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Now ladies and gentelmen I am Very Proud to present The Wallflowers...

Jakob Dylan~ vocals, guitar

Micheal Ward~ lead guitar, backround vocals

Rami Jaffee~ Pianos, B3, Upright piano, Vox Continental

Greg Richling~ Bass

Mario Calire~ Drums

Well, well, well Hey there everybody and Welcome to my little Wallflowers page!! I created this because I thought I just need to show my admiration (obssession) for the guys.They are soUNDERATED They really do deserve ALOT more credit, but not too much Backstreet or Nsync exposure mind you. The Wallflowers have the BEST music around ( in a music world full of posers, the boy bands, the shallow world of pop and the one-hit wonders)It is The Wallflowers who will out live all of them! No, no they are more than a "band" they stand for the the realness, the honesty, the lyrics, the fun, the MUSIC that just gets into you and makes you wanna love it all over again and damnnit they're just the great American good-ness on the stage and in you ears, that my freinds IS The Wallflowers.
So as I said before welcome and feel free to take a look at everything I got here. Oh ya and always, always e-mail me ANYTIMEabout questions, concerns, news, comments or if ya just want a new Wallflower pal on the net. So lay it on me man! Alright now, have fun and as always...


Last PAGE UPDATED:3-2-00
Alright everybody, so going along with the recent MTV NEWS tid-bit on the new cd and the new article i got here, im guessin we can expect some Wallflower action between May and June. the article says May, MTV says "summer". who knows, WHO CARES?! they are back within 4 little measly months! Hey if i've waited this long, whats a few more months...oh my gosh i am sooooo EXCITED!! so just read the article here: Read on...
Top 10 is updated, Hey everyone: GO TOTHE WALLFLOWERS CLUBHOUSE It's a (W) club that i made for all of us to gather and chat (aka a Wallflowers-in-waiting support group)Take care everyone in Wallflower World! ~*~Lauren~*~

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EXTRA!EXTRA! Getchya Wallflowers news


What to buy? Magazines and whatnot stuff...

Meet the Wallflowers



You know your a 'Flowerhead when...

Top 10!

Wallie-Ku (as in Haiku's) from another Wallflowers page

Check out some Wallflowers concerts

Hey now, some Wallflowers Pictures

Speaking of pictures here are those Vogue pics

Create your own Wallflowers story

A new take on some of the songs

Just who IS Lauren?

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'Nother cool guestbook, this one can be for trading. As in if you have VHS tapes from t.v. some mtv videos of the (W) or interviews on cassettes, and wanna trade with others, lets try to do it here, its a good thing k? :)
View GuestBook

....and this is a Board Room, to post messages, it's replacing the infamous SCRAWLWALL. so use it alot, and POST SOMETHIN NICE WHY DONTCHYA!! (w) Read & Post Messages in the BoardRoom


psst...find out who the REAL first Wallflower was

GO to this place for AWSOME music buys..such as The Wallflowers!! you'll thanks yourself!

A little more on the serious note here people. I am asking you all to please stop by THIS PAGE and check into this subject. It is something we all need to be aware of and something we need to help change, and something we should follow as well. Thank you very much :)

E-mail me!
