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Farewell March

A moody and textured piece which turned out to be much darker than I'd anticipated. It features a soprano recorder part, some layered singing, and a tinge of eastern and Celtic melodies (or at least I've been told it does).

Urgency (Working Title -- Added August 3, 2003)

This is a draft of my latest instrumental piece. It's my first attempt at using my guitar as a MIDI controller (that's how the "strings" sounds were generated). The feeling I'm after is a level of intensity that I haven't really explored in my playing as of yet. This is hopefully a sign of things to come from me.

The piano and keyboard sloppiness can be fixed easily enough, but the handful of mistakes in the guitar part are going to be rather difficult to address, since this was almost totally improvised, and I have to figure out how to reproduce it while maintaining the same sense of urgency.

All music written and played (guitars, guitar synthesiser, voice, keyboard, recorder, drum programming) by Khoa Tran (
Copyright  © 2003).