Julianne Morris/ Greta Von Amberg

Julianne's Bio

Off-screen, Morris' life is as perfect as her face. The daughter of a Southern Baptist evangelist, Julianne is proud that she's kept her virginity. In her words: "I know that when I get married and share it with my husband, [our bond] woll be like the most amazing superglue. I can't wait." (That is definitely something to be proud of. Not many people today can be.) Unfortunately, the strength that Morris has has received some cruel remarks. In fact, one guy accused her of keeping her virginity so she can control her boyfriends. She insists that this isn't the truth because she believes her chastity strengthens her romantic bonds - rather than hop into bed to solve a problem, she and her boyfriend will talk it out.
For two and a half years, Julianne was one half of a hot couple (off-screen) in daytime. She dated Eddie Cibrian (Cole, SUNSET BEACH; ex-Matt, Y&R) who vowed to abstain from sex until she were his bride. Although Morris admits she knew that Eddie was no longer a virgin, she was quite convinced he was saving himself for their wedding night. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out as planned. In the fall of 1997, the dashing Cibrian asked Julianne's parents for permission to marry their daughter. Her parents consented to it, but only two weeks later, before he even got the chance to pop THE question, they split.
Now Ms. Morris can be found on the arm of actor Greg Vaughan, whom she met through friends. This time she has far more confidence in her new beau. This time she has learned her lesson and plans to keep their relationship under wraps. Says Julianne, "I want to live my life and then let people know about it. People will know I'm married after I'm married."
Up until she was 15, the Morris family was quite wealthy. Then they lost it all. "My dad is very trusting and allowed someone to take over the company and then he lost everything - millions." When she and her brother would head off to bed, her mother went to work as a nurse. As for her dad, he constantly worked to learn to slow down and take care of himself.
Now the actress is focusing more on religion. She regularly worships at a Christian center out in Hollywood with her pals, including Austin Peck (Austin, DAYS) as well as Cassidy Rae (ex-Sarah, MODELS, INC.) However, Austin goes to the early service at 9 a.m so she seems him only when he decides to sleep in and go to the later service (at 11 a.m.), and also the Monday night Bible study.
"For the first time in my life," she says, "I've incorporated my friends, family, and church. I feel truly blessed."
And she should. She has a great job, she's talented, not to mention stunningly beautiful and happy in her current relationship. Julianne Morris is a role model and really deserves all the happiness that comes her way.

Greta's Bio

When we were first introduced to this young woman, she was known simply as Swamp Girl, a mud-caked person who lived in the swamps of Bayou Dougar, who was looked out for by Erlene and her sons Wayne and Earl. She lived in obscurity until Bo Brady encountered her when he and Hope were led to the bayou in search of Hope's past. Though chased away by Wayne and Earl, Bo later returned to the bayou and was able to befriend Swamp Girl. While in hiding from Wayne and Earl, Bo was able to convince Swamp Girl to show her face so he could know for sure that she was not Hope. Wiping the mud away revealed a terribly scarred face, not that of Hope's. Swamp Girl soon revealed that her name was Greta, and that she was the one harmed in the explosion that supposedly killed Hope. Scarred, Greta wanted to stay in the Bayou, which had become her home. She had taken Hope's place in the explosion that had supposedly killed with Ernesto. Stefano said he had taken care of her until she had ran away. Bo convinced Greta to return to Salem with him.
Greta seems to share history with John Black, who she recognizes as "Father John." She may also be connected with Hope, as she says her mother was Princess Gina -- a woman who some believe Hope to be.
For months, Greta was the only person who knew Billie's secret -- that Billie did not lose her baby because of Hope. Residents of Salem disagree as to whether she is being pursued by Stefano or is in cahoots with him.
John financed the surgery which repaired Greta's scars. Greta is struck by the physical and behavioral similarities between Hope and her mother. She is eager to help Bo and John uncover the truth about Hope's missing years -- and thus learn as much as she can about the real Princess Gina. She developed feelings for Bo in the Bayou and they carry on today. Together, they are researching the life of Princess Gina.

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