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Ankara, Turkey, 1997

Ph.D.	German Language Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, Dec. 1996.

M.A.	German Language Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 1990.

B.A.	German Language and Literature, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, May 1986.


1998-Present    Adjunct Professor, Sierra College, Rocklin, California, German Language.

1997-Present    Adjunct Faculty, The Union Institute, Sacramento, California, German
		and Turkish Language and Literature. 

1992-1993	Full time Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Department of 
		German Language Education, Translation (Theory of Translation & 	
		Literary Translation).  

1991-1992  	Part time Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Department of 
		German Language Education. Same subjects.


1997-Present    National Evaluation Systems Inc. (NES):
 		Consultant: Written and oral response scorer for the California Single Subject 	
		Assessment for Teaching (German language test) of the California 	
		Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, California, 

1987-1990   	24th Notary of  Ankara, Turkey:
		Official Translator: for English, Turkish, German and Farsi.


1997		“Alimlama (Rezeption) Üzerine. Türkiye’deki Erich Maria Remarque ve
		Eserlerinin Alimlanmasi”, [About Reception (Rezeption). The Reception
		of Erich Maria Remarque and his Works in Turkey], in : Frankofoni, 
		No.9, Tugrul Inal, (publisher), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
		Yayinlari, Ankara, 1997: 341-357.

1993 		“Die Remarque-Rezeption in der Türkei. Eine Bibliographie”, [The 	
		Remarque- Reception in Turkey. A Bibliography], in: Erich Maria 	
		Remarque Jahrbuch-Year-Book No. III/ 1993, Thomas F. Schneider, a/o.
		(publishers), Erich Maria Remarque Archive, Forschungsstelle Krieg und
		Literatur der Universität Osnabrück, Germany, 1993: 107-111. 

1992	        “Franz Kafka’dan Özdemir Asaf’a Elestirel Öyküler”, [Critical Stories from
                Franz Kafka up to Özdemir Asaf],  in: Littera, Edebiyat Yazilari, Cengiz
                Ertem, (publisher), Karsi Yayinlar: No. 14, Ankara, 1992: 368-376. 

1986	        Zorla Sürüklendigimiz Savas, [The imposed War], Iran Islam Cumhuriyeti
                Kultürevi, (publisher), Iran Islam Cumhuriyeti Kultürevi Yayinlari, Ankara,
                1986. Co-translation of  the book “Jang-e Tahmili”, from Persian to Turkish
                with a Persian colleague Javad Javan on behalf of Iran Islamic Cultural


Dissertation,   Die Rezeption und die Übersetzungen der Werke Erich Maria Remarques
		in der Türkei vom 1950 bis zur Gegenwart, [The Reception and the 	
		Translations of the Novels of Erich Maria Remarque in Turkey from 1950
		to the Present], Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara, 1996.	

Master Thesis,  Erich Maria Remarque’in Eserlerinin 1950 Yilina kadar yapilan Turkce
		Cevirileri ve Türkiye’deki Remarque Imaji,  [The Reception and the 	
		Translations of the Novels of  Erich Maria Remarque in Turkey until 1950],
		Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara, 1990.

Bachelor Thesis,Botho Strauss’un ‘Gross und Klein’ adli Tiyatro Eserinde Karakterlerin
		ve Sosyal Icerigin Incelenmesi, [Analysis of  the Social Content and the
		Characters in Botho Strauss’ Play ‘Gross und Klein’], Ankara Üniversitesi,
		Ankara, 1986.

                - “Kafkas Psychische Welt und deren Wirkung in seiner Erzählungen”, ready
		for publication.		
                - “Die Kafkaische Züge in Amanns Erzählungen und seine ‘Patogonien’”,
		ready for publication.


		- Member of the Modern Language Association of America, MLA
                - Member of California Community College Foreign Language Council, CCCFLC
                - Member of California Language Teachers Association, CLTA
                - Member of Turkish American Association of California, TAAC


		- Organized and Conducted Seminars for the Turkish / Iranian Cultural 
		- Regular Participant in Turkish / German Cultural Institute Activities
		- Ranked #1 Student in Master’s Degree Program
		- Ranked #1 Student in Ph.D. Program
		- Awarded Scholarship to Heidelberg University
		- 4x100 Relay Gold Medallist in Running among Izmir High Schools
		- 100 m Speed Runner
		- Lead Dancer in Turkish National Folklore Dance Group
		- Presenter and Actress in Radio Drama for the Turkish National Public
                - Amateur artist in oil painting.


                - Turkish and Farsi native fluency,
		- German near-native fluency,
                - Fluent in English,
		- Familiar with Ottoman, Urdu and other Turkic Languages.

                - Amateur oil painting
                - Gardening
                - Surfing the Internet