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Hou Research Lab at UMass Dartmouth

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Funded Research Grants and Awards

32. STEM faculty, NSF HBCU-UP program, Alabama State University, 2011-2012

31. The Start-up Fund, Alabama State University, 2011

30. UMD Service-learning Teaching Fellow, $3 000, 2011

29. UMD IBIS Award, Davis Educational Foundation, $2 000, 2011

28. UMD Chancellor's Innovation in Teaching Award, $2 600, 2011

27. PI, "Bioinspired Mn-oxo/Semiconductor Catalytic Systems in Solar Fuel Production" Mass CEC Catalyst Program, $40 000, 2011-2012, Selected in the finalist

26. PI, "Toward Solving Yellow Vine Syndrome in Cranberry Plants in Massachusetts," UMD Cranberry Research Program, $35 000, 2009-2011

25. PI, "GCMS Analysis of Solar Water Splitting by Novel Mn-oxo Nanocatalysts " UMD OFD Undergraduate Research Program, $1 500, 2010

24. PI, "Mechanisms of American Cranberries Against Environmental Stress," USDA Seed Grant, Pre-Application approved, 2009

23. PI, "SISGR: Bioinspired Mn-containing Water Splitting Catalysts," DOE Energy Bioscience program, Pre-Application approved, 2009

22. The UMass Dartmouth Provost Travel Fund, $1000, 2009

21. Recipient, PUI Award for Gordon Conference, GRC Special Funding Programs, 2008

20. PI, "Molecular Mechanism of the Yellow Vine Syndrome Development in Cranberry Plants," The UMass Dartmouth Chancellor's Research Fund/Public Service Endowment, $8000, 2008-2009

19. Co-PI, "Use of Molecular Genetics to Reduce Pesticide Dependence in Cranberry," US Department of Agriculture, Frank Caruso (PI), Peter Jeranyama (Co-PI), Catherine Neto (Co-PI), and Peter Hart (Co-PI). $20 210 (Hou's group), 2008

18. The UMass Dartmouth Provost Travel Fund, $1000, 2008

17. PI, "Probing PSII Photoinhibition In Vivo," The UMass Dartmouth Chancellor's Research Fund/Joseph P. Healey Endowmenet, $9836, 2007-2008

16. The UMass Dartmouth Provost Travel Fund, $1000, 2007

15. PI, User Proposal, The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, approved, 2004-2007

14. The Start-up Fund, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2006

13. Co-PI, AAA/Merck Undergraduate Research Award, $60 000, 2004-2006

12. PI, The GSRP Undergraduate Fund, Gonzaga University, $30 000, 2003-2005

11. The Start-up Fund, Gonzaga University, 2002

10. Travel Grant, Annual Meeting of American Society of Plant Biologists, 2000

9. PI, The Competitive Grant for Extraordinary Biological Projects, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1998

8. Travel Grant, 11th International Photosynthesis Congress, 1998

7. PI, President Grant, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1996

6. PI, Research Grant, National Lab of Precise Optic and Machinery, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995

5. PI, Research Grant, National Lab of Transient and Stable Species Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995

4. PI, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 1994

3. Recipient, The Guang-Hua Award of Graduate Students for Excellence, Peking University, 1991

2. Co-recipient, The First-class Scientific Research Award, Chinese Company of Tobacco, 1987

1. Co-recipient, The Third-class Scientific Research Award, Chinese Company of Tobacco, 1987

Research Proposals Under Review and In Preparation

4. Co-PI, "ASU HBCU-RISE: Strengthen Capacity in the Emerging Field of Microbial Forensics: A National Need," NSF, $1 000 000, Karyn Gunn (PI), Cajetan Akujuobi (Co-PI), Hongzhuan Wu (Co-PI), 2012-2015

3. PI, "Research Initiation Awards: Catalysis Using Mn-containing Compounds Mimicking PS II OEC in Water Oxidation," NSF HBCU-UP program, $196 160, 2012-2014

2. PI, "Identification and Characterization of GSR using FTIR Methodology," ASU Seed Grant, $2 000, 2012-2013

1. PI, "Targeted Infusion Project: Strengthen Undergraduate Forensic Chemistry Program at Alabama State University," NSF HBCU-UP program, $298 775, with Kennedy Wekesa (Co-PI) and Cajetan Akujuobi (Co-PI), 2012-2015

Professional Activities

10. Ad Hoc Reviewer, NSF Geobiology and Geochemistry Program in 2012; Ad Hoc Reviewer for Cottrell College Science Awards (Research Corporation) in 2012; Ad Hoc Reviewer for NSF/LA BoR RCS Program, 2011; Ad Hoc Reviewer for NSF/LA ESCoR: PFund Program, 2011; Panelist for USDA NRI Plant Biology Program in 2008; Ad Hoc Reviewer, USDA SBIR program in 2008; Ad Hoc Reviewer for NSF/LA ESCoR: PFund Program, 2008; Ad Hoc Reviewer, NSF Plant Biochemistry program in 2004.

9. Invited Reviewer for fifteen peer-reviewed journals: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Photosynthesis Research, Analytical Chemistry Letters, HortScience, Molecules, Metallomic, Nanoscale, Journal of Phycology, Journal of Marine Biology, Materials Science and Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Technology, African Jounal of Biotechnology, African Journal of Agricultural Research, and Journal of Nanomaterials.

8. Invited reviewer for monograph and textbook: The Photosynthetic Membranes, A. Ruban Ed, Wiley, 2011; Analytical Chemistry, Hage and Carr Ed, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2008 and 2009.

7. Organizer, 38th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Indiana, November 9-11, 2012; Organizer, Symposium on Bioanalytical Chemistry and Lab: Teaching Analytical Methodologies and Applications, 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University Park, Pennsylvania, July 29 - August 2, 2012; Session Chair, 37th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Indiana, November 11-13, 2011; Chair, 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011; Co-Chair, Symposium on Mechanisms of Water Oxidation, 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis Research: Beijing, China, August 22-27, 2010; Co-Chair, 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 16-18, 2010; Session Chair, 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 16-18, 2010; Organizer, Symposium on Novel Ideas in Bioanalytical Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Laboratories, 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana, July 27-31, 2008; Organizer, Symposium on Teaching Bioanalytical Chemistry and Biochemistry Laboratory, 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, Indiana, July 30 - August 3, 2006; Presider, Symposium on General Posters, 18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Ames, Iowa, July 18-22, 2004; Discussion Leader, Symposium of Young Chinese Scientists in the Frontiers of Biological Membranes Research, Beijing, China, 1997.

6. Interim Coordinator of Forensic Science Program, Alabama State University; Member, Student Award Committee, 37th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Indiana, November 11-13, 2011; Chair, Student Presentation Award Committee, 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 16-18, 2010; Member, Student Presentation Award Committee, Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Baltimore, Maryland, January 3-6, 2011.

5. Member, College of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Council, Alabama State University, 2011; Member, The Graduate Council, Alabama State University, 2012; Member, Research and Creativity Committee, Alabama State University, 2011; Member, Graduate Study Committee, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMass Dartmouth, 2010; Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMass Dartmouth, 2007-2011; Member, Safety Committee, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMass Dartmouth, 2007-2009; Member, University Safety Committee, Gonzaga University, 2004-2006.

4. Member, Department Chair/Forensic Coordinator search Committee, Alabama State University, 2012; Member, Forensic Science Faculty Search Committee, Alabama State University, 2011 and 2012; Member, Academic Secretary Search Committee, Alabama State University, 2011; Member, Inorganic Faculty Search Committee, UMass Dartmouth, 2010 and 2009; Member, Analytical Faculty Search Committee, UMass Dartmouth, 2007 and 2008; Academic Advisor for Chemistry Majors at UMass Dartmouth, 2007; Academic Advisor for Chemistry Majors at Gonzaga University, 2004-2006; Admission Screening Committee for Asian Graduate Students, Rockefeller University, 2000 and 2001; Member, Faculty Evaluation and Promotion Committee, Institute of Botany, CAS, 1998; Member, Young Scientist Committee, the Chinese Plant Physiology Society, 1996; Member, Academic Advisory Committee of the Photosynthesis Basic Research Lab, CAS, 1996.

3. Curriculum and Program Development, Chair, Mortuary Science/Forensic Pathology program (B.S./M.S), 2011; Member, Forensic Biology program (B.S.), 2011; Member, Computer Forensics program (B.S.), 2011; Principles of Forensic Toxicology (FRS 642), spring 2012; Forensic Chemistry (FRS 664), fall 2011; Forensic Science Survey (FRS 220), fall 2011; Survey of Forensic Analysis (CHM 140), summer 2011, Electroanalytical Chemistry (CHM 550), spring 2011; Bioanalytical Chemistry (CHM 550), spring 2010; Implementing chlorophyll fluorescence experiment in CHM 550, spring 2009; Implementing forensic analysis experiment in CHM 307, fall 2008; implementing FTIR protein analysis in CHM 307, fall 2007; Introductory Bioanalytical chemistry (CHM 240 and CHM 240L), 2005 and 2006.

2. Webmaster, Annual Symposium of Research and Creative Activity, Alabama State University, 2012; Webmaster, Forensic Science Program at ASU, 2011-2012; Webmaster, 28th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, 2011

1. Associate Editor, Academic Book Publishing Program in Physics, Versita Publisher, 2012; Member, Editorial Board, Air & Water Borne Diseases (AWBD), 2011-2012; Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), 2007-2009.

Copyright 2012 by Harvey Hou