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Crown of Erin 1999 results

Happy New Year/Century/Millenium...well whatever the heck you feel like calling it! The results are in and I would like to thank the 89 ppl that voted--and hope next year there will be more votes.

And so here they are.... (drum roll, please), the Crown of Erin 1999 Award Winners (with a few comments from your humble webmistress/vote counter :)!

Best Odo/Kira story:
"A Lonely Place to Be" by Cecy Pelz - with 12 votes (Cecy isn't one of those who can put out a story day after day--she works long and hard and the end result is always amazing....this story being a perfect example)

Best Worf/Jadzia story:
"Time Destined" by Carrie - with 4 votes (very close race between two excellent authors--one vote was the decider)

Top three Janeway/Chakotay stories:
1st place - "Challenge" by Diane Running Horse Smith - 13 votes
2nd place - "Indiana Moon" by Veronica Williams - 9 votes
3rd place two-way tie - "To Fall from Grace" by Cat and Kadith and "Rude Words and Hot Coffee" by Suz

Top three Paris/Torres stories:
1st place - "In Pursuit of a Sensation" by Jennifer Lynn Rider - 10 votes
2nd place - "Counterpoint and Beyond" by PJ in NH - 8 votes
3rd place - "Human Mating Behaviour" by Dave Rogers - 6 votes

Top Janeway/Paris story:
"Rebeccah" by Veronica Williams - with 10 votes (also a very close race with one vote being the decider)

Top two Luna stories:
"In the Space of Seven Days" by Jennifer Lynn Rider - 11 votes
and tied for second place - "In His Own Words" by Seema and "Expiation" by Laura Taylor - each with 9 votes

Well that's it for the second year! Keep an eye on the stories that you read this year--and prepare for the 2000 Crown Awards--preliminary voting will begin September 2000...may seem far away, but it'll be here before you know it! :) Thank you to everyone who voted and congrats to the winners!
