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Walking through a canyon you come upon a fork in the road!Unable to decide which path to decide to try the right one thinking that you can always turn back!After taking a left in the canyon you find that it is nothing more than a dead end.Deciding to turn around you bump into a wall!Panic begins to creep upon you,you can feel the sweat forming on your back.You try to run but your legs won't respond to you, for surely this can not be just came this way and there were no walls!Looking around you notice you are traped..there is no way out. turning from wall to wall you suddenly think you have found a lever..pulling the lever the ground beneath you falls in. as you hit the ground you realize you have entered a gate or portal of some sort. looking around you see that there are now four doors that hold possible escape...suddenly you wonder.."what the hell is going on" The thought forms in your mind that some one has brought you here.your hands begin to shake at the thought of being led like cattle.which door do I take is this a test..Suddenly panic takes you what if the door's are locked?no... these type places are never locked....ever!..slowly a voice echoes through the air...choose a path. looking around at the sound of the voice you see a large purple knight..turning he looks at you..welcome ..i am the gaurdian of the way..choose your destiny....