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Pauline-Marie Jaricot was born in Lyons, France, on 22nd July, 1799.
She founded the Association for the Propagation of the Faith on 3rd May, 1822.
She died in Lyons on 9th January, 1862
and was declared Venerable on 25th February, 1963.
In 1922 the Association which she founded was accepted by the Pope as the official mission support society for the whole of the Catholic Church.

Prayer for the beatification of
Pauline Jaricot

Hasten, Lord, the day 
when the Church can celebrate 
the saintliness of your servant 
Pauline Jaricot, 
inspired by you to found 
the Propagation of the Faith 
and the Living Rosary, 
and promote the welfare of the poor.

May Christians everywhere 
strive to follow her selfless example, dedicating themselves to spreading 
the Good News of the Gospel, 
so that all peoples may come to know 
the boundless love revealed to the world through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.Amen.


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