Our Dedication to Leo

Welcome to Our Dedication to Leo. This is a new club and I really hope it grows. Remember that this club is new and just starting out. I will add some stuff for the club as soon as possible.

At only 23 years of age, Leonardo DiCaprio has proven himself as one of the most talented actors of this generation. His captivating performances in a range of stunning roles have captured audiences worldwide.

Vote for Leo,Kate and CĂ©line!

Vote for your fave Leo Movie :-)

Don't forget to sign my guestbook after you're done looking around!! Tell me what you think! Give me some ideas, comments, suggestions, anything!
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My Titanic Page
Dishin' DiCaprio
From Sitcom Day to Super Star
The Portfolio
The Fun Center
Members of the Club
How to join

Leo Site of the Week!

Interactive Leonardo DiCaprio Fan Club

If you have Leo site or you know a good Leo site that should be featured,
E-mail me!!!


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Thanks for visiting and come back soon!!!

NOTE: I am not Leonardo DiCaprio and I have no way in contacting him!!! Please DON'T send me any e-mails thinking that I am him, cause I'm not him and it won't reach him!!!!!

This page was created by Chantal! This page was created on: March 3rd 1998
Do you need a banner?? E-mail Regan and She will make you one
E-mail Regan