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The Fan Tan Dane Gang

The Fan Tan Gang includes Two Blue Great Danes. Inspector Von Maxwell Brown's grand daughter Blue Diamonds Skylar [I imported a male dane from Hildydanes in Australian in 2002]. He is the sire of Blue Diamond Skylar, her dam was Fantans Miss Blue Bayou who was poisoned by a jealous competitor on Dec. 4th, 2006 and had to be put down on Dec. 5th, 2004. I have been breeding Great Danes since 1995. It began with Inspector Von Maxwell Brown whose tail female line goes back into Jecamo's begining with his 5th or 6th generation. *I* researched Maxes Bloodlines at AKC online because of the two blues in my black litter in 1999, no blue lines were listed in his 5 generation AKC pedigree. Those two blues were Fantans Miss Blue Bayou and Fantans Steely Dan, they were out of two generations of Blk-Blk breeding.
When I acquired a computer in 1997, I also joined an online mailing list called the GDML. It is now December 2007, and over the past ten years I have seen breeders fall at the hands of someone else's aesthetics and their ability to sell you on their dogs and their aesthetics. I have personally also seen people's real life reputations torn apart in nearly every negative way that is possibly human, or should it really be 'inhumane' ways. Some of these negative inhumane ways of destruction include personal attacks which also include accusations of 'immoral conduct', which can't even be mentioned here on this family website.
I lost Miss Blue's half sister on Dec. 26th, 2006.
I lost Miss Blue's brother Steely Dan, on Dec. 7th, 2007. He had killed a skunk in my backyard on Oct. 8th, 2007 and his head was ripped up. As Skylar didn't have any cuts or tears, I think Danny is the one who defended her. What a day that was, I was scheduled for removal of a basal cell carcinoma whatever it is near my left eyes tear duct, so I had to wait until the day after surgery to take him to the vets for his rabies vax.
If your animal kills a wild animal, you *must* take it to the vet, even if their rabies vaccination is current.
Danny would have been 9 Years old in April 2008.
I must have been really upset when I updated this page after Danny died, I left out some things and am still leaving out some things.
Skylar whelped her first litter at the age of 4 1/2 years old. She had ten puppies, 5 males and 5 females. I am keeping two of them. I was looking for Bee, and I ended up selling the puppy to one buyer, it was like losing Missy Bee twice in my lifetime. It hurt and I cried. But I kept a female that is also like Missy, except she isn't marked the same way. The male runt is called RCA, he is solid blue and has a noogie on his head from hitting it under the coffee table. I love his other brother, Nicholas too, who is also solid blue. He is big boned like his pampa, TJ.
You can see the family album of this 5th generation of blues on the Blue Diamond website, photo album.



The Fan Tan Gang includes three Blue Great Danes.

Years ago when I began this site, I was breeding for blacks and harlequins. I found blue in my bloodlines and have made every effort to comply with the Great Dane Clubs Breeders Code of Ethics. So far, I have successfully bred only to black or blue and produced Blues. I had one mismarked puppy back in 2003 when I bred Hildydane's Imperial Prinz; {TJ} to Fantans Rhapsody in BluBelle; {Belle}that was spayed and also the runt of the litter. Her name is Grace. The rest of that litter was solid blue with a few white marks on their chests, which is acceptable to the GDCA Code of Ethics and the AKC for conformation standards for the breed.

I recommend that you purchase a book that a GDCA Member told me about years ago. It is called: The Genetics of the Dog; Malcolm B. Willis.

I also recommend that you run a search on Wright's Inbreeding Co-efficient. It is beyone Willis' book on genetics. I found Wright's listed on my pedigree generator and looked it up on the internet.

Another find is this book, if you can find it in a library it is a good book to read up on Dane History.
The New Complete Great Dane; by Noted Authorities; ISBN: 0-87605-161-1.published 1972.

This book not only explains the history of Danes back into the 1800's and further back, it has artist drawings which show the musculature systems of danes and shows the correct skeletal structure for each part of the dane. It explains Conformation using drawings which I find easier to read than looking at a photo because it illustrates in pen and ink, not in a photograph, and it explains how many points are given for conformation if you were to show your dane in an AKC class. It has a page that tells you what is considered, very serious faults, serious faults, and minor fault in the show ring. It also tells the novice what disqualifies a dane from the conformation show arena, and A minor fault is a mismarked dane blue or black, even fawn, in other words, *mismarked* is not a *disqualier* in the show ring.
Each section of the dog from the head, the neck, the front shoulders, the croup and the tail are judged and awarded points. The head is given 20 points total, The rear end [croup, Legs; paws ]is 10 points total, The Torso is 20 points total.

Another book I have and read was by Lina Basquette, Called:
Your Great Dane: Basquette, ISBN; 0-87714-000-6.
If you can find either of these hard cover books in your local library or elsewhere, they are worth reading.


FanTan PhotoPlay, Missy Bee's and Danny's mom when she was a pup. Little Girl passed to Rainbow Bridge in 2004. The script I wrote below is outdated, but I am keeping it here in memorial of her because she was a sweet dog.

Last but not least in the Dane Gang is Fan Tans Photo Play. She is a black female from Sophie and Maxs' second litter. She was approximately 16 weeks old in this photo and I called her lady. She had great mental attitude and loyalty. She had to be put down, in 2004, but her grand daughter Blue Diamonds Skylar reminds me of Little Girl.
Please drop me a line and come back again. I will be updating these pages. Lynne

Glen-Glo Danes

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