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Hou Research Lab at UMass Dartmouth

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I. Symposium and Conference Organizers

13. Co-Organizer, 38th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Indiana, November 9-11, 2012

12. Organizer, Symposium on Bioanalytical Chemistry and Lab: Teaching Analytical Methodologies and Applications, 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University Park, Pennsylvania, July 29-August 2, 2012

11. Moderator, Annual Symposium of Research and Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

10. Member, RCA Organizing Committee, Annual Symposium of Research and Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

9. Session Chair, 37th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Indiana, November 11-13, 2011

8. Chair, 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011

7. Co-Chair, Symposium on Mechanisms of Water Oxidation, 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis Research: Beijing, China, August 22-27, 2010

6. Organizer, Symposium on Bioanalytical Chemistry: Analytical Applications in Biological Sciences, 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Denton, Texas, August 1-5, 2010

5. Co-Chair, 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 16-18, 2010

4. Session Chair, 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 16-18, 2010

3. Organizer, Symposium on Novel Ideas in Bioanalytical Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Laboratories, 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana, July 27-31, 2008

2. Organizer, Symposium on Teaching Bioanalytical Chemistry and Biochemistry Laboratory, 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, Indiana, July 30 - August 3, 2006

1. Presider, Symposium on General Posters, 18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Ames, Iowa, July 18-22, 2004

II. Invited Talks and Seminars

22. Harvey J.M. Hou. "CSI: Doing Science to Make a Difference in Law Enforcement," Montgomery Academy, Montgomery, Alabama, February 29, 2012

21. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Water Splitting with Sunlight Inspired by Photosynthesis," Department of Physical Sciences, Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama, April 25, 2011

20. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Inspiring Solar Fuel Production by Photosynthesis," Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, July 16, 2010

19. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry: Nutrition Imbalance, Water Stress, Photosynthesis, Herbicide, and Plant Pathogen," Professor Jeranyama Lab, University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station, East Wareham, MA, September 22, 2009

18. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Pigments and Proteins," Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, N. Dartmouth, MA, April 1, 2009

17. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Probing the Mechanisms of Mn-oxo and Co-based Catalysts in Solar Energy Conversion," Department of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, November 5, 2008

16. Harvey J.M. Hou. "In Vivo Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis of American Cranberry Plants Against Environmental Stress," Professor Jeranyama Lab, University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station, East Wareham, MA, October 15, 2008

15. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Probing the Mechanisms of American Cranberries Against Environmental Stress," Professor Jeranyama Lab, University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station, East Wareham, MA, May 6, 2008

14. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Molecular Mechanisms of the PSII Cofactors Against Environmental Stress," Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, N. Dartmouth, MA, September 24, 2007

13. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Pulsed Time-resolved Photoacoustic Spectroscopy: Principle and Applications," Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, N. Dartmouth, MA, March 13, 2007

12. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Molecular Mechanisms of Electron Transfer Reactions in Photosynthesis: Thermodynamic Aspect," Professor Brudvig Lab, Yale University, New Haven, CT, October 16, 2006

11. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Probing Photoinhibition In Vivo," Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, N. Dartmouth, MA, September 20, 2006

10. Harvey J.M. Hou. "HPLC and Photoacoustic Analysis of Photosystem II Photoinhibition," Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, N. Dartmouth, MA, March 10, 2006

9. Harvey J.M. Hou. "The Molecular Mechanisms of Photoinhibition: HPLC and Photoacoustic Analysis," Chemistry Department, Seattle University, Seattle, WA, January 26, 2006

8. Harvey J.M. Hou. "The Electron Transfer Reactions in Photosynthesis: Thermodynamic Aspect," Chemistry Department, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, December 16, 2005

7. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Protecting Photosynthesis," Chemistry Department, University of South Maine, Portland, ME, December 5, 2005

6. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Probing Thermodynamics of Photosynthetic Reactions," Chemistry Department, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, November 28, 2005

5. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Thermodynamics of Electron Transfer Reactions in Photosynthesis and Visual System," Chemistry Department, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, November 4, 2005

4. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Listen to photosystems and vision," Chemistry Department, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, October 13, 2003

3. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Thermodynamics of Electron Transfer Reactions in Photosystems In Vitro and In Vivo," Chemistry Department, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, March 13, 2002

2. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Chemistry of Photosynthesis Protection," Chemistry Department, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY, March 5, 2002

1. Jian-Min Hou, "Structure and Function of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers," Graduate School, Chinese University of Sciences and Technology, Beijing, China, March 10, 1997

III. Research Conference Presentations

In the 2012-2013 academic year

3. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Entropy Driven Reaction in menG Null Mutant of Synechocystis 6803," 37th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Marshall, IN, November 11-13, 2012

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Artificial PS II: Interfacing Mn-oxo Oligomer and Semiconductor for Solar Fuel Production," Gordon Conference on Photosynthesis, Davidson College, Davisdon, NC, July 8-13, 2012

1. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Identification and Characterization of GSR using FTIR Analysis," Gordon Conference on Energetic Materials, West Dover, VT, June 17-22, 2012

In the 2011-2012 academic year

9. Poster, Jephtah Kenei, Courtney Jenkins, Marsby Reed, Jordan Carter, Harvey Hou, "FTIR Analysis of Gunshot Residues and Fibers Under Diverse Conditions," Annual Symposium of Research and Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

8. Poster, Courtney Jenkins, Lindsay Sampson, Quianna Harris, Katarena Ford, Harvey Hou, "DNA Profiling Combined with Imaging Analysis and Matlab of Blood in the Presence of Household Cleaners," Annual Symposium of Research and Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

7. Poster, Stephanie Barrow, LaFaith Phillips, Jessica Brown, Jessica Able, Harvey Hou, "Structural Changes in Illicit Cocaine and Marijuana in Aqueous Solution Under Diverse Conditions by HPLC and GCMS Analysis," Annual Symposium of Research and Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

6. Oral presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, "A Robust PS II Mimic in Photo Water Splitting: Combination of Manganese-oxo Oligomer Complex and Tungsten Oxide Semiconductor," 37th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, Marshall, IN, November 11-13, 2011

5. Oral presentation, Harvey J.M. Hou, "Principle of Pulsed Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and its Potential Application in Forensic Science," Annual Meeting of Southern Association of Forensic Scientists, Charlotte, NC, September 25-29, 2011

4. Speaker, Harvey J.M. Hou, "Artificial Photosynthetic Water Oxidation: Interfacing the Synthetic Mn-based Complexes and n-Type Semiconductors," Toward Global Artificial Photosynthesis: Energy, Nanochemistry and Governance, Lord Howe Island, Australia, August 14-18, 2011 (accepted)

3. Speaker, Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mimicking PS II Using Mn-oxo Complex/Tungsten Oxide Catalytic Material," International Conference of Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability, Baku, Azerbaijan, July 24 to 30, 2011 (accepted)

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Direct Water Oxidation into Oxygen Using Bioinspired Mn/Semiconductor Catalyst," 4th International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences: Challenges in Renewable Energy, MIT, Boston, MA, July 5-8, 2011

1. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Listening to PS I: Thermodynamics of Electron Transfer in menG Mutant of Synechocystis 6803," Gordon Conference on Photosynthesis, Davidson College, Davisdon, NC, June 12-17, 2011

In the 2010-2011 academic year

14. Poster. Lien-Yang Chou and Harvey J.M. Hou, "HPLC and LCMS analysis of Yellow Vine Syndrome Formation in the American Cranberry," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

13. Poster. Xuejing Hou and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Deconvolution Analysis of Photoacoustic Waves in the Photoactivation of the E181Q Mutant Rhodopsin," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

12. Poster. Wanshu He and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mechanistic Analysis of Direct Water Spitting Using Bioinspired Mn/Tungsten Catalytic System," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

11. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Enthalpy, Entropy, and Volume Changes of Photoreaction in menG PS I of Synechocystis 6803," Molecular Bioenergetics of Cyanobacteria: From Cell to Community, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, April 10-15, 2011 (accepted)

10. Poster. Lien-Yang Chou, Wanshu He, Xuejing Hou, Joy Patel, Aaron Raposo, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mechanism and Regulation of Yellow Vine Syndrome Formation in the American Cranberry," 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011

9. Oral Presentation. Wanshu He, Lien-Yang Chou, Ndi Geh, Robert Mulkein, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Direct Water Splitting to Oxygen Using Bioinspired Mn/Tungsten Oxide Water-Splitting Catalyst and Its Relevance to PS II Water Oxidation," 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011

8. Oral Presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, Xuejing Hou, Gaozhong Shen, Lien-Yang Chou, John Golbeck, and David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamics of PS I Electron Transfer in the menG Mutant of Synechocystis 6803: Enthalpy, Entropy, and Volume Changes," 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011

7. Poster. Xuejing Hou, Kelvin Redding, John Golbeck, David Mauzerall, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Targeting the Photoacoustic Measurements of Heliobacterial Photosynthesis," 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011

6. Oral presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberries in Massachusetts: Mechanism and Regulation," Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Baltimore, Maryland, January 3-6, 2011

5. Poster. Lien-Yang Chou and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mechanistic Analysis of Yellow Vine Syndrome of American Cranberries" 15th International Congress of Photosntheis Research: Beijing, China, August 22nd-27th, 2010

4. Poster. Wanshu He and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Bioinspired Mn-oxo Oligomer/WO3 Catalyst in Water Oxidation," 15th International Congress of Photosntheis Research: Beijing, China, August 22nd-27th, 2010

3. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou and David Mauzerall, "Photosynthetic Electron Transfer in Chlorophyll a-containing PS I of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Chlorophyll d-binding PS I of Acaryochloris marina: Thermodynamic Aspect Revealed by Pulsed Photoacoustics," 15th International Congress of Photosntheis Research: Beijing, China, August 22nd-27th, 2010

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mechanistic analysis of pheophytin, carotene, Mn4Ca cluster, and xanthophyll in photosynthetic bacteria, spinach, and cranberry leaves under high light," Satellite Meeting of the 15th International Congress of Photosntheis Research: Antenna and Reaction Centers, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, August 19th-22nd, 2010

1. Poster. Zi Wei, Lien-Yang Chou, Clyde Cady, Gary Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "High-Valent Manganese Species is Responsible for UV-induced Photodamage in Photosystem II," 35th Annual Meeting of American Society for Photobiology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Islands, June 12th-16th, 2010

In the 2009-2010 academic year

13. Poster. Xuejing Hou, Joy Patel, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Cranberry Plant Biology and Yellow Vine Syndrome II: An HPLC Analysis," 16th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21st-22nd, 2010

12. Poster. Wanshu He and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Cranberry Plant Biology and Yellow Vine Syndrome I: An In Vivo Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis," 16th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21st-22nd, 2010

11. Poster. Lien-Yang Chou and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Solar Energy Catalysis and Nanotechnology I: Fabrication of the Mn-oxo Complex/WO3 Catalyst and Its pH Dependence on Photocurrent," 16th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21st-22nd, 2010

10. Oral presentation. Lien-Yang Chou, Wanshu He, Clyde Cady, Fan Zhang, Gary Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Stability and Characterization of Bioinspired Mn(III/IV)-oxo Compounds and Mn-oxo Complex/Semiconductor Nanocatalysts in Solar Energy Storage," 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts,16th-18th April, 2010

9. Oral presentation. Lien-Yang Chou, Wanshu He, Xuejing Hou, Zi Wei, Fan Zhang, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Probing Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry in Massachusetts by HPLC and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis," 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts,16th-18th April, 2010

8. Poster. Xuejing Hou, Gaozhong Shen, Lien-Yang Chou, Wanshu He, John H. Golbeck, David Mauzerall, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Deconvolution Analysis of PS I Photoacoustic Waves in the menG Null Mutant of Cynobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803," 27th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts,16th-18th April, 2010

7. Poster. Wanshu He and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Bioinspired Mn-oxo Complex/WO3 Nanocatalysts in Water Oxidation," UMass Dartmouth Graduate Poster Session, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 16th, 2010

6. Poster. Lien-Yang Chou and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Probing Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry in Massachusetts," UMass Dartmouth Graduate Poster Session, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 16th, 2010

5. Poster. Xuejing Hou and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Photoacoustic Analysis of Photosynthetic Electron Transfer Reaction," UMass Dartmouth Graduate Poster Session, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 16th, 2010

4. Poster. Lien-Yang Chou, Ndi Geh, Sean Cederlund, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry in Massachusetts: HPLC Analysis of Xanthophyll Cycle," Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Boston, Massachusetts, January 4th-7th, 2010

3. Oral presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry in Relation to the Nutrition Imbalance, Water Stress, and Photosynthesis," Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Boston, Massachusetts, January 4th-7th, 2010

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Chlorophylls and the Yellow Vine Syndrome in Cranberry Plants," 9th International Conference on Tetrapyrrole Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms, Monterey, CA July 26-31, 2009

1. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Structual and Mechanistic Studies of Mn-oxo and Co-based Water Splitting Catalysts," Gordon Conference on Photosynthesis, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, June 28 - July 3, 2009

In the 2008-2009 academic year

13. Poster. Zi Wei, Fan Zhang, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Toward Solving the Yellow Vine Syndrome in Cranberry Plants: Spectrometric, HPLC, and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis," 15th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 28-29, 2009

12. Poster. Fan Zhang, Zi Wei, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "UV and Thermal Effects on Mn(III/IV)-oxo Compounds and Photosystem II Membranes in Water-splitting Catalysis," 15th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 28-29, 2009

11. Oral presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Structual and Mechanistic Studies of Mn-oxo Catalysts in PS II Oxygen Evolution: UV and Thermal Effects," 26th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 17-19, 2009

10. Oral presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, Gaozhong Shen, Fan Zhang, John H. Golbeck, and David Mauzerall, "Photoacoustic Studies of the menA, menB, and menG Null Mutants of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 ," 26th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 17-19, 2009

9. Poster. Zi Wei, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "UV Effect on a Mn-oxo Dimer Water Splitting Compound and PS II Membranes," 26th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 17-19, 2009

8. Poster. Fan Zhang, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Formation and Characterization of a Mn-oxo Oligomer Compound in Oxygen Evolution Catalysis," 26th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 17-19, 2009

7. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, Elsa C.Y. Yan, Thomas P. Sakmar, and David Mauzerall, "Volume Changes of Photoreactions of Rhodopsin in E181Q Mutant Determined by Pulsed Photoacoustics," 53rd Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, February 28, 2009 - March 4, 2009

6. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Probing the Mechanisms of Mn-oxo and Co-based Catalysts in Water Splitting Chemistry," Gordon Conference on Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels, Ventura, CA, February 1 - 6, 2009

5. Oral presentation. Zi Wei, Fan Zhang, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mechanisms of the Formation of Yellow Vine Syndrome in American Cranberry Plants: Spectrometric, HPLC, and LCMS Analysis," Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Newark, Delaware, January 8-10, 2009

4. Poster. Fan Zhang, Zi Wei, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Mechanisms of the Formation of Yellow Vine Syndrome in American Cranberry Plants: In Vivo Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis," Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Newark, Delaware, January 8-10, 2009

3. Poster. J. Sicuranza, P. Jeranyama, H. Hou, and C. DeMoranville, "Shade effects on chlorophyll content and nutrient content of cranberry vines exhibiting yellow vine symptoms," Annual Meeting of Northeast Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Newark, Delaware, January 8-10, 2009

2. Oral presentation. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Structural and Mechanistic Studies of Mn-oxo Compounds in Oxygen Evolution Catalysis," International Conference on Photosynthesis in the Global Perspectives, Indore, India, November 27-29, 2008 (accepted)

1. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "UV and Temperature Effects on a Functional Model for PS II Water Splitting Chemistry," Gordon Conference on Photosynthesis, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, June 22-27, 2008

In the 2007-2008 academic year

11. Poster. Zi Wei and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Probing the Mechanisms of the Formation of Yellow Vine Syndrome in American Cranberry Plants," 14th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 29-30, 2008

10. Poster. Fan Zhang and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Novel Highly Active Mn-containing Water-splitting Catalysts," 14th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 29-30, 2008

9. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, Gaozhong Shen, John H. Golbeck, and David Mauzerall, "Photoacoustic Studies of the Photosynthetic Electron Transfer Mutants of Synechocystis 6803," 25th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 18-20, 2008

8. Oral presentation. Zi Wei, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "UV Effect on a Functional Model for PS II Water Splitting Chemistry," 25th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 18-20, 2008

7. Oral presentation. Fan Zhang, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Observation of a Novel Highly Active Mn-containing Water Splitting Catalyst," 25th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 18-20, 2008

6. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Unidirectional Photodamage of Pheophytins in photosynthesis," Molecular Bioenergetics of Cyanobacteria: Towards Systems Biology Level of Understanding, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, March 29 - April 3, 2008 (accepted)

5. Poster. Zi Wei, Peter Jeranyama, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Spectrometric and HPLC Analysis of PS II Cofactors in Yellow Vine Syndrome Cranberry Plants," 6th UMD Cranberry Research Symposium, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, February 26, 2008

4. Poster. Fan Zhang, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Temperature Effect on a Functional Model for PS II Water Splitting Chemistry," 6th UMD Cranberry Research Symposium, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, February 26, 2008

3. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Photodamage of Pheophytins and Chlorophylls in Photosynthesis," 234th American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, August 23-27, 2007

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "LCMS Analysis of Photodamage of the Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Rb. sphaeroides," 14th International Congress of Photosynthesis Research, Glasgow, UK, 22nd - 27th July 2007

1. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, Gaozhong Shen, John H. Golbeck, and David Mauzerall, "Photoacoustic Analysis of PS I in the Electron Transfer Mutants," Solar Energy and Artificial Photosynthesis, Satellite Meeting of 14th International Congress of Photosynthesis Research, the Royal Society, London, UK, 17th-19th July 2007

In the 2006-2007 academic year

3. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou and David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamic Study of Water Splitting Chemistry in Photosystem II," 24th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 20-22, 2007

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "LCMS and Photoacoustic Analysis of the Type-II Reaction Centers Photoinhibition," 58th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago, Illinois, February 25-March 2, 2007

1. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Photodamage of One Pheophytin Molecule in Both Photosystem II and Purple Bacterial Reaction Center ," Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis, Smithfield, Rhode Island, July 2-3, 2006

In the years of 1999-2005

16. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Photodamage and Recovery of the Photosynthetic Reaction Center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides," Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis, Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island, July 3-8, 2005

15. Talk. Jian-Min Hou and David Mauzerall, "The P700*A1 to P700+A1- step in PSI is entropy driven," 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Montreal, Canada, August 29-September 3, 2004

14. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, Thomas P. Sakmar, and David Mauzerall, "Quantitative molecular volume changes of photoreactions in photosynthesis and visual system revealed by pulsed photoacoustic spectroscopy," 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Montreal, Canada, August 29-September 3, 2004

13. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, Huadong Tang, Parag R. Chitnis, and David Mauzerall. "Photoacoustic measurements on the nanosecond time scale revealed an unexpected large enthalpy change of charge separation in photosystem I," Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis, Bristol, Rhode Island, June 22-27, 2003

12. Talk. Harvey J.M. Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, and David Mauzerall. "Photoacoustic measurements revealed different thermodynamic properties of electron transfer reactions in photosynthesis," 12th Western Photosynthesis Conference, Pacific Grove, California, January 2-5, 2003

11. Talk. Harvey J.M. Hou, Manija A. Kazmi, Elsa C.Y. Yan, Thomas P Sakmar and David Mauzerall. "A preliminary photoacoustic measurement on bovine rhodopsin." 57th Northwest Regional ACS Meeting, Spokane, Washington, June 20-21, 2002

10. Oral presentation. Jian-Min Hou, Bruce A. Diner, Parag R. Chitnis and David Mauzerall. "Photoacoustic measurements on photosystem I- and II-deficient mutants of Synechocystis 6803," 19th Eastern Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 12-14, 2002

9. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou, Manija A. Kazmi, Elsa C.Y. Yan, Thomas P. Sakmar and David Mauzerall. "Thermodynamics of photoreaction in bovine rhodopsin: a preliminary photoacoustic measurement." 10th International Conference on Retinal Proteins, Seattle, Washington, August 20-24, 2002

8. Talk. David Mauzerall, Gregory Edens, Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, "Thermodynamics of photosynthesis: learning by listening," 5th International Conference on Tetrapyrrole Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, July 25-30, 2001

7. Poster. Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, Parag R. Chitnis, Bruce A. Diner, David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamic Studies of Electron Transfer in Oxygenic Photosynthetic Reaction Centers In Vitro and In Vivo," 5th International Conference on Tetrapyrrole Photoreceptors in Photosynthetic Organisms, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, July 25-30, 2001

6. Poster. Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, Bruce A. Diner, David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamic Studies of Electron Transfer in Photosystem II In Vitro and In Vivo," Annual Meeting of American Society of Plant Physiologists, Providence, Rhode Island, July 21 - July 25, 2001

5. Oral presentation. Jian-Min Hou, Gaozhong Shen, Vladimir A. Boichenko, John H. Golbeck and David Mauzerall "Recruitment of plastoquinone-9 into the A1 site: thermodynamic study at this site by photoacoustics," 18th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 13-15, 2001

4. Talk. Jian-Min Hou and David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamic study of photosystem I in vitro and in vivo," Annual Meeting of American Society of Plant Physiologists, San Diego, California, 2000

3. Oral presentation. Jian-Min Hou and David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamic study of PS I and PS II complexes revealed by photoacoustics," 17th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 14-16, 2000

2. Poster. Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, and David Mauzerall, "Thermodynamic Study of Oxygenic Photosynthesis by Pulsed Time-resolved Photoacoustics," Gordon Conference on Photosynthesis, 1999

1. Oral presentation. Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, and David Mauzerall, "Preliminary photoacoustic Study of PSI and PSII complexes, 16th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 16-18, 1999

IV. Undergraduate Conference Presentations

In the 2011-2012 academic year

2. Poster, Jessica Able, Harvey J.M. Hou, "HPLC Analysis of Illicit Drug "Bath Salt" Under Diverse Experimental Conditions," Annual Symposium of Research & Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

1. Poster, Rebekah Jones, Harvey J.M. Hou, "Effects of Heat and Light on the Evidential Integrity of Methamphetamines by GCMS Analysis," Annual Joint Symposium of Research & Creative Activity, Alabama State University, March 12-15, 2012

In the years of 2003-2011

15. Oral Presentation. Joy Patel and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Understanding the Mechanisms of Yellow Vine Syndrome Formation in the American Cranberry: An HPLC Analysis," 17th Annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference, UMass Amherst, April 22, 2011

14. Poster. Aaron Raposo and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Effects of UV and Visible Irradiations on the Chlorophyll d-containing Cyanobacterium Acaryiochloris marina: A Preliminary Study," 28th Annual Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, April 1-3, 2011

13. Poster. Joy Patel and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Environmental Effects on the photosynthetic Activity of Yellow Vine Leaves of the American Cranberry," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

12. Poster. Aaron Raposo and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Response of Chlorophyll d-containing Cyanobacterium Acaryiochloris marina to Excess Light," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

11. Poster. Robert Mulkern and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Electrochemistry of Manganese-containing Compounds and Its Relevance to Photosynthetic Water Oxidation," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

10. Poster. Ndi Geh and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Photo Water Splitting using a Mn/Tungsten Oxide Catalytic System: A Chemical Analysis," 17th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21-22, 2011

9. Poster. Ndi Geh, Sean Cederlund, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Solar Energy Catalysis and Nanotechnology II: GC and GCMS Analysis of Oxygen Generation by the Mn-oxo Complex/WO3 Catalyst," 16th Annual UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, N. Dartmouth, Massachusetts, April 21st-22nd, 2010

8. Poster. Max Malotky, Lee Trujillo, Harvey J.M. Hou, "FTIR Structural Analysis of the N-terminal Domain of Glucagon Receptor," 14th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID, November 11-12, 2005

7. Poster. Lee Trujillo, Max Malotky, William Ettinger, Harvey J.M. Hou, "Photoinhibition of PS II: Spectroscopic Analysis," 14th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID, November 11-12, 2005

6. Poster. Erin Harker, Dan Robinson, William Ettinger and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Empirical Results of the Photoinhibition of Photosystem II Complexes," 14th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID, November 11-12, 2005

5. Talk. John Steven, Traci Lien, Evan Young, Emily Dempsey, Willam Ettinger, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "How Do Plants Protect Themselves in Intense Light?" 13th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, November 18-20, 2004

4. Poster. Emily Dempsey, Traci Lien, Evan Young, John Steven, Willam Ettinger, and Harvey J.M. Hou, "Photoinhibition of PS II: Function and Polypeptide Analysis," 13th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, November 18-20, 2004

3. Poster. Traci Lien, John Steven, Evan Young, Emily Dempsey, Harvey J.M. Hou, and Willam Ettinger, "Photoinhibition of PS II: Pigment Analysis," 13th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, November 18-20, 2004

2. Poster. Evan Clemens and Harvey J.M. Hou. "The quantitative conformational changes of photoreaction in E181Q rhodopsin," 12th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, November 7-8, 2003

1. Poster. Colleen Brophy and Harvey J.M. Hou. "Expression of the N-terminal region of glucagon receptor," 12th Annual Murdock Conference on Undergraduate Research, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, November 7-8, 2003

V. Teaching Conference Presentations

6. Talk, Harvey J.M. Hou, "Teaching Bioanalytical Chemistry and Forensic Science Using Inquiry-Based Strategy," 22nd Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University Park, Pennsylvania, July 29-August 2, 2012

5. Talk, "Implementing Chlorophyll Fluorescence Analysis into Advance Topics in Chemistry," 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Denton, Texas, August 1-5, 2010 (accepted but not presented)

4. Talk. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Using FTIR to Determine Protein Secondary Structural Changes in Analytical Chemistry Course," 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana, July 27-31, 2008

3. Talk. Harvey J.M. Hou, "Teaching Introductory Bioanalytical Chemistry," 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, West Lafayette, IN, July 30 - August 3, 2006

2. Poster. Harvey J.M. Hou. "Teaching Introduction to Bioanalytical Chemistry for Biology Majors," Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice, Connecticut College, New London, CT, June 26 - July 1, 2005

1. Talk. Harvey J.M. Hou and Jeff Cronk, "Designing a New Fourth Semester Chemistry Course for Biology Majors," 18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Ames, IA, July 18-22, 2004

VI. Professional Workshops and Trainings

9. Accreditation of Forensic Science Academic Program Through AAFS, 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of AAFS, Atlanta, GA, February 20-25, 2012

8. Chemical and Physical Material Analysis, Trace Evidence Symposium, Kansas City, MO, August 8-11, 2011

7. Trace Evidence Awareness for Non and New Trace Analysts, Trace Evidence Symposium, Kansas City, MO, August 8-11, 2011

6. NSF-sponsored cCWCS Workshop on Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Southwestern College, July 10-15, 2011 (accepted)

5. NSF-sponsored CWCS Workshop on Forensic Science, Williams College, June 20-25, 2010

4. Forensic Science, 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana, July 27-31, 2008

3. Green Chemistry, 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana, July 27-31, 2008

2. Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, February 20-22, 2008

1. The National Science Foundation Workshop, UMass Dartmouth, Fall River, Massachusetts, November 15, 2007

VII. Courses Taught

A. Forensic Science

10. Instrumentation in Forensic Chemistry (FRS 696)
9. Principles of Forensic Toxicology (FRS 642)
8. Forensic Chemistry (FRS 664)
7. Thesis Research (FRS 565)
6. Forensic Graduate Seminar (FRS 550)
5. Internship in Forensic Chemistry (FRS 460, CHM 460)
4. Principles of Forensic Toxicology (FRS 442, CHM 442)
3. Forensic Chemistry (FRS 320, CHM 320)
2. Forensic Science Survey (FRS 220, CHM 220)
1. Servey of Forensic Analysis (FRS 140, CHM 140)

B. Chemistry

19. Master Thesis Research (CHM 600)
18. Graduate Independent Study (CHM 595)
17. Electroanalytical Chemistry (CHM 550)
16. Bioanalytical Chemistry (CHM 550)
15. Senior Thesis (CHM 498A & 498B)
14. Independent Study (CHM 495)
13. Introduction to Research I, II (CHM 491 & 492)
12. Senior Literature Review (CHM 488)
11. Chemistry Seminar (CHM 486)
10. Instrumental Analysis Lab (CHM 400L)
9. Quantitative Analysis (CHM 310 & 310L)
8. Procedures of Chemical Analysis (CHM 307)
7. Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis (CHM 305)
6. Bioanalytical Chemistry (CHM 240 & 240L)
5. Introduction to Analytical Chemistry (CHM 204 & 204L)
4. Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory I (CHM 163)
3. Introduction to Applied Chemistry I (CHM 161)
2. Principle of Modern Chemistry I (CHM 151)
1. General Chemistry (CHM 101 & 101L)

Copyright 2012 by Harvey Hou