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W Updates & Etc. W
Another small addition to the Fanworks page. Winamp skins made by the infamous Emi-chan of! Mite miter! ^^
Finally stuck something in the Fanworks page. Nothing too big, just a page for a clique I joined recently. Please check it out and let me know what you think/how sick minded I/we are. ^^;
I dunno about you people but as soon as I saw Access in the March issue of Ribon...I suddenly had this huge desire to actually make his profile. He's just so...WOW. WOW I tell you! Anyways, another profile up finally! Slow progress people! ^^;
O~kay! A few changes! I decided to give up on the image galleries and anime summaries for a few reasons. Mostly that you can find both at a whole bunch of other sites and I'd rather not repeat too much if I can help it. ^^; I'm replacing it with a Fanwork section for fanfics, fanart and any other little tidbits of stuff, like WinAmp skins and such. I have absolutely no talent for any of thee mentioned so if you want some place to showcase your stuff, the Space for Rent sign is up! ^^;
Ack! I forgot to add the order #'s for all the CDs! Gomen! Thanks to Tsukino Aeka Parvati for pointing it out to me. They're now up and listed after the title of the song.
Yatta ze! MP3s of the new opening and ending are now available on the music page, as well as lyrics to their short TV versions!
Oh yeah baby! I got it in before the start of the new year with time to spare! ^^v *celebrates with wome peach schnappes* Ah~! *^^* Anyhow, Tanemura-sensei's little page is up and running. It's my first tablemap like page and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Hopefully y'all like it to. The cover images for D+Shade / Til the End ~Owaranai Ai O~ have also been added to the music page. Happy Millenium-kinda-sorta-ish to everyone! ^^
Whoo~! I'm on a roll for once! I guess 4 days offa work kinda help with that doesn't it? ^^; Anyways, the music page is now up for viewing pleasure and soon listening pleasure too. The mp3s should be up within a week if my page doesn't get wiped out by y2k. ^^;
Good grief it's been a while since I've updated at all! @.@; But that's what web developing is all about nee? (Procrastination! *wavies little flags*) Anyhow, I've finally scanned most of my KKJ stuff and made a temp merchandise page just before the end of the millineum! Music page will probably come next or Tanemura-sensei's page. Happy Holidays everyone! SURVIVE Y2K! ^^
Okay, Maron's profile is up so hopefully the Chiaki and the others will follow shortly! I made a temp character directory page for now and am considering doing that for all the pages until I can make them look all spiff. ^^; Keep looking!
Holy hibiscus! o_o; PoKKJ has 100 hits already! Wa~i! Arigato minna! (Especially Emi-chan! I'm betting that people who visited her sit thought for some odd reason mine would be worth visiting. ^^;;) Anyways, if you visit again, please leave me feedback! It's encouraging if not helpful to see what people think of my page so I can make improvements on it. With that out of the way, expect character descriptions to be up soon! Mata ne! ^^
Wai~! Finally I have my first translation up! Jeanne's page already has chapter 1 - 16 so I'm starting with chapter 17. Also, my friend got me a new email address so let's all say thank you to nelle! ^^
Okay, so I finally add a links section because my page is still (and probably will be) in a state of under construction for a while BUT...translations for chapter 17 should be up VERY SOON. As well as some of the character files. Matte kudasai ne? ^^
This page is still very much under construction. Please be patient during it's making. ^^; *bowbow* Direct any comments or questions to Kaitou Jeanne

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