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1. Wax Wax for glass 2. Wicks
3. Additives 4. Dye alternatives 5. Scent hints
6. Mold alternatives Water bath Suppliers and Catalogs
Ice Candles Water Candles Applique
Neat Effects Sand Candles Whipped and Cake
Embellishing candles Votives Tye Dye Candles
Tarts Chunk Candles Candle Magic Custom Colors
Layered Candles TM
Primative and Cake candles
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All about candles

The candle above was made using the shaped chunks technique.
I used a 4x4 1/2" metal mold

Chunk candles

Are made by using wax that was poured into a tin and broken into small pieces. The pieces where then placed into the mold and then wax was poured over them. With this type of candle there really is no telling what your end results might be. The wax is best poured after it has cooled down a little. That way you don't get a lot of color bleed from the chunks.
hearts1.jpgShapes for chunks I recently tried something different in my chunk candles. This is kind of tedious but well worth the effort. I spent about an hour and a half making different shaped chunks. I heated the wax and them poured it into a pam coated cookie sheet to cool. Before it cooled I pressed my cookie cutters into the still warm wax then allowed it to cool further. When it was cooled enough I took my cutters and placed it over the shapes and pulled them out of the wax. I used the leftover wax as chunks. I placed the chucks into my mold, the shapes were placed on the bottom so that when the candle was finished I could easily see what the shapes were. After they were placed in I used just the chunks to fill the center and carefully placed the shapes to the outside. This helps not to waste the shapes. I then melted non colored wax and allowed it to cool, not enough for it to form a skin. Then poured it over the chunks, this way I didn't get any color bleed. I was very pleased with the results.

Ice candles

ice candle.jpg Are made by putting ice into a mold layer by layer. First the wick is covered with wax then ice is added. You can also use a core candle. The difference is that you will have a longer burning candle if you use the core candle.rainbow.jpg Please, when you burn this type of candle it is very important to put a LARGE dish underneath it.

Layered Candles

Layered candles are very easy to make. Pour the first color and alow to cool, you can wait for it to cool completely or just wait for a skin to form. I like to wait because I pour my second color hot. It needs to be poured hot so that you don't have repour lines. Pouring this way will make the candle have a nice smooth appearance, with no definate lines.

Whipped Candles

Whipping wax is very simple, You need a finished candle and some not too hot wax. whipped.jpg What I mean by that is you need to let the wax cool slightly, enough for a "skin" to form on the top. Take a fork and start to whip the wax. Just as if you where whipping scrambled eggs. As the wax starts to harden, layer the wax onto the candle. Start from either the top or the bottom, it helpswhipped.jpg to have two people for this process. The person holding the candle might want to wear rubber gloves. The wax is hardening but it is still quite hot.
This technique can be used to make the popular cake candles. The wax is usually colored to match the core candle that is whipped onto the candle. When you put the wax onto the candle you can "squeeze" the candle to tame down the wax, it will give it a slightly smoother finish.

Water Candles

Water candles are also an option. These are very unique candles. You start by geting a bucket of water large enough to submerse a pie tin into, You can make a "jig" to hold the pie plate as you lower the candle into the water. All this is basicly is two wires attached to the tin like handles. You need a core candle, and some hot wax. Place the core candle in the tin and get ready to pour the wax. As you pour the wax into the pie tin you lower the candle into the water. this causes the wax to cool in various shapes around the candle. You can use all different colors, it really is your personal prefferance.

Free Form

Free form candles are made much the same way that the water candles are made. These "candles" don't use a core candle and they are actually just a wax outter shell. They stand as tall as the water they are dipped into, and a tea light candle or votive could be placed behind the "wall" of wax to allow the light to glow through. These can be very unique art, and again they are a matter of preference. :o)


To make easy tarts* (scented wax you burn in Potporri burners), Simply use any left over wax you have (I use container wax), Pour it into cupcake papers (foil ones work good). When they are cooled you are ready to go! You can also use the mini cupcake pans, with teflon coating spray the cups with pam and wipe away the excess. Once mine start to set (they have a nice skin on top), I put them in the freezer. Putting them in the freezer until they are pretty frozen will help them release from the pan.

Sand candles
These are pretty neat looking candles. All you needto make this "mold" is some sand in a bucket, I think damp sand would work best. Simply dig out the disired shape in the sand or press in a bowl, using a bowl will make a much more uniform candle, put you wick in and pour. The finished results will be the candle with sand on the outside of it. Cool! The wax needs to be poured hot! around 200 degrees.

Water Baths

are used to give the candle a smooth finish, and to cool the candle quicker. (Water baths are mostly used for metal candle molds). To do this bath, after pouring the wax wait about 30 seconds and tap the sides to make sure you get all the bubbles out. Then weight down the mold in the bath.

Neat Effects

mottled jpg
We have discovered that the oil in the liquid scent causes a really neat effect inside the candles. It makes the wax look like it has large flakes in it? It is really hard to describe. This only happens if you use a lot of scent, or mineral oil. This effect is called mottling. Use 3TBS mineral oil per 1# of wax.


You can add wax to the outside of candles in various shapes and colors to add a neat affect. You will need cookie cutters and a baking pan (cookie sheet), and a core candle. Avoid using a small pilar core candle it is hard to make the appliques stick to them. To start heat and color some wax, pour the wax into the baking sheet. As the wax starts to harden, but is still warm start to cut out the shapes. Don't let the wax get too hard or you won't be able to cut it. After the shapes have fully cooled, place the shapes in hot tap water. Once they are plyable take the shape and press it against the core candle. Once it has stuck to the candle place the candle into cold water, repeat for all the appliques. Once you have finished this step add a drop of paraffin wax or tacky wax to the back of the applique and press it against the candle. Repeat for the rest of the appliques.

Tye Dye Candles

Ok I think I figured a way that you could make a candle that has streaks of color in it. What I did was take the concentrated dye blocks from Yaley's and shave off very small amounts of color. Then after I poured the wax into the mold I waited just a couple of minutes, then dropped the shavings as close to the sides as I could. That is not easy, as it cools they tend to go to the middle. In my first candle I didn't put enough shavings I was afraid that they would color the entire candle. But I did get a few streaks of color! I do plan on trying this again. Something else that might work is to get a larger block of color but dip it into the candle, hold onto it with something and swirl the block in and out. Just a thought! Let me know if you try either of these techniques, I would like to know of any success or failures. :o)

Embellishing Candles
I have recently seen some different ways to embellish the outside of candles, some are very pretty others a little odd. You can paint on the outside of the candle with acrylic paints, you can use rub n' buf on the outside which comes in many colors. You can also use modge podge and put your favorite napkin or paper on the outside of it or hot glue a string of pearls on. The oddest thing I have seen is the use of hot glue. Yes you heard me right HOT GLUE! You can now buy hot glue in a variety of colors even glitter. To make this effect on your candles simply take your hot glue gun and drizzle one entire stick of a single color on the candle useing up and down motions. Once that color is done go on to the next color, until you have the desired effect. This looks like a candle covered in string confetti. You can also use hot glue to write on the surface of the candle. Just scratch what you want to write onto the candle. It is that easy. Like I said some of these things are a little odd but they might just be the effect that you are looking for.

Important Note

Use a candle thermometer! On the thermometer it gives the temperatures for the wax for different candles. This is very important if you are using a plastic mold. also as with burning any candle, never leave the candle unattended. Never leave on a flamable surface.
If you are melting wax you must know this information!!!! Please if you are melting wax, don't do anything else. Watch your wax carefully, wax doesn't boil! If it does catch fire DO NOT put water on it, this will spread the fire. DO get a fire extinguisher! Please!

There are many different kinds of molds, there are metal, seemless aluminum, plexiglass ( great for even layering), and plastic molds. But there are other things around the house that you can use for molds. You can use that paper cup that you got your soda in at the fast food place, (The above ice candles where made in a small sized cup). Toilet and paper towel rolls rolls, orange juice concentrate containers, and milk cartons. Just about anything you can think of can be used. In the paper rolls you might want to seal the roll onto another piece of cardboard or maybe a pie plate with mold sealer. ( I haven't ever done it but if the wax isn't too hot there shouldn't be a problem). With any of the others just poke a wick whole with an ice pick and secure your wick and pour! It is that easy.

Weights and Measures

Ok, I don't know what luck you have had with finding measuring conversions but I have found that other people give conversions for way too much! So I am going to start giving some smaller conversions, with the home candle maker in mind, (like me :o)..)
1oz. = 2 Tbs. or 1/8 C.
I will add more, but so far for me this is all I have needed.

Burning tips
Ok, I didn't think that anyone needed burning tips but this couldn't be a complete candle page without them. :o)
First trim your wick to 1/4 of an inch before each burn.
Burn your candle 1 hour for each inch of diameter of your candle. An example would be if you were burning a 4" candle it would need to burn for 4 hours before you blow it out.
Keep your candle out of drafts, and rotate your candle occasionaly to insure an even burn.

Did you know that if you put your candles in the freezer before burning that it will slow down the burn, and your candles will last longer?

More Candlemaking Information


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The Home Decor Guide, Part 1:

If you'd like to buy top quality workmanship when it comes to Asian furniture, you should know where the piece was constructed and exactly what raw materials were chosen. For instance, Japanese furniture is normally made from reclaimed solid wood and built in Japan, although sometimes in other parts of Asia. Look at a variety of antique console tables for instance, which might work perfectly with an antique kitchen hutch. Don't they look so much nicer together? They have lasted more than a generation and will be passed on as treasures to the next generation. When you're thinking of home interior decorating ideas, you must know ways to invest sensibly: buy quality pieces that might be around for a long time. Getting the best benefits for your money is not only a skill-set put to use when buying furniture, but one which is practical when shopping for other furnishings as well, including your bathroom interiors. If you have an appealing layout for the bathroom, your time spent in there will be substantially more fun and comfortable. However, a number of people will invariably keep to their spending plan, which is usually a sensible plan. If you need to start out small with excellent results, why don't you start out with replacing your bathroom's light fixtures? Purchase various energy-conserving light bulbs and make sure that each spot is well-lighted. This will make the bathroom look a whole lot larger and a great deal more open than it is. A second good example is applying the same strategies when buying mixer attachments for utencils.

  • The Interior Decor Manual Ring:
  • You can't beat this web site on purple beads, and things are all easy to find with its gorgeous, sparklingly minimalist concept.
  • This website related to orange beads provides some very nice suggestions and data, be sure you visit.

Glorybee'sCandle supplies (wax, molds, scents). Barker Co. Strictly wholesale
Container Candle instructions The Candle Cauldron a very very cool site, includes a message board and classifieds!
Willington Fragrance Co. Wholesale fragarance manufacturers. The Candle Shop
CandleChem Great selection of candle making products Great prices!!!!
Catalog is a must get.
Missy's Candles, great selection of products resonable prices
Samples of candles including cut candles, and whipped Sweet Cakes Fragrance oils for soap and candle making.
TSES's candle page with instructions and pictures Candles and MoreJust that, they sell candles, molds, scents, everything! Good prices.
Wax and Bubbles Newsletter, great source of information on candle making. Candlot cool candles for sale.
Yaley's The leader in Candle making supplies.
Bitter Creek Candles/Kathy's Fragrance Oils, satisfaction guaranteed!
candles and supplies


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