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Crown of Erin Awards 1998 Winners

Yes I know I'm very negligently late on this, but better late than never, right? I would like to thank the 60-some-odd ppl that voted--and hope next year there will be more votes.

And so here they are.... (drum roll, please), the Crown of Erin 1998 Award Winners!

Best Odo/Kira story:
"Kiss the Rain" by GreenWoman - with 7 votes

Best Worf/Jadzia story:
"To See You Again" by Seema - with 7 votes

Top three Janeway/Chakotay stories:
"Theories" by Ghostwriter - with 15 votes
Tied for second (or is it third?):
"This Kiss" by Kadith - with 9 votes
"In the Still of the Night" by Mindy Yount - with 9 votes

Top four Paris/Torres stories:
DangerMom's "Swordplay" ran away with this one - a whopping 29 votes!
"Spring Fling" by Julie Evans, a close second - 16 votes
JoAnna's Walsvik's "Impure" took third place - 13 votes
Maryann Hopson's "Memory of You" was a very close fourth - 11 votes

Top two Kim/Seven stories:
(this one was VERY close)
"Sandcastles" by Lesa Love - 11 votes
Scott Taylor's "Dating Seven" - 10 votes

Top two Janeway/Paris stories:
(another close race)
"Challenges" by Bridget Cochran took first - 19 votes
"Softly" by Jane St. Clair - 14 votes

Best combination story (two pairings):
This one was indeed a close race, with two excellent stories against one another...
but in the end Janet Toner's "Those Who Are Left Behind" took top stakes - 23 votes

Also, Janet won the Luna Award for her story "Quid Pro Quo". The Luna Award will be given to one story each year that is unique and well-written. The category for the Luna Award will be added to next year's ballot.

And for those who are curious as to readers' choice for their favorite of my stories (I don't win anything here, I was just curious):
1st place - "Ship of Dreams" - 20 votes
2nd place - "Snowy Kessik Mornings" (Winter) - 12 votes
3rd place - "Dark Surroundings" - 9 votes

Well that's it for this year! The Shamrock and Clover Awards will resume in March. Keep an eye on the stories that you read this year--and prepare for the 1999 Crown Awards--preliminary voting will begin September 1999...may seem far away, but it'll be here before you know it! :) Thank you to everyone who voted and congrats to the winners!

