Bishop Whelan Social Studies Program
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The Social Studies Program at Bishop Whelan High School in Lachine, Quebec focuses on various aspects of critical research, reading and writing skills. We also attempt to integrate technology, co-operative learning, and presentation of projects and materials to foster a "community of students" working together to enhance their learning environment. Each Social Studies class is in the process of developing an On-Line Project that will allow students to build for the future, and give parents an opportunity to view their children's progress.

The purpose of our various projects is to allow students to use the internet to develop their projects as Subject Experts. These projects are intended to allow students to learn important research and computer skills they will require in our "technological society". The projects link students within our school, and eventually with schools around the province, country and world.

Mr Mark Melnyk,
Bishop Whelan Social Studies Teacher

Social Studies Program

Level IV-V World History
World History Resource Centre
Student projects can be viewed here. The main purpose of this page to give students and teachers access to excellent history resources on the internet. Arranged by subject, individuals, countries and current events.
Direct Line to On-Line Newspapers and Journals
Direct line to Newspapers (Montreal Gazette, Globe & Mail, Calgary Herald, etc...), Journals (The Economist, Nature, The Atlantic, etc...), On-Line News (CNN, Macleans, CBC's The National, etc...).
Level IV Canadian History
History of Quebec and Canada
The Canadian History Internet Project is currently maintained and designed by '97-98 Level IV students Shawn Rizzoli and Jon Cleary. This page offers links to information about Canadian History, pictures, videos, etc... Also contains interactive tests by Module, Chapter notes, and a Timeline of Major events.

Level III Geography
1998 Geography Resource Centre.
The new 1998-99 Level III Geography Course Work and Projects can be accessed through the 1998 Resource Centre

1997-98 Level III Geography Projects
Chornobyl Project
Land Use Management Project
Cultural Geography Project
I.S.A. Geohazard Project
Energy Project 1998 (BWEP)

Level I World Geography
Level I Geography Main Page
This is a new addition to the BW Social Studies Program starting in September 1998.

Internet Learning Centre
Bishop Whelan Internet Learning Centre
Get your own free email address and web page. The BWILC guides you through the process making it easy to become an internet expert. There is an excellent list of Web Design sites, Computer Information and clip art, animation, audio, video and other images to spice up your site. Have Fun!!!

Bishop Whelan Resources

Bishop Whelan Homepage

Melnyk's Favourite Links
Bishop Whelan Resource Page & Newspapers OnLine
Bishop Whelan Geography Links
Lasalle Catholic High School Homepage
la commission scolaire du Sault-Saint-Louis

Email M.Melnyk:

Painting "Be Not Afraid" by Chrystyna Tatomyr-Melnyk