This game is pretty popular with the younger
generation. They like to use that dirty language. Don't
we all....anyway here's how you play.
The first hand is used to determine everyone's
rank during the following hands. Deal out all the
cards. The person to the left of the dealer starts
off. The object of the game is to get rid of all your
cards. When starting you can lay down any card or
cards with the same face value. The person following
you must lay down a card of equal or greater value.
They must also use the same amount of cards as you
did. If you lay down two 9's then they would have to
lay down two of something equal or greater. If the
player lays down the same card as the previous player
then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also
if you can't play any of your cards than you must
skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips
or a two is played.
Play continues like this until all the cards have
been played. After the first hand is when the fun
really begins. There is a ranking system which is as
follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Asshole. Whoever goes out first becomes the new
President for the next game, the second person
becomes the Vice-President, etc... For the following
rounds, anyone who ranks higher then you can tell you
to drink whenever they want to.
Special Rules:
The Asshole must always deal and clear the cards.
Also the Asshole must give the two best cards in
their hand to the President. The President gives the
two worst cards in their hand to the Asshole. If the
President remains President for three consecutive
rounds they can create special rules, such as the
word "drink" cannot be used. If these rules
are broken then the offender must drink.