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THE David Boreanaz (Angel) Shrine!

This page is devoted to the biggest hottie ever: DAVID BOREANAZ who plays Angel on the WB's hit series Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Last Updated: May 22, 1998


The David Situation

David will be returning for next season. Then he will leave Sunnydale and go to LA to redeem himself and to stay away from Buffy. The show right now is titled, "Angel." He will be making occasional guest appearances on Buffy the following season. Both David and Sarah confirmed this in an interview on WB11 after the finale. David also confirmed this in the AOL chat and said hat Whistler will be a pivotal character in the new series.

Television Features

David was on MTV Live last night and guess what! He's married! It turns out that he has been for over a year. I guess he's just been lying to all of the magazines... He was on the Rosie O'Donnel Show too (but I missed him). He will host Mad TV on 5/2 and he'll chat at on 5/15. For more news on these appearances, go to my 4th link below (AngelusT).

Magazine Features

I don't know near as much as I'd like to about magazines etc. that David has been featured in, so if you know of any, please let me know. Those I know of so far are: a feature in the Sept. 1997 issue of YM Magazine, a very brief description and pic in the Spring 1998 YM Magazine Special, a feature in the "Guy Watch" section of the Jan. 1998 issue of Seventeen Magazine, and also a feature as one of TV's Top 20 Sexy Stars in the Nov. 22-28 1997 issue of TV Guide.

More recently, David was on ther cover of the March YM issue along with two other guys. He was featured in that same magazine as one of the "50 hottest guys under the sun." He was also on the cover (and featured in) the April/May issue of Twist magazine. IF YOU ONLY BUY ONE MAGAZINE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, BUY THE APRIL/MAY ISSUE OF TWIST!!! David is so cute on the cover, and there are more pics of him inside! Wondering what his dog (always mentioned in his bios) looks like? There's a pic of him with her. They even have one of David from high school!!! And unlike some stars, he was a hottie in high school as well. There are two pages of an interview with him, and lots of fun facts. At the end of his article, there's even a Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz. The link to the Twist pics page will take a minute or so to load because the pics are shown in full, not simply as descriptive hyperlinks.

This isn't exactly a David Boreanaz article, but Angel and Buffy were featured for, "Most Tragic Love Story" in the TV Guide Feb 14-20 issue: The Most Romantic Couples. David Boreanaz had pictures in the April issue of 16 Magazine, but I was unfortunately unable to get it, and can't say what they look like. There's also a small picture of David in the May issue of Teen Magazine (Jennifer Love Hewitt is on the cover). I have never seen the pic in the Teen anywhere before, and let me tell you, he is EXTRA gorgeous. The only problem is that the pic is so darned small. It's only about 2" by 2", and it's a wide shot, so all of his features are really small. But he is still cute! In the pic he is wearing blue jeans and a dark blue, long sleeved, button-up shirt. I now have this pic in the below link to other magazine pictures!

Speaking of the link to other magazine pictures, David has just been in a clothing advertisement for GQ magazine. YM magazine had a party for their "50 Hottest Guys Under the Sun" issue, and took pictures! One has David with the other cover guys and two women, while the other is of him and Sarah. You can see all the pictures in this paragrph, just click on the magazine pictures link below!

September YM Magazine Pics
March YM Pic
Pictures from the April/May issue of Twist
Pictures from other magazines

Need more pics of the most gorgeous man alive? I've got them.

If you have Real Player, you can see and hear this David Boreanaz interview. If you don't have Real Player, go here for the free download.

Here are a couple of David Boreanaz Biographies.

If you want to write David, he can be reached at the following address:

David Boreanaz
c/o The WB
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522

*Just as a sidenote, I got an Irish Claddagh ring! Woo hoo!

If you have any suggestions or things you would like added to this page, mail me!

Most of the pictures used on this page come from my links. I need to put up the following disclaimer for using a couple pictures from the Official Buffy The Vampire Slayer Page.

Pictures are copyright © 1997 The WB Television Network and UltimateTV and are from the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site.

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The Official Buffy The Vampire Slayer Site
An Awesome Buffy Site With Great Pics!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Sound Gallery!
A Great page with awesome David/Angel news
Star-Crossed Lovers. A site devoted to Angel and Buffy.
My WBS Page
My friend Nikki's Ben Affleck Page
