Mojave Wind
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Edwards AFB is smack dab in the middle of the Mojave Desert. It's not uncommon to experience wind in excess of 30 MPH. This is a year long occurance that one must get used to if you are to live here. During one particularly windy day last winter I was inspired to write this poem.

"Mojave Wind"

By Mike Ziem
© 1997-All Rights Reserved

From outta' the west
Like the Devil's breath
It races across the land.
With the fury of Cane
And not to be tamed,
'Cept by God's own mighty hand.

So it shouldn't seem strange
That the *Tehachapi range
Of mountains stood not a chance.
It would pick up the sand
In the palm of it's hand
As across the desert floor it danced.

An incantation of devastation
Heralds the wicked breeze.
Taking command of the birds and land,
Sagebrush, and Joshua trees.

It can be cold as ice or hot as hell,
Whichever it endorsed.
The decision, all it's own,
Ruthlessly enforced.

Its dustdevil's prancing and
Mischievously dancing
Like phantoms prowling the Earth.
Transforming the soil
Into whirlwind coils,
Tornadoes of debris and dirt.

But a time comes when
The mighty zephyr moves on
With the haste which it came.
Without a trace it was here.
Just a mem'ry remain.

And a deceptive calm
Settles across the sand,
And the gale freely relinquishes
It's reign of command

But make no mistakes,
It'll be back again.
It's a part of this place...
The mighty Mojave Wind.

* The Tehachapi mountain range is between Edwards AFB 
and the town of Mojave. It serves as a "bottle neck" 
which greatly increases the speed of the wind. 

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