I got my raining symbols here.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Hidee Ho Dude & Dudettes!!! Welcome to the Rockin Foxrocs's Den :) Let me introduce myself; My name is Donna, I'm 45 years old, married with no children but we have 4 Crazy cats that acted like our kids LOL. We live in the province of British Columbia which is on the southern westcoast in the country of Canada. Here are some more pictures of the biggest city close to where I live called Vancouver

Below is a list of other things about me and what I like. Enjoy your visit!!

Estimated oil leaking in the Gulf of Mexico. Shame on you BP! since 2007 BP has had 760 citations and have been criminally convicted on some spills forking out 4.6 million dollars. Do you trust an oil company with that record? Either do I! Just think if we didn't have our dependence on oil all the oil companies would be out of work, which is a good start!

WKRG.com News

Please make your voice heard. Take Action by Signing a Petition or by Sending an Email to the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at pm@pm.gc.ca Let him know how much you are against this cruel, wasteful, and unsustainable commercial slaughter of harp seal pups.

STOP the brutality of these gorgeous creatures

My heart goes out to all the pets that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. I've put this banner up to help with the rescue, food, shelter and medical for the pets that fell victim to Hurricane Katrina's wrath in August 2005.

American Red Cross | America's Second Harvest | Mercy Corps
Habitat For Humanity | The Salvation Army | International Medical Corp
Feed The Children | National Next Of Kin Registry | United Way


SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

My heartfelt sympathies, thoughts and condolences go out to ALL that were affected by this horrific tragedy. Especially to the families that lost loved ones. To the bravery of the Firefighters, NYPD, EMS, EMT, paramedics and doctors from New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. To the Mayor of New York Roudalf Guiliani for a superb job in supporting and helping all New Yorkers. To all the countries that have been affected by this travesty and lost citizens, we must bind together as "human beings" to fight any and all prejudice amoungst ourselves and banish terrorism once and for all as there is definitely strength in numbers.

**The Power to Unite is Stronger than the Power to Divide**

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Support Freedom


My Stepfather

Eddie Ando

  • Music
  • Sports
  • Awards
  • Friends Banners
  • Foxrocs WebRings
  • About Foxrocs
  • Caribbean Cruise February 11, 2001
  • World Trade Center
  • Black Day for Humanity
  • Courageous Firefighters
  • Brave EMT, NYPD & Port Authority
  • Pentagon
  • Shanksville, Pennsylvania
  • Family Memorials
  • Canadian Navy Departs for Middle East
  • ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
    Here Are Some Of My Favorite Wildlife Pics

    Wildlife Pics

    Former Canadian Prime Minister,

    Pierre Elliott Trudeau


    Get your own comment graphics @ ohmyspace.com

    Vancouver Canucks 2007 Playoffs

    Visit Art.com

    Alumni.Net - Bringing School Friends Together

    This website best viewed with Communicator 4.0 or better.

    Here is my pet dog "Newfie" he guards my website while I'm away :)

    Virginia Tech University

    April 16, 2007

Memory of Columbine High School...

    Click below to go to GreenPeace Canada Website

    Here Are Other Webpages Of Mine

    Greg Moore

    April 22, 1975 to October 31, 1999

    Please Sign My Guestbook of Condolences to Greg Moore's Family, Click on Picture

    In Memory of Jessica Russell







    Please take a moment to sign my Guestbook before you leave, thank you

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    What Time Is It?? LOL

    2010 Winter Olympics

    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    See You There!

    My Favourite Links

    The Nasa Home Page
    David Chalk's Web Site
    Vancouver FM Station 99.3 CFOX
    Vancouver FM Station 101.1 CFMI
    Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble
    The Most Complete Pink Floyd Page
    The Canadian Snowbirds-431(AD) Squadron
    AC/DC Offical Page Webring
    Brandon Lee
    Mike's Brandon Lee Collectibles Page

    Canadian Musician Magazine

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    Thanks A Bunch for coming by and checking out my home page! I hope you enjoyed all my links and other cool stuff :).

    I will be back periodically to add more to this page. Believe me...this is only the beginning! LOL

    Page created June 1, 1997 Page Revised May 14, 2010
    My Web Site and other related pages are copyright © 1997-2010 Donna Marsh Inc. Please do not take anything off these pages, thank you. All rights reserved ® Strictly for Rockin' Entertainment purposes only.
    Thanks a bunch!! τΏτ
    This page is Always being Updated so please come by often to check out my new stuff. TTFN (Ta ta For Now)!

    You Are The Rockin' Person To Visit!!!

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