! Please sign so I will know you were here!

Credits for graphics on this page can be found in my attic!! Some I had made myself

More Kewl Links!!

My Pal Trina's Page!! Home of the Angels,beautiful poems, and great links for crochet is HERE!!
Are you TATTERED? then check out this site, there are a ton of tatting fun stuff in HERE!!!
My favorite Tatting Supply place!!! Has stitch directions, and I learned how to do needle tatting at their show!! Free Patterns!
The Elegant Art Of Tatting!!! See, Tatting is NOT A LOST ART!!!
Tatting Central, Free tatting patterns
Dreams of Lace, my favorite tatting site, has a pattern surfer for free patterns, info on tatting, embroidery,bobbin Lace,ect!
Reflections of Angels!!! Click here!! ( Give the page a minute to load up pictures! )
Wonderful page here! Check out Abursette's Kitchen!

{{The End Graphic was a gift from my friend Krisanne!}}

  • Thank You Krisanne!! :-)
