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Evan's Favorite Beanies

I am 4 years old and love to play with my grandma's WEBTV!!

I LOVE to play with my Beanies too! My Uncle Paul gives me new ones.

Wouldn't it be fun if I had pictures of my Beanies on my web page? Grandma figured out how to do that!!! Grandma took me to see Pokemon 3 and we liked it alot.

I am 11 now. I totally forgot about this web page from the past but I found it by searching my name up on the internet.

Now I'm in to sports such as soccer, football, and baseball. I like to play video games but as you can tell I'm in to sports too. Now I'm in fifth grade and am a great sudent. Also I'm a good reader. I read Harry Potter The Half Blood Prince in 2 days. It was a 652 page book.

Today I saw Charlie and The chocolate Factory. It was a good movie. I thought it was a 3 star movie.

Here's a picture of me.
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If you're under the age of 11(recomed 10 or 11)email me. I'M NOT A STALKER!

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