Hello, my name is Shyam and I am a hippie Hindu man with scraggly teeth. I am the incarnation of all that is shyam in this world. In fact I am the king shyam. If you have ever heard my adventures with Dingbat the Singing Cat and The Wizard of Oz, you know the full glory. Don't you hate it when people insist on using that annoying blinking text that's totally impossible to read?!?!?!?!? Well I guess that's all for today, kiddies. Remember, don't be afraid of the pink bears. They're nice bears. Yes. They don't want to hurt you. The better to see you with, my pretty. Eee he he he ... They're coming to take me away, ha ha. They're coming to take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Viva la coffee!!!!!!!!
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