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Celebration of Love Mission Statement

Merry Meet

When I first made this page, all I wanted to do was share my love for my husband with the world. Then I wanted to expand my celebration to include our son Lash. But then I realized that I'd forgotten to include someone else I truly love--myself. I realized that somewhere along the way I'd left myself out and that I'd disappeared in my celebration of love. But without self-love, no other love is possible. Then not even that was enough--I needed to celebrate my love for the world and the powers that be. Even though there is much about the world that I dislike, find repulsive, detest, I love life. With love, life has meaning. Without love, life is empty.

Because there was a time in which my life was empty and meaningless, when I struggled to find a reason to live, I decided to include poetry reflecting that part of my life. For everyone who feels alone, who is struggling to find a reason to live, please join my celebration; and remember, you're not alone in your feelings of isolation and despair. With love comes hope.

Blessed Be

Denise Peterson

Poems of Love and Hope
A Need for Love
World of Love

Celebrating Dave
Celebrating Lash

Symptoms of Depression

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